Some common sense of Leviticus for Believers on the Word


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I came across this article this morning so I thought I would share portions of it here.
Links to wiki websites added so you can search these things out for your selves;

"Obesity, type 2 diabetes and the health problems associated with eating gluten and wheat might actually be caused by consuming genetically modified Baker’s yeast "scientific name saccharomyces cerevisiae (common name sugar fungus), which was developed to produce human insulin and which has escaped from production facilities around the world. For decades, human insulin for diabetic medication has been produced in genetically modified Baker’s yeast by Novo Nordisk, a GMO pharmaceutical company which is a sister company to Novozymes, a producer of genetically engineered food enzymes."

biological leaks; these must be view the cached page as this one and the others in this article and others has been removed

Could Genetically Modified Baker's Yeast Be Causing Obesity, Diabetes, and Gluten Intolerance?
Sad to say I know way to many woman with this resyrictive issue lately, thanks for the info.
They are working on removing gluten from wheat flour to make gluten free flour, but if it's the yeast like some have known issues with then no matter what flour they use is still not gonna work for them as far as breads.
I came across this article this morning so I thought I would share portions of it here.
Links to wiki websites added so you can search these things out for your selves;

"Obesity, type 2 diabetes and the health problems associated with eating gluten and wheat might actually be caused by consuming genetically modified Baker’s yeast "scientific name saccharomyces cerevisiae (common name sugar fungus), which was developed to produce human insulin and which has escaped from production facilities around the world. For decades, human insulin for diabetic medication has been produced in genetically modified Baker’s yeast by Novo Nordisk, a GMO pharmaceutical company which is a sister company to Novozymes, a producer of genetically engineered food enzymes."

biological leaks; these must be view the cached page as this one and the others in this article and others has been removed

Could Genetically Modified Baker's Yeast Be Causing Obesity, Diabetes, and Gluten Intolerance?
The Hebrew Bible, Tanakh was giving to the Jews , not the goyim It has nothing to do with you , no matter how much you try
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Sad to say I know way to many woman with this resyrictive issue lately, thanks for the info.
They are working on removing gluten from wheat flour to make gluten free flour, but if it's the yeast like some have known issues with then no matter what flour they use is still not gonna work for them as far as breads.
I think there is a lot more to it than just the breads. My vet and I searched for 10 years to find answers for issues we had with a beloved pet. We even spent 1,800 dollars twice at the college where they were doing research trying to discover exactly what was wrong. He had a certain yeast type bacteria that was very similar to one form of yeast but it had three round points verses two on the enlargement of the microscope photos. It was a fungi and a yeast, one fed off of the other. After reading more on this I came across one of the articles that says the GM created one has an extra genome. Still searching through all the information but I do think it is worth looking at for those who may have these types of health issues at this point.

They used the excess slurry to fatten pigs and the slough to spread on fields. I think the idea of corporatist sustainability is their substance and not considering as much what or who they are endangering along the way.

On a spiritual level the same is true for those who teach beyond the knowledge they have or try to put their own twist into it without spiritual guidance.
I came across this article this morning so I thought I would share portions of it here.
Links to wiki websites added so you can search these things out for your selves;

"Obesity, type 2 diabetes and the health problems associated with eating gluten and wheat might actually be caused by consuming genetically modified Baker’s yeast "scientific name saccharomyces cerevisiae (common name sugar fungus), which was developed to produce human insulin and which has escaped from production facilities around the world. For decades, human insulin for diabetic medication has been produced in genetically modified Baker’s yeast by Novo Nordisk, a GMO pharmaceutical company which is a sister company to Novozymes, a producer of genetically engineered food enzymes."

biological leaks; these must be view the cached page as this one and the others in this article and others has been removed

Could Genetically Modified Baker's Yeast Be Causing Obesity, Diabetes, and Gluten Intolerance?
The Hebrew Bible, Tanakh was giving to the Jews , not the goyim It has nothing to do with you , no matter how much you try
Poor duno you are so lost. It is okay every knee shall bow down, even yours.
Poor duno you are so lost. It is okay every knee shall bow down, even yours.

Careful what you say least you open up your fate by setting the standard for when you realize you were wrong. For it is your own text that says you will be grabbing the garb of a Jew asking us about our knowledge, truths, and reality (our expression of creation).
By twisting that you are denouncing your own bible and calling it fallacious and Guno wins his argument and becomes justified and seen as sacrificing his time & popularity to deprogram you=your hero.
In which case society will want you bowing to people like him especially if that is the standard & scenerio you are preaching.
Poor duno you are so lost. It is okay every knee shall bow down, even yours.

Careful what you say least you open up your fate by setting the standard for when you realize you were wrong. For it is your own text that says you will be grabbing the garb of a Jew asking us about our knowledge, truths, and reality (our expression of creation).
By twisting that you are denouncing your own bible and calling it fallacious and Guno wins his argument and becomes justified and seen as sacrificing his time & popularity to deprogram you=your hero.
I suppose you may think such but then again you also know not where another has come from, who they are, where they have been or where they do go.
Who you are in the future looking back depends on how important you were to the future, thus whether you are in the book of life. If you had the structures and outlet to do great things by being far reached and blew it through worship of idols, false destructive teachings of an eglomaniac figure and affiliation pride then that future will tell you who you are, the ones that caused hell on earth or a farther path to a oerfected future.
They will look back and call the past spiritualists; morons, failures, inadedequate, archaic or dark age thinkers, Satanists, idol worshipers, sun worshipers, baal harvest scamers, santa claus worshipers, people who follow clown car pope mobiles, backwoods bubbas, sky worshipers, dispicable things....the same way you look back at the ancients who sacrificed their children, has sadistic rites and rituals and idol/deity worship. The same way you might mock ancient alien theorists.
They surely wil make fun of the way the ellect dress, they'll call it halloween outfits and cape costumes. And don't get me started on the hats they will say we wore. :)
Who you are in the future looking back depends on how important you were to the future, thus whether you are in the book of life. If you had the structures and outlet to do great things by being far reached and blew it through worship of idols, false destructive teachings of an eglomaniac figure and affiliation pride then that future will tell you who you are, the ones that caused hell on earth or a farther path to a oerfected future.
They will look back and call the past spiritualists; morons, failures, inadedequate, archaic or dark age thinkers, Satanists, idol worshipers, sun worshipers, baal harvest scamers, santa claus worshipers, people who follow clown car pope mobiles, backwoods bubbas, sky worshipers, dispicable things....the same way you look back at the ancients who sacrificed their children, has sadistic rites and rituals and idol/deity worship. The same way you might mock ancient alien theorists.
They surely wil make fun of the way the ellect dress, they'll call it halloween outfits and cape costumes. And don't get me started on the hats they will say we wore. :)
Funny that you mention the Halloween costumes. My mom used to dress me as the angel and my brother as the devil. Regardless though you are only looking at one side of the coin. The past and the future in Eternity both matter in today at this moment in time. Everyone from heaven takes a turn regardless of who they are or will be. The choices you choose today may very well make your future tomorrow, God knows and places each one and gives each a choice even in the heavenly realm.

False worship, possibly for some, for some it is simple entertainment. Personally when we were young we loved getting that bag full of candy although today it is too dangerous. It used to be considered a harvest festival but it did become very commercialize. Seeking and searching for others, some just need that step, others live to the flesh and never consider the spirit yet the spirit effects their very being and they know it not.

So are you playing like Doeg ready to slay all the priest who swath the dead with linen clothes?
Mentioning how the future will view the past has absolutely no correlation to the passages on priest's garments, nor was it the reason they were killed.
This reveals just how bad some of you guys are at finding correlations/emulations/reflections, connecting the dots, and using the stories in forming lessons of substance in relations to issues or events now.

That being said it was over 15 years ago I saw a man in my town shopping in ancient Hebrew garb and he wasn't doing a play.
The grocery store workers were pointing and laughing, and unlike your killing suggestion I felt sorry for his zealousy as it made him not just foolish, but very much insane. Even if he came to town looking for Moshiach, if the teachings are to progress foward why in the world would you dress going archaic age backward?
When Muslims dress like they are from 400ad here in the U.S. what is your first thought about wearing hot covering archaic age clothes in Summer, that has no baring on your being?
Mentioning how the future will view the past has absolutely no correlation to the passages on priest's garments, nor was it the reason they were killed.
This reveals just how bad some of you guys are at finding correlations/emulations/reflections, connecting the dots, and using the stories in forming lessons of substance in relations to issues or events now.

That being said it was over 15 years ago I saw a man in my town shopping in ancient Hebrew garb and he wasn't doing a play.
The grocery store workers were pointing and laughing, and unlike your killing suggestion I felt sorry for his zealousy as it made him not just foolish, but very much insane. Even if he came to town looking for Moshiach, if the teachings are to progress foward why in the world would you dress going archaic age backward?
When Muslims dress like they are from 400ad here in the U.S. what is your first thought about wearing hot covering archaic age clothes in Summer, that has no baring on your being?
Odd is what you consider some things when you first see them. That type of thinking is from the carnal being within.

For a season there used to be a man that walked back and forth in front of where the children lived. He was dressed in an old sombrero with an old colorful striped poncho over his shoulders. He looked like someone you may expect in a movie or something, sleeping leaned back against an adobe building down in Mexico or the desert areas. He seemed to be praying continually as he walked back and forth on the highway. I would see him in front of where we lived and also ten miles away in front of where I worked as a waitress. Others asked me, "Have you seen that weirdo out there? Do you know who he is?" Others thought he was merely a poor man and a zealot because he prayed without ceasing. For months he walked back and forth either in front of our home or in front of my work until the evening of Thanksgiving. He was invited in out of the cold and snow that evening and I had the pleasure of serving him a Thanksgiving diner and something hot to drink on the house. He blessed me and I thanked him and he insisted to me that he was the one blessed and he thanked me. After that we never saw him again.

You should be able to see the problem Michael. It is when you are looking on the exterior and not looking to what is on and within. With a very limited view on what is on the outside and anyone thinking that they have a view to the inside but yet having no clue to what is on and in the inside of each you are Judging by carnal sight. It may actually surprise you one day when you are truly awakened and able to actually see by and through the with eyes from the Holy Spirit. That Hebrew in the ancient garb was there to give or leave a message for you or someone else there, just as the man in the sombrero was there to leave a message to be revealed in the future for me.

Those priest that Doeg slays are the one's within that are swathing the portions within that wipe down dead things with each. The strips of linen cloth are what are used to swab the dead. That is why I mentioned Doeg for you. You failed to get the connection. It is up to each to take care within their own dead priest within that are swabbing with linen strips such as those that are used to swab the dead things.

True Hebrews 'those from the regions beyond' are zealous. Truthfully most would not know the difference between one walking in the spirit or one walking in the flesh unless God allows you to see and understand. It is good you had some compassion maybe one day you will know why you were blessed to see the Hebrew.
Sad to say I know way to many woman with this resyrictive issue lately, thanks for the info.
They are working on removing gluten from wheat flour to make gluten free flour, but if it's the yeast like some have known issues with then no matter what flour they use is still not gonna work for them as far as breads.

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