Someone on USMB called me a liar for saying PP made profits on baby parts...

If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.

Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Nope. Where'd you get that picture? You have them all over your house don't you? If you stare at it long can see that little guy breathing.
Online. It's an aborted baby. What you thought was "just fetal tissue"? Is in reality? What you see in this photograph. A baby. A very tiny baby.

That's wonderful. Now.....please demonstrate that the fetus in that picture was:

a) aborted
b) aborted at a PP faculty
c) chopped up and sold as body parts by PP

If you may be going to hell with me for being such a fucking liar.
An anonymous person on an internet message board called you a liar and you felt the need to defend yourself?

A sure sign you're taking this far too seriously. Turn off your computer, climb the stairs out of the basement, go outdoors...

I'm pretty sure it's against USMB rules to tell someone outright that they are a liar. If I'm not mistaken you can be banned for it.

You're wrong.
Here is another photograph of another aborted baby, LoneLaugher.


Still laughing?

You haven't proven that this is a picture of an aborted fetus. You haven't proven that it has anything to do with PP.

I'm beginning to think you like these pictures. Lucky for me.....I don't get upset easily. Keep them coming freak.
You know, God sees everything. He is the silent listener of every conversation. He knows the thoughts you have and he even knows what is in your heart right this second. He knows when you are having a change of heart. When you are waking up to the reality that there is a day of accounting and through it all? God is merciful, loving, kind, gracious, longsuffering....... but there is a time. When the Holy Spirit begins to deal with you and say, That's enough. It is time for you to make a decision here. And when that happens? You need to come to Jesus Christ. Because we do not come to God at our own leisure - we come when His Holy Spirit is drawing us. Without the Holy Spirit a person cannot be saved. So we must come when He is dealing with our hearts.

Goodnight, Lonelaugher.
You know, God sees everything. He is the silent listener of every conversation. He knows the thoughts you have and he even knows what is in your heart right this second. He knows when you are having a change of heart. When you are waking up to the reality that there is a day of accounting and through it all? God is merciful, loving, kind, gracious, longsuffering....... but there is a time. When the Holy Spirit begins to deal with you and say, That's enough. It is time for you to make a decision here. And when that happens? You need to come to Jesus Christ. Because we do not come to God at our own leisure - we come when His Holy Spirit is drawing us. Without the Holy Spirit a person cannot be saved. So we must come when He is dealing with our hearts.

Goodnight, Lonelaugher.

Eat shit, weirdo. Your God knows that you get off on photos of dead fetuses. You might want to repent.
"Someone on USMB called me a liar for saying PP made profits on baby parts..."

Likely because Planned Parenthood is doing no such thing, as an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

The Washington Times is a completely disreputable site, the link you provide 'proves' nothing; as already correctly noted, the letter is a misrepresentation, just as the 'tapes' were edited and their transcripts falsified.
How many innocent kids did God kill to get the Pharaoh to let his people go?
How many innocent kids and unborn kids did God kill when he flooded the world?
and talk shit about everyday humans having an abortion, such hypocrisy..
I usually don't agree with Jeremy in the religion forum, but what she has said in this thread is the God's truth. Your apathy towards murder will be your undoing.
An anonymous person on an internet message board called you a liar and you felt the need to defend yourself?

A sure sign you're taking this far too seriously. Turn off your computer, climb the stairs out of the basement, go outdoors...

I'm pretty sure it's against USMB rules to tell someone outright that they are a liar. If I'm not mistaken you can be banned for it.

You're lying.
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

Psalm 36:1 says this:

To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David the servant of the LORD. The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

It came to me as I saw his posts - he has no fear of God at all because he is wicked. Satan has given him a false peace and security so that he won't turn and repent. If he knew he was one step away from eternity in hell he'd cry out in repentance this very second. Satan truly has this man in his clutches. Pray for him. He needs prayer.

Weeeeeeeeeee! I'm wicked!

Oh! Hiya Satan......what's shakin'?

Yes. You are wicked and you are going to hell. You think that is funny too? That you are headed to hell? I don't. My parents were alcoholics but it didn't stop me from letting go of bitterness, anger, resentment and calling upon Jesus Christ to become my Lord and Savior. What's your excuse?

I think it's funny that a pompous ass like you actually believes all the crap you post.
I usually don't agree with Jeremy in the religion forum, but what she has said in this thread is the God's truth. Your apathy towards murder will be your undoing.

Planned parenthood doesn't murder anyone. There is no you know what I think about "god's truth". My undoing?

You acused an unknown person of lying......and used a lie to do it.
LL, the only thing worse than than those who are killing babies and selling body parts, are those like you who derive humor from it. You are a very sick, sick man.

If babies were being killed or baby body parts being sold, I'd be very upset. Since that isn't happening.......I'll just laugh at you and your silliness.

Then get very upset. Because they are selling the limbs, organs of murdered babies. Yes. They are.

Nope. They are providing fetal tissue for research. No limbs. No eyeballs. No penises. No intestinal tracts. Just fetal tissue.

Does this look like fetal tissue to you?


Put away your Christian pornography.
I usually don't agree with Jeremy in the religion forum, but what she has said in this thread is the God's truth. Your apathy towards murder will be your undoing.

Planned parenthood doesn't murder anyone. There is no you know what I think about "god's truth". My undoing?

You acused an unknown person of lying......and used a lie to do it.

Dang these people who support PP are mental cases.........soulless ghouls to boot!! I always think,......what the fuck happened to these people to get to that level of fringe zombie?

Id pay to be at this cheesedick's deathbed so I could just stand at the bottom of the bed with a big smile on my face holding a big old smiley balloon!!! Shit'd be hysterical.:rofl::rofl::rock:

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LOL.....and when we finally get to the choosing up sides part, these mofu-ing limpwristers are going to be falling all over themselves to get the job at Gerber.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I usually don't agree with Jeremy in the religion forum, but what she has said in this thread is the God's truth. Your apathy towards murder will be your undoing.

Planned parenthood doesn't murder anyone. There is no you know what I think about "god's truth". My undoing?

You acused an unknown person of lying......and used a lie to do it.

Dang these people who support PP are mental cases.........soulless ghouls to boot!! I always think,......what the fuck happened to these people to get to that level of fringe zombie?

Id pay to be at this cheesedick's deathbed so I could just stand at the bottom of the bed with a big smile on my face holding a big old smiley balloon!!! Shit'd be hysterical.:rofl::rofl::rock:

Planned Parenthood saves lives, prevents unwanted pregnancy and results in a net reduction in abortions.

And...please do...come and visit me on my death bed. I'd say you have about a 35 year wait. When you do....I'll mock you to your face just as I do now.

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