Soros expands efforts to keep net neutrality censorship


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When the Soros-funded effort to censor the Internet by preserving the Obama-era FCC “net neutrality” rules turns violent, you know President Trump’s effort to rescind the Obama rules is a battle to preserve the First Amendment on the Internet, turning back the government censorship of conservatives and libertarians the Soros forces truly crave.
Soros Expands Efforts to Keep “Net Neutrality” Censorship
Ever notice how much the Soros name pops up in everything that is destroying this nation in every way there is.
The problem is that the Republican alternative of allowing ISPs to do anything they want is no answer. The fact is that ISPs have become a oligopoly. If you need to access the internet there are few alternatives. Allowing Charter to take over Time-Warner was a huge blow against competition in the industry.
HOW can the RWNJs be this stupid?

How many times has them been explained to them? And they still want an end to net neutrality.

Not surprising that idiot OP posted a link to Alex Jones but can any of you RWNJs say WHY you are against net neutrality?
^ He is a she, and I don't listen to partisan bullshit. This is another Obama/Soros FU to stifle free speech. Here is how you know it was not a good idea to give Obama more flexibility to screw up our nation, our rights and our internet: has documented that Soros and Google have funded “net neutrality” Astroturf groups with $72 million since 2006 to control the Internet and censor sites like
Soros Expands Efforts to Keep “Net Neutrality” Censorship
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When the Soros-funded effort to censor the Internet by preserving the Obama-era FCC “net neutrality” rules turns violent, you know President Trump’s effort to rescind the Obama rules is a battle to preserve the First Amendment on the Internet, turning back the government censorship of conservatives and libertarians the Soros forces truly crave.
Soros Expands Efforts to Keep “Net Neutrality” Censorship
Ever notice how much the Soros name pops up in everything that is destroying this nation in every way there is.
When your provider charges you extra to visit USMB because it's not a premium website, remember that you asked for it by opposing net neutrality
This is like a discussion about debt v deficit or raising the debt ceiling. The RWNJs get it wrong and then dig in.

As always, if they get their way, all of us will pay the price for not being able to choose for ourselves.
MindWars, when your provider no longer allows you access to Infowars remember that you have no right to complain since you opposed net neutrality
MindWars, when your provider no longer allows you access to Infowars remember that you have no right to complain since you opposed net neutrality

Ya wanna bet that will be Obama's fault too? Or Soros, Alinsky, Bill and Hillary, or they'll find some other liberal to blame for their own actions - just like always.

cuz, that's what they do.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When the Soros-funded effort to censor the Internet by preserving the Obama-era FCC “net neutrality” rules turns violent, you know President Trump’s effort to rescind the Obama rules is a battle to preserve the First Amendment on the Internet, turning back the government censorship of conservatives and libertarians the Soros forces truly crave.
Soros Expands Efforts to Keep “Net Neutrality” Censorship
Ever notice how much the Soros name pops up in everything that is destroying this nation in every way there is.
Censorship? You're making sht up.

A reminder to the right on this:
ISPs have been working to vertically integrate and monopolize content and service of the internet. As ISPs they are the gatekeeper to content. Without net neutrality, they are all powerful and have the incentive to wield it in controlling traffic through their gate. This is the sort of thing the government has had to break up in the past in multiple markets because it doesn't end well.
Yeah I'm actually not in agreement with President Trump on this one. I'm for Title II classification.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When the Soros-funded effort to censor the Internet by preserving the Obama-era FCC “net neutrality” rules turns violent, you know President Trump’s effort to rescind the Obama rules is a battle to preserve the First Amendment on the Internet, turning back the government censorship of conservatives and libertarians the Soros forces truly crave.
Soros Expands Efforts to Keep “Net Neutrality” Censorship
Ever notice how much the Soros name pops up in everything that is destroying this nation in every way there is.
Censorship? You're making sht up.

A reminder to the right on this:
ISPs have been working to vertically integrate and monopolize content and service of the internet. As ISPs they are the gatekeeper to content. Without net neutrality, they are all powerful and have the incentive to wield it in controlling traffic through their gate. This is the sort of thing the government has had to break up in the past in multiple markets because it doesn't end well.

Interestingly, one of the links I posted talked about this going back to the time of the telegraph. Apparently, even way back then, money was vying for position.

I really do hope common sense wins out and the damn trumpkins get it figured out.

What are the chances ... ?
Weird, the bitch only sucks rich mans dick so too hell with all freedom for the little guy.
The problem is that the Republican alternative of allowing ISPs to do anything they want is no answer. The fact is that ISPs have become a oligopoly. If you need to access the internet there are few alternatives. Allowing Charter to take over Time-Warner was a huge blow against competition in the industry.
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