Something I Don't Understand About Liberals...


Hey, anarchists are right wing. That's why they hate trade and industry and stuff.

"instead of posting something intelligent and useful, i make a blanket statement without any source while not directly responding to what was written to me!"

anarchists hate government. think: what do libertarians want less of? are libertarians right or left wing?

thats a simple example for ya.

and as i said before, there are anarchists on both sides
Good grief. Do I have to say everything twice?

Anyway, if those are ours, Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot are all members of the left wing. As I do believe McVeigh was.

You guys have more deaths piled on your ideology than we do. So there.

Hitler left wing?
Sure, the guy who killed the most Communists and Socialists in Germany is leftwing....

Anarchist arent rightwin either.
If you did then you would know, like I do. :cuckoo:

do you even understand what you write?

whether i personally know someone who adheres to one of the many anarchistic views doesnt affect my ability to understand what anarchism is at it's core. just like you can know what a christian believes even if you dont know any
do you even understand what you write?

whether i personally know someone who adheres to one of the many anarchistic views doesnt affect my ability to understand what anarchism is at it's core. just like you can know what a christian believes even if you dont know any

Was there supposed to be more to that sentence?
And are there any real thoughts there, or just disjointed spasms?
Anarchists in right-wing countries are left-wing and vice versa. Since we live in a right-wing corporatocracy, our anarchists can safely be called left-wing.

By contrast, the anarchists that Reagan sent to Nicaragua (and secretly paid for by illegally selling weapons to Iran) can be defined as right-wing. It all depends on the type of government they are fighting.
We aren't technically a right wing country, though the right wing has tried to make us one. So I have to disagree with you. The anarchists in our country want the government to leave them completely alone. Therefore, currently, they are more aligned with the right than the left.
Hitler left wing?
Sure, the guy who killed the most Communists and Socialists in Germany is leftwing....

because he was a madman??

He used totalitarianism in the premise of national socialism.. with the power elite also dealing out favor to those that helped the party.... He was more like the Soviets than they would have cared to admit....
I believe I posted the definition of anarchy. And I didn't have to go dig up a different, more "liberal" definition. I just used is priceless beyond rubies.

Here, some more liberal hypocrisy for ya, you non-death penalty (well, except for those you just don't like) hypocrites:

well heres a nice wiki article for you

Individualist anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Individualist anarchism is seen by many as one of two main categories or wings of anarchism — the other has been called social,[9] socialist,[10] collectivist,[11] or communitarian[12] anarchism.[α] One view is that the individualist wing of anarchism emphasises negative liberty, i.e. opposition to state or social control over the individual, while those in the collectivist wing emphasise positive liberty to achieve one's potential and argue that humans have needs that society ought to fulfill, "recognizing equality of entitlement".[13] Another distinction is that unlike the social wing which advocates common ownership as a means to eliminate unequal economic power, individualist anarchism is supportive of means of production being held privately, and in the case of the most prevalent strain of anarcho-individualism, advocates that goods and services be distributed through markets.[14] Moreover, they are not opposed to unequal wealth distribution, accepting this as a consequence of free competition

yep, very socialistic
Was there supposed to be more to that sentence?
And are there any real thoughts there, or just disjointed spasms?

good to know you cant function without a period at the end of every sentence.

"i cant attack substance, so i attack grammar"
And no, Obama doesn't have any executive experience. In fact, it's so lacking that Sarah Palin has him beat all over the place in that dept.

Can you please describe "Executive"? I love the way that you folks have thrown that word in front of experience for her with no clear explaination of what you mean. And don't call me a hypocrite. You don't know me. I think all people are hypocrites to some extent. This isn't about me. This about you pointing fingers at Democrats as though it isn't happening on your end of the field.
well heres a nice wiki article for you

Individualist anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Individualist anarchism is seen by many as one of two main categories or wings of anarchism — the other has been called social,[9] socialist,[10] collectivist,[11] or communitarian[12] anarchism.[α] One view is that the individualist wing of anarchism emphasises negative liberty, i.e. opposition to state or social control over the individual, while those in the collectivist wing emphasise positive liberty to achieve one's potential and argue that humans have needs that society ought to fulfill, "recognizing equality of entitlement".[13] Another distinction is that unlike the social wing which advocates common ownership as a means to eliminate unequal economic power, individualist anarchism is supportive of means of production being held privately, and in the case of the most prevalent strain of anarcho-individualism, advocates that goods and services be distributed through markets.[14] Moreover, they are not opposed to unequal wealth distribution, accepting this as a consequence of free competition

yep, very socialistic

It's anarchy. It has much more in common with the left than the right, but apparently you've found some little group that eschews the left as well.

Anyway. If we're anarchists, you guys are Nazis, as I said before.
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... so why is it that liberal "anti-war" people are always the most numerous and "VIOLENT" protesters on the planet? Why do they protest for an end to wars and for peace by using violence and destruction while protesting? Can anyone explain that?

Could be because you're applying the term "liberal" to nutter anarchists.
Sort of like Ravi and busara have applied the term "right wing" to nutter anarchists.
Reagan sent anarchists to Nicaragua??

Ok... this seals it.. we have a new far left-wing loony on the board

Yes, the anti-Sandinista insurgents known as the Contra. You may be familiar with the video game.

And I am not a loony! (Why should I be tarred with the epithet loony merely because I have a pet halibut?)
Sort of like Ravi and busara have applied the term "right wing" to nutter anarchists.

are you deliberately being idiotic? ive said at least twice that there are anarchists on both sides of the spectrum
are you deliberately being idiotic? ive said at least twice that there are anarchists on both sides of the spectrum

My eyes glaze over while looking at your juvenile and disjointed posts sometimes...

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