Some People Wanna Nail Me For Being A Racist For What I Say...


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
I only speak from personal experience...

I lived in a run-down urban neighborhood for more'n a dozen years...

I was one of the few white faces to be seen...

I had a good relationship with my neighbors...

we looked out for each other...

we shared vegetables that we grew in our gardens and chickens that roamed free in the neighborhood...

a coupla times, I took children to the emergency room in my car...

whenever trouble started, we banded together and put it down...

we knew we couldn't much rely on the police to help us...

on more than one occasion, I had trouble with young toughs passing down the street...

the neighbors would come out and help me to get the troublemakers to move on...

once, after such an instance, a neighbor (an elderly black gentleman from across the street) came up to me and said "Don't you let them good-for-nothin' ******* trouble you none, Billy... we know where they live"...
I remember my first days being involved with forced busing....Black classmates I had spent the previous six years learning and playing with suddenly treated me like I was from another planet.

My first reality check.
Billy,not too many folks on this board lived in rich neighborhoods.They have had the same experience that you have.Theyjust dont want to admit it. I'll be the first then.Your neighborhood was no different then mine folks worked at the navy yard together,if someone was laid-off from another place,they wouldn't have to wait too long before they got another job.Courtesy from their working neighbors.
I only speak from personal experience...

I lived in a run-down urban neighborhood for more'n a dozen years...

I was one of the few white faces to be seen...

I had a good relationship with my neighbors...

we looked out for each other...

we shared vegetables that we grew in our gardens and chickens that roamed free in the neighborhood...

a coupla times, I took children to the emergency room in my car...

whenever trouble started, we banded together and put it down...

we knew we couldn't much rely on the police to help us...

on more than one occasion, I had trouble with young toughs passing down the street...

the neighbors would come out and help me to get the troublemakers to move on...

once, after such an instance, a neighbor (an elderly black gentleman from across the street) came up to me and said "Don't you let them good-for-nothin' ******* trouble you none, Billy... we know where they live"...

[ame=]White Trash - Marilyn Manson (Acoustic cover by C Deveau) - YouTube[/ame]
And it must be very frightening for an evolutionary mis-step like you to live in civilization, even if it is at the zoo where they keep you.


[ame=]Marabel Chanin-the begining - YouTube[/ame]

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