Something to think about


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Statism is slavery, do we have this today?

First of all, bigrebnc, slavery is slavery. Nothing else is slavery. Americans are likely the freest people to ever live on Planet Earth, and pretending we have "lost our freedom" makes us look like pussies next to citizens of nations like Iran and North Korea and Communist China, where the penalty for speaking against the government can be death.

Second of the, premise of this video is erroneous. There is no concentration of wealth and power inside the "central" US government -- that concentration exists among US private citizens and companies who hold ever-increasing shares of the nation's wealth. There is no rising tide of government regulation -- since the 1980's, there has been a tremendous shift towards deregulation and privatization. That the shift has proven to be contrary to the interests of the American public, bringing us the Savings and Loan debacle, junk bonds, crappy airline service, runaway greed on Wall Street, identity theft, a foreclosure crisis, a Great Recession, etc. Because of this, there may well be a correction back towards heavier government control.....but this correction is not a signal the end is nigh.

Take a good look at the Gulf of Mexico and then try to tell me we have adequate regulatory control of business in this country.

I liked the first part, slavery is slavery, nothing more, part of the history of mankind.

How much government control, is that the question, I dont play the Videos in threads just like I dont typically read the link unless the person who posts the link ads a bit of their analysis of what they post.

De we need more government control, regulations or enforcement of the laws that exist.

Enforcement of the laws that exist as well as penalties for individuals, not corporations, to include penalties for top executives. So much can go wrong and only if individuals are held responsible will we resolve the problem.

I say more non-destructive testing of all materials used in all forms of energy production. Any defect in the material or workmanship is easily detected with a phase array ultrasound inspection, more eddy current testing of heat exchangers, all forms of non destructive testing I am for if that is what you refer to.

Regulations mean nothing, we have regulations, its a matter of how we inspect to ensure compliance.

The Nuclear industry is a good example of government regulations properly implemented.
First of all, bigrebnc, slavery is slavery. Nothing else is slavery. Americans are likely the freest people to ever live on Planet Earth, and pretending we have "lost our freedom" makes us look like pussies next to citizens of nations like Iran and North Korea and Communist China, where the penalty for speaking against the government can be death.

Second of the, premise of this video is erroneous. There is no concentration of wealth and power inside the "central" US government -- that concentration exists among US private citizens and companies who hold ever-increasing shares of the nation's wealth. There is no rising tide of government regulation -- since the 1980's, there has been a tremendous shift towards deregulation and privatization. That the shift has proven to be contrary to the interests of the American public, bringing us the Savings and Loan debacle, junk bonds, crappy airline service, runaway greed on Wall Street, identity theft, a foreclosure crisis, a Great Recession, etc. Because of this, there may well be a correction back towards heavier government control.....but this correction is not a signal the end is nigh.

Take a good look at the Gulf of Mexico and then try to tell me we have adequate regulatory control of business in this country.


Just what are taxes? It's the legal method of stealing. As the video pointed out the government does not create anything, it has to tax people to pay for new pork spending.
What does runway service have to do with the goivernment? Airports are not owned by the government. As for the bailouts manyu democrats had their hands in the pockets of the banks and a couple had other things inside some of the CEO's. What good did regulation do in the gulf when obamas adminastrition gave a pass to the failed platform.

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