"Sources close to the Whitehouse say", "someone say", "yadda yadda". Is this all Fake News from CNN?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It seems to me they are either trying to create a rift within a party, stir paranoia and/or trying to manipulate policy. Everytime a leak comes out it runs along those lines. Meanwhile they criticism Trump for stating things that are unfactual but with their exposed bias during the election they are somehow credible?

If I am Spicer, Trump or others and anyone asks a question about such and such an issue, I tell them "name your source, or next question". It's silly to have to respond to imaginary situations and accusations, sort of like asking someone that question "how often do you abuse your wife?" It's not reporting, it's all "gotcha" with no substance. Surely they can see this and understand why their ratings have gone down significantly. Did any network do this to Obama on a constant basis?

It's getting to be a game of cloak and dagger with their reporting and seems like an extension from the election. Women coming out of the woodwork accusing him of things, but after the election they disappear, random "insider" information that had no merit other than to try and discredit him and make it appear his campaign was in tatters. All efforts to destroy his teams morale, and he won regardless. Seems to me they are trying this again while he is president.

Let's hope they fail again in trying to get him off track, America doesn't need to be bogged down in this media bias and attempts to misdirect the governments focus and priorities.
It seems to me they are either trying to create a rift within a party, stir paranoia and/or trying to manipulate policy. Everytime a leak comes out it runs along those lines. Meanwhile they criticism Trump for stating things that are unfactual but with their exposed bias during the election they are somehow credible?

If I am Spicer, Trump or others and anyone asks a question about such and such an issue, I tell them "name your source, or next question". It's silly to have to respond to imaginary situations and accusations, sort of like asking someone that question "how often do you abuse your wife?" It's not reporting, it's all "gotcha" with no substance. Surely they can see this and understand why their ratings have gone down significantly. Did any network do this to Obama on a constant basis?

It's getting to be a game of cloak and dagger with their reporting and seems like an extension from the election. Women coming out of the woodwork accusing him of things, but after the election they disappear, random "insider" information that had no merit other than to try and discredit him and make it appear his campaign was in tatters. All efforts to destroy his teams morale, and he won regardless. Seems to me they are trying this again while he is president.

Let's hope they fail again in trying to get him off track, America doesn't need to be bogged down in this media bias and attempts to misdirect the governments focus and priorities.
. You and alot of us are in unison in thought about this stuff, so take care, and know that you have allies in your thinking.
Most of the time the source is the Trump administration. Bowling Green massacre? Source: Kellyanne. It's not a ban? Source: Spicer. It is a ban? Source: Trump.
Professionals are spooked by recklessness and incompetence.

This should come as no surprise.
They don't lie and they don't ignore news like the Fox propaganda machine, dupes. And Fox is by far the best of your infotainment bs service.

Of course, ALL our media are crazy about ratings and controversy and are underfunded, so it's endless pundits. All Jazeera has more foreign offices and reporters than all our TV news combined. Dumb and dumber the country gets, especially the RW.
They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot. Sad part is that they've been convinced that it's all about being fair and inclusive. That is not the reason why Soros is funding all these protests.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
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They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
Does Trump get all his ideas from Fox now? Cnn and MSNBC and CBS etc are SO PARTISAN because they have to report that he's FOS! LOL. Hopefully he,and the dupes will learn how far off they are. ACA is a total disaster? Putin is a good strong leader? 3 million voted illegally? Hillary was a corrupt murderer lol. Does he believe all this crap: Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah...Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Has he NOT been told any of this: The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

You certainly begin to wonder....
When indoctrinated students listen to fake news, this is what we get. A bunch of completely clueless individuals who willingly repeat things and they have no idea why. None of these students could explain why they were protesting. They carried signs and chanted but couldn't explain exactly why they were against the temporary ban. One admitted to chanting that America was never great because it rhymed with '2, 4, 6, 8...' While they claimed no one should go through extreme vetting, one said he wanted good people to come in but not those who wanted to mess with us. He then agreed to extreme vetting without realizing that it's the very thing he is supposedly protesting against. Some repeat false claims of Trump being racist.

Just amazing. Took 50 years of feeding young people liberal talking points to create this mindset but here it is. Not a damn one of them can think for themselves and all they are capable of is repeating the crap that has been fed to them. Sadly, this screwed up mindset isn't limited to our youth.

'So, You Agree with Trump?': Jesse Watters Talks to Students Skipping Class to Protest Travel Ban
They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot. Sad part is that they've been convinced that it's all about being fair and inclusive. That is not the reason why Soros is funding all these protests.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
. I have been on to this stuff for years. We have been slipping farther and farther down the rabbit hole for years, and Trump being elected was to try and get this nation out of that hole. The roll out of the travel ban it was called, was probably sabatoged by government employees who are loyal to the left, otherwise if loyal to the left they could have worked to make the program fail upon physical implementation of it, and therefore sending it straight into the leftist court to be struck down immediately afterwards. Until Trump drains all swamps this sort of thing will continue. The left had an agenda, and anyone who has been put in power to disrupt it has become the left's enemy.
They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
Does Trump get all his ideas from Fox now? Cnn and MSNBC and CBS etc are SO PARTISAN because they have to report that he's FOS! LOL. Hopefully he,and the dupes will learn how far off they are. ACA is a total disaster? Putin is a good strong leader? 3 million voted illegally? Hillary was a corrupt murderer lol. Does he believe all this crap: Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah...Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Has he NOT been told any of this: The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

You certainly begin to wonder....
. Most of what you listed were results of years and years of the lefties getting their way. The right were just catering to their small base most of the time, but the left was destroying anything and everything they could. The problem with the right, is that it took to long to wake up to all the bull crap, but when the restroom issue came home to roost among other severe issues, well that was the straws that began to break the camel's back finally.
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They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
Does Trump get all his ideas from Fox now? Cnn and MSNBC and CBS etc are SO PARTISAN because they have to report that he's FOS! LOL. Hopefully he,and the dupes will learn how far off they are. ACA is a total disaster? Putin is a good strong leader? 3 million voted illegally? Hillary was a corrupt murderer lol. Does he believe all this crap: Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah...Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Has he NOT been told any of this: The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

You certainly begin to wonder....
. Most of what you listed were results of years and years of the lefties getting their way. The right were just catering to their small base most of the time, but the left was destroying anything and everything they could. The problem with the right, is that it took to long to wake up to it all the bull crap, but when the restroom issue came home to roost among other severe issues, well that was the straws that began to break the camel's back finally.
Reaganism rolls on, dupe- ACA is the only thing Dems have gotten in the last 30 years (barely and an imperfect version perhaps), and the nonrich and the country continue to slowly go to hell. Great job! God you're FOS...Change the GD channel...
They are on a mission to undermine the Trump administration.

If they can't find facts then they simply get creative in order to bash him.

Most of what I'm hearing is pure opinion and conjecture. Reading some leftwing sites is reminiscent of things the National Enquirer used to print. I'm waiting for headlines that Baron Trump is actually the son of an alien that beamed Melania up to his spaceship. Most of what is being put out there is equally as credible.

You're right about the way they pose questions in a thinly veiled attempt to accuse him of things. If I ask someone if they have a hangover this morning, I haven't technically accused them of anything but it would certainly make people believe they were out drinking the night before. It's a sneaky and unprofessional tactic to create rumors.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence can quickly discern the difference between reporting facts and lame attempts at planting ideas in peoples' minds. Fake news is nothing more than a well-funded, well-established rumor mill that exists to take down competition and elevate those who don't deserve it.

I am old enough to remember when news anchors reported news and took their jobs seriously. They put all politicians on the spot when they had the opportunity to question them. Investigative reporting was real and designed to uncover the truth. Most of the time, people didn't know how anchors voted. Not the case these days as 'reporters' shamelessly act as campaign workers.

It used to be 'us and them', as in government vs the people. It's clearly a fight between left and right these days and there are so precious few media outlets in the center.

I do think most rational people remain in the middle. Opinions are on an issue by issue basis, not a blind faith in any party's platform.

I am alarmed at the radicals who managed to get comfortable enough to remove their masks. I am talking about the ones out there calling for a bloody revolution and openly supporting One World Order and no borders. Those things used to be considered conspiracy theories held by whackos in tin foil hats. Now, we see that it's a very real effort, led by the likes of George Soros, and many are starting to defend it.

The only reason some are protesting the travel ban or the plan for increased border security is because those things are the exact opposite of the open borders and one world government plot.

The media is still using the old narrative, probably out of fear of being honest, and they claim that taking unvetted refugees and allowing to pour through our borders is the American way. They falsely compare illegal aliens and terrorists hiding among refugees to the legal immigrants who made this country great. They deliberately avoid talking about how the requirements have changed drastically. Where before, people came legally, assimilated, and immediately began paying their own way, now they come illegally, refuse to assimilate and head for the nearest welfare office. Dependents who refuse to speak the language and appreciate our culture do not enrich this country. It destroys us slowly.

Media is a willing accomplish to the downfall of this country. Decades ago, the Alinsky followers let it be known that they would infiltrate the education system and media. They weren't kidding. It took a good 50 years to get to this point. They sought to kill patriotism, personal responsibility, the moral fabric of society, and the economy. Welfare went from being a temporary last resort to an entitlement that people demanded. Schools focus more on liberal ideology than the basic skills. Students are taught that wealthy must share everything and that guns are evil and no one should have them other than government.

The media has aided the destruction with propaganda. They are echoing what liberal teachers and college professors are preaching. The protesters actually believe we are wrong for wanting a better vetting system. Yes, people were held and released a short time later at airports. So few were rejected but the left acted like everyone was being mistreated. The media rushes to cover any protest and lends credibility to the most insane rioters. Meanwhile, other protests that don't fit the narrative are treated as non-incidents and receive no meaningful coverage.

I do think most people have caught on to the mind games being played. It explains the election and it explains the pitiful ratings of some of the lapdog media shows.
Does Trump get all his ideas from Fox now? Cnn and MSNBC and CBS etc are SO PARTISAN because they have to report that he's FOS! LOL. Hopefully he,and the dupes will learn how far off they are. ACA is a total disaster? Putin is a good strong leader? 3 million voted illegally? Hillary was a corrupt murderer lol. Does he believe all this crap: Obama had control for 2 years, his policies blah blah...Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

Has he NOT been told any of this: The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

You certainly begin to wonder....
. Most of what you listed were results of years and years of the lefties getting their way. The right were just catering to their small base most of the time, but the left was destroying anything and everything they could. The problem with the right, is that it took to long to wake up to it all the bull crap, but when the restroom issue came home to roost among other severe issues, well that was the straws that began to break the camel's back finally.
Reaganism rolls on, dupe- ACA is the only thing Dems have gotten in the last 30 years (barely and an imperfect version perhaps), and the nonrich and the country continue to slowly go to hell. Great job! God you're FOS...Change the GD channel...
. Policies that you speak of weren't the problems being experienced in it all, but instead it was the attacks on American culture, and American institutions along with American values, standards and the biggest was the attack on anything Christian or Godly.
All this social engineering was way to big to blame on any government policy making, other than the times in which the left when in power used the government to over throw many American institutions they didn't like while trying to implement their social changes in which they wanted worst than they wanted to keep the security of this nation intact in the end.

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