Soros Shorts Everything


Wow he looks like Hillary


Put a wig on him they could be twins
And the human part of the story? All the people who suffer when their economy takes a blow? You've no problem with that at all?

If he's effectively declaring economic war against entire countries for personal profit, then Interpol or the mafia should simply make quick work of him. Problems this huge often rattle people and make them freeze up. When really, they're quite easy to solve. Put out a warrant for his arrest. I'm sure he broke some law in England doing what he did to the British pound.

And what of the human part?

I have no problem at all.

Life IS war. It's only since Obama that life in America has been one of groveling apology and surrender. Since liberals love doing those things so completely then who am I to do anything that would take away all that pleasure?

I don't like Soros but I DO respect that apparent ruthlessness and wish only that we Americans had a leader who would be ruthless in our national interest.

Maybe this time.............
What a flying turdball. He sponsors trouble making all over the planet and then shorts the global markets.

What a freaking piece of shyte.

He should be arrested, his property seized and tarred and feathered the bastard.

A Bearish George Soros Is Trading Again

Worried about the outlook for the global economy and concerned that large market shifts may be at hand, the billionaire hedge-fund founder and philanthropist recently directed a series of big, bearish investments, according to people close to the matter.

Soros Fund Management LLC, which manages $30 billion for Mr. Soros and his family, sold stocks and bought gold and shares of gold miners, anticipating weakness in various markets. Investors often view gold as a haven during times of turmoil.

The moves are a significant shift for Mr. Soros, who earned fame with a bet against the British pound in 1992, a trade that led to $1 billon of profits. In recent years, the 85-year-old billionaire has focused on public policy and philanthropy. He is also a large contributor to the super PAC backing presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and has donated to other groups supporting Democrats.

Yeah Soros made his billion by shorting the Pound then spreading false rumors about it to make it go down, plain old criminal currency manipulation.

He should be in prison.

knowledge is your friend.... get some. soros didn't spread false rumors. sorry if reality offends you.
And what of the human part?

I have no problem at all.

Life IS war.

So let's say you're hit by a car and left your wallet at the hotel by accident that day in a strange city. Nobody knows you and you are a "John Doe" to the medical team looking at you in their ER. Let's say they've been pretty backed up all day and "life is war" you know...take the most important triage first...they missed that internal bleed on their outdated CT scanner. It's been faulty for some time now and they can't replace it because some asshole bet against their currency and nearly bankrupted their country; and this country helps fund their medical supplies.. So, they put you on a gurney for more urgent patients....because "their scan showed you had no internal damage"..

You have "No problem at all" with that scenario? :popcorn: You're part of a larger community pal, whether you like it or not. And sooner or later, that FACT is going to come back to haunt you.
So let's say you're hit by a car and left your wallet at the hotel by accident that day in a strange city. Nobody knows you and you are a "John Doe" to the medical team looking at you in their ER. Let's say they've been pretty backed up all day and "life is war" you know...take the most important triage first...they missed that internal bleed on their outdated CT scanner. It's been faulty for some time now and they can't replace it because some asshole bet against their currency and nearly bankrupted their country; and this country helps fund their medical supplies.. So, they put you on a gurney for more urgent patients....because "their scan showed you had no internal damage"..

You have "No problem at all" with that scenario? :popcorn: You're part of a larger community pal, whether you like it or not. And sooner or later, that FACT is going to come back to haunt you.

You worry too much about others. That's not good in a Democrat.
I thought Democrats hated the rich, but they sure do love George Soros and all his BILLION$$$$ which he pours into liberal causes, to stir shit up, and make people hate each other. He's starting a revolution with his money, and then he sells short before the market crash he causes. He's like a James Bond villain, plotting and scheming the end of the world, all he needs is a cat. Oh, and he's a Nazi collaborator too, nice.
Soros shorted over $10 billion pounds then spread his rumors just before, efectively dumping 10 billion pounds all at once and drove the pound into the dirt. A responsible investor would have slowly sold it in order to keep the value of his holdings up, but since Soros had a short position, he was happy to destroy the pound by dumping all that money at once.

George Soros - or any investor - cannot "destroy the pound." The government certainly can, though.

The UK had entered the pound into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism at a price that was too high to the Deutschemark. That made British goods uncompetitive and was causing unemployment to rise and economic growth to slow. John Major had staked his reputation on the stability of the pound and wouldn't devalue. So Soros devalued it for them. The pound fell and British growth picked up. What Soros did was good for the British economy, not bad. The British government was damaging the British economy.

The reason why Soros - or any investor - cannot destroy the pound is because if the market believes that Soros is wrong, it will take the opposite side of Soros's trade. In fact, traders don't like to bet against central banks. If enough investors thought that the British government was right, they would backed the British government. But they didn't. And not only did the pound break the ERM bands, it traded lower all year against the DM. Had Soros been wrong, the pound would have gone back to its level in the ERM. But it didn't. Soros was right. The British government was wrong. The British people owe George Soros a massive thank you. £1,000,000,000 is a small price to pay for accelerated economic growth and falling unemployment.

As for the Malaysian Prime Minister, it was he and his ilk that caused the Asian Financial Crisis. He can't blame himself, so he has to blame evil, foreign speculators. Those Asian countries had all pegged their currencies against the dollar to they could borrow at cheaper rates, which caused a boom and unsustainable current account deficits. They should have let their currencies float, which would ironed out many of their problems, but they didn't because they were addicted to cheap debt from abroad. Because of their imbalances, traders - and not just Soros - started to bet against them. And again, the market won.

Had governments ran responsible policies and had not pegged their currencies and allowed them to float, neither would have happened, and you wouldn't know who George Soros is today. What Soros and traders did was a victory for markets and a loss for government intervention.
The evidence proves you wrong, dude, but dont let that stop you from spinning your perfect market efficiency horse shit.

I've traded markets most days for the last 20 years. Stocks, rates, commodities, FX, you name it. I don't know Soros but I know several who do. And sorry, not everything you read on the Internet is true. I know people need a bogeyman, and it helps if he has a funny accent, but you're peddling nonsense.
So profoundly retro....

Today it's a little different:

"Do unto others BEFORE the cocksuckers do unto you...."

There will come a time when you will have to rely on others to care about you in order to survive. Then I imagine, you'll be changing your tune. So why not change it now instead of then when you'll be filled with stunning regret for your callousness in the past? Just change over to a decent person now. You think two wrongs make a right?
There will come a time when you will have to rely on others to care about you in order to survive. Then I imagine, you'll be changing your tune. So why not change it now instead of then when you'll be filled with stunning regret for your callousness in the past? Just change over to a decent person now. You think two wrongs make a right?

I do hope you're holding your breath in anticipation of that event.

But, no, two wrongs do not always make a right. Sometimes it takes five or six but that's mostly for fine-tuning. One of the few good things one learns from paying close attention to Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.
Enjoy your good fortune for now. Let's hope you never have to rely on the caring of others. Because if you do, you'll be eating your words. Hillary has nothing to do with this conversation. That was a strawman of desperation if I've ever seen one.

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