Source Close to AC/DC Confirms Singer Brian Johnson was Fired

I heard one of his latest concert, poor voice has had it...It wasn't a firing as much as a forced retirement..

This is a first....I actually agree with you...commit this to memory....LOL!
Every once in a while I give you people an break and answer without impish motive...
"You people"? I am a lone wolf...I have very few peers. I despise neocons and liberals and for good reason.
Then you have been defeated already..
Defeated by what? Life here on this prison planet is but a vapor when it comes to eternity. I do my best to change things for the better within my tiny parameter and I learn as much as I can and pass that knowledge onto others....paying it forward is the way I roll.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
Yes, well on that we agree.

I am a product of pop and underground 60s and underground 70s. I haven't progressed beyond that and I simply have no interest or time for anything that began in the 80s and beyond. All those big names of rock (including van halen, guns and roses, ac/dc, motley crew, et al.) I cannot begin to like. I just want to be on record, all well and good if others find me daft.

Highway to Hell, the band's 5th album was released in '79....

Back in Black is, quite deservedly, recognized as one of the great works of the post classical period.
I appreciate your own opinion. But I tend to agree with Dale Smith. ACDC's music was loud simple chords and a lot of screaming. That is not classical or great hard rock to me. No way.

I KNOW it's all subjective so it's ok for others to hate the Doors, Blue Oyster Cult, the Beatles, Moody Blues, Deep Purple and Uriah Heep. I think they are the tops.
I liked the Doors, BOC, Moody Blues and some Deep Purple. I appreciate good musicianship...AC/DC just wasn't a band that I could connect with. As a Christian, how could I be jamming to "Highway To Hell" in my 8 track player in my 75 Ford Maverick back in 1981?
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
Yes, well on that we agree.

I am a product of pop and underground 60s and underground 70s. I haven't progressed beyond that and I simply have no interest or time for anything that began in the 80s and beyond. All those big names of rock (including van halen, guns and roses, ac/dc, motley crew, et al.) I cannot begin to like. I just want to be on record, all well and good if others find me daft.

Highway to Hell, the band's 5th album was released in '79....

Back in Black is, quite deservedly, recognized as one of the great works of the post classical period.
I appreciate your own opinion. But I tend to agree with Dale Smith. ACDC's music was loud simple chords and a lot of screaming. That is not classical or great hard rock to me. No way.

I KNOW it's all subjective so it's ok for others to hate the Doors, Blue Oyster Cult, the Beatles, Moody Blues, Deep Purple and Uriah Heep. I think they are the tops.
I liked the Doors, BOC, Moody Blues and some Deep Purple. I appreciate good musicianship...AC/DC just wasn't a band that I could connect with. As a Christian, how could I be jamming to "Highway To Hell" in my 8 track player in my 75 Ford Maverick back in 1981?
Well now that's interesting. I had my own hangups with certain songs and lyrics because I thought they were too blasphemous. And yet, all the bands I liked were attacked as demonic as welll --- yet, I was prepared to differ and make excuses for them.

You still had an 8-track in 1981? Were not cassettes the one and only by then? Growing up in the 70s we smoked a ton of pot and cruised the roads in the woods every night listening to those aforementioned bands. Women were talked about more than played with. I really cannot think of more enjoyable times with less stress. Money was not all that important. So whatever the 80s, 90s and beyond have to offer to youth I would never consider it on par with what we were lucky enough to have experienced. The rock bands were more creative and their music more intriguing.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
Yes, well on that we agree.

I am a product of pop and underground 60s and underground 70s. I haven't progressed beyond that and I simply have no interest or time for anything that began in the 80s and beyond. All those big names of rock (including van halen, guns and roses, ac/dc, motley crew, et al.) I cannot begin to like. I just want to be on record, all well and good if others find me daft.

Highway to Hell, the band's 5th album was released in '79....

Back in Black is, quite deservedly, recognized as one of the great works of the post classical period.
High way to Hell...Stairway to Heaven...I guess it's obvious which one is expecting the most traffic. AC/DC was one of the many bands that were used to corrupt the youth with backward masking.

That association is rather forced, don't you think?

The Young Brothers were, apparently, problem children, even by Australian standards (I lived there for a couple of years as a kid)....I don't think they needed to go that deep for the title of that album....

One of the early releases featured liner notes which included letters to Mr. and Mrs. Young from school administrators suggesting that the boys were setting course for The Downward Road.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
Yes, well on that we agree.

I am a product of pop and underground 60s and underground 70s. I haven't progressed beyond that and I simply have no interest or time for anything that began in the 80s and beyond. All those big names of rock (including van halen, guns and roses, ac/dc, motley crew, et al.) I cannot begin to like. I just want to be on record, all well and good if others find me daft.

Highway to Hell, the band's 5th album was released in '79....

Back in Black is, quite deservedly, recognized as one of the great works of the post classical period.
I appreciate your own opinion. But I tend to agree with Dale Smith. ACDC's music was loud simple chords and a lot of screaming. That is not classical or great hard rock to me. No way.

I KNOW it's all subjective so it's ok for others to hate the Doors, Blue Oyster Cult, the Beatles, Moody Blues, Deep Purple, Jethro Tull and Uriah Heep. I think they are the tops.

At their best ACDC blends Delta blues with Caledonian chromatics....and Angus can stretch some serious string.


I've always liked AC/DC, all right?

- Keith Richards, 1988
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.

Angus Young is a very talented musician and some of their stuff was ok in the beginning but it all sounded the same after awhile. I guess someone that really digs a band like Steely Dan is probably not going to be as enamoured with AC/DC. I do have one AC/DC song I really liked "Touch Too Much"....knew a woman just like the girl in that
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
Yes, well on that we agree.

I am a product of pop and underground 60s and underground 70s. I haven't progressed beyond that and I simply have no interest or time for anything that began in the 80s and beyond. All those big names of rock (including van halen, guns and roses, ac/dc, motley crew, et al.) I cannot begin to like. I just want to be on record, all well and good if others find me daft.

Highway to Hell, the band's 5th album was released in '79....

Back in Black is, quite deservedly, recognized as one of the great works of the post classical period.
I appreciate your own opinion. But I tend to agree with Dale Smith. ACDC's music was loud simple chords and a lot of screaming. That is not classical or great hard rock to me. No way.

I KNOW it's all subjective so it's ok for others to hate the Doors, Blue Oyster Cult, the Beatles, Moody Blues, Deep Purple and Uriah Heep. I think they are the tops.
I liked the Doors, BOC, Moody Blues and some Deep Purple. I appreciate good musicianship...AC/DC just wasn't a band that I could connect with. As a Christian, how could I be jamming to "Highway To Hell" in my 8 track player in my 75 Ford Maverick back in 1981?
Well now that's interesting. I had my own hangups with certain songs and lyrics because I thought they were too blasphemous. And yet, all the bands I liked were attacked as demonic as welll --- yet, I was prepared to differ and make excuses for them.

You still had an 8-track in 1981? Were not cassettes the one and only by then? Growing up in the 70s we smoked a ton of pot and cruised the roads in the woods every night listening to those aforementioned bands. Women were talked about more than played with. I really cannot think of more enjoyable times with less stress. Money was not all that important. So whatever the 80s, 90s and beyond have to offer to youth I would never consider it on par with what we were lucky enough to have experienced. The rock bands were more creative and their music more intriguing.

Yeah, cassette players didn't start going into cars until the very late 70's and i was just a kid and was happy just to have a car that actually ran and didn't get homesick when it passed the way I could afford a car that new. I miss the 70's and early to mid 80's as well. I was young, not worried about the future and had total faith in this country. Now I am 52, armed with a shitload of knowledge and I now realize that we were worked and deceived. My "age of the innocence" is over. Lots of artists tried to "hip" us as to what was going on with their music but we weren't really paying attention.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.

Angus Young is a very talented musician and some of their stuff was ok in the beginning but it all sounded the same after awhile. I guess someone that really digs a band like Steely Dan is probably not going to be as enamoured with AC/DC. I do have one AC/DC song I really liked "Touch Too Much"....knew a woman just like the girl in that

I like Steely Dan every bit as much as I like AC/DC. I also like Johnny Cash, Blondie, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, The Who, The James Gang, Eagles, and Mike Oldfield, hell we might as well toss in The Wicked Tinkers and Mozart, Bach, and Strauss if you want to get really eclectic.. I think you invest too much into the thought that just because you like one band you can't appreciate the others. That's both ridiculous and snobbish.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.

Angus Young is a very talented musician and some of their stuff was ok in the beginning but it all sounded the same after awhile. I guess someone that really digs a band like Steely Dan is probably not going to be as enamoured with AC/DC. I do have one AC/DC song I really liked "Touch Too Much"....knew a woman just like the girl in that

I like Steely Dan every bit as much as I like AC/DC. I also like Johnny Cash, Blondie, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, The Who, The James Gang, Eagles, and Mike Oldfield, hell we might as well toss in The Wicked Tinkers and Mozart, Bach, and Strauss if you want to get really eclectic.. I think you invest too much into the thought that just because you like one band you can't appreciate the others. That's both ridiculous and snobbish.

AC/DC and Steely Dan are polar opposites of each other, you have to agree with that and I like pretty much every artist you mentioned as well. The deal about that band was that all their songs started sounding alike to me. They also played right into the rebellious, brooding teen mood of that era and many listened to them just because they knew it would piss off their parents. Teen rebellion was a tool of the Tavistock Institute to disenfranchise children from their parents...fact. Up until James Dean arrived on the scene in the late 50's, there was no such term as "teenager".
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.

Angus Young is a very talented musician and some of their stuff was ok in the beginning but it all sounded the same after awhile. I guess someone that really digs a band like Steely Dan is probably not going to be as enamoured with AC/DC. I do have one AC/DC song I really liked "Touch Too Much"....knew a woman just like the girl in that

Like 'em both.......and Marvin Gaye.......and Dixie Dregs.....and The Hellacopters.....
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
You obviously don't know jack shit about music.

I am a musician and can play any genre....from Hank Williams to Steely Dan and do it flawlessly.
Then why do you describe AC/DC as a three chord band????

How many chords are in Back In Black?

Dude, most of their stuff is three chord progression and songs that have more than that have a walk's simple to play...not that it's a bad thing. Stop getting all butthurt over someone's opinion of a frigging much other stuff to ponder...this isn't one of them.
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I bet ^^ ^^ suck and have to put others down because 3 chords sound WAAAY better than anything you've ever played in your life LOL. You know it's true, jealous little troll
He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.

I bet ^^ ^^ suck and have to put others down because 3 chords sound WAAAY better than anything you've ever played in your life LOL. You know it's true, jealous little troll

You would be wrong (as usual) about that. I have no complaints about my musical endeavors. I got to play in bands that opened for some pretty big names and got to play with an artist with the same first name (Dale Watson) that was on David Letterman and the Jimmy Kimmel Show.... I have done studio work. I have heard my band play on the radio many, many complaints here. I never not suffered from delusions of grandeur that I would ever play in a band that got a big record deal. I play because I love music...certainly didn't do it for the money because by the time you factor in rehearsal time, setting up and tearing down the P.A and the gig itself? Not even making minimum wage. I always swore to myself that the day that music became a job instead of a passion that I would far so good after 35 years. Hope this helps!:banana:
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