He sucked and so does AC/DC.......three chord progression shit that lost it's appeal 35 years ago.
I grew up with Buddy Holley and the Big Bopper and while i certainly enjoy the evolution of rock and roll I still find I enjoy going back to the three chord rock days every now and then and the monolithic riffs that Angus came up with do this near 70 year old soul of mine damn good. I love Rush as well but Geddy can't get up to those high notes anymore. It's called age.
Angus Young is a very talented musician and some of their stuff was ok in the beginning but it all sounded the same after awhile. I guess someone that really digs a band like Steely Dan is probably not going to be as enamoured with AC/DC. I do have one AC/DC song I really liked "Touch Too Much"....knew a woman just like the girl in that song...wow.
I like Steely Dan every bit as much as I like AC/DC. I also like Johnny Cash, Blondie, The Ramones, Pink Floyd, The Who, The James Gang, Eagles, and Mike Oldfield, hell we might as well toss in The Wicked Tinkers and Mozart, Bach, and Strauss if you want to get really eclectic.. I think you invest too much into the thought that just because you like one band you can't appreciate the others. That's both ridiculous and snobbish.