South African Parliamentary Conference backs boycott of Israel


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
Boycott of Israel is being backed by the South African government, as we see in current news, as a Parliamentary Committee has met and adopted Resolutions to implement BDS


South African Parliamentary Conference backs boycott of Israel

Monday, 10 February 2014

South Africa's Parliamentary Portfolio Committee has held a "Solidarity Conference in Support of the Peoples of Palestine, Western Sahara and Cuba".

This session was held on Thursday, 6th February.

This session of a Parliamentary Committee was opened by an icon of the anti-apartheid struggle, Ahmed Kathrada.

Ahmed Kathrada was followed to the podium by South Africa's Deputy Minister of International Relations, Marius Fransman; the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on International Relations, Mr Tisetso Magama, MP; and the Ambassadors of Cuba, Palestine and Western Sahara.

Here are the first 10 of 15 Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by this South African Parliamentary Committee.



06 February 2014

"1. South Africa has a legal obligation under the Rome Statute to set up a special court to deal with war crimes, this needs to be urgently setup. South Africa must expeditiously deal with the "Gaza Docket" and deal with South Africans serving in the Israeli Defence Force;

2. The 2009 Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) report that found Israel guilty of Apartheid should be adopted by South Africa's Parliament and by the South African government. The HSRC report must also be referred to international bodies including the International Parliamentary Union, the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the African Union.

3. South Africa has a legal obligation and must stop all financial transactions with Israeli settlement companies as well as banks and companies involved in the Israeli settlements. This would be in line with developments in Europe and other countries.

4. On the global arena South Africa must lobby for the financial and other support of the Palestinians for socioeconomic development after the end of the illegal Israeli occupation.

5. The South African government must support Palestinian students, as a concrete act of solidarity, similar to how India, Cuba and other countries supported South Africa during the 1980s.

6. Entrance into South Africa for Palestinians must be made easier.

7. The Palestinian health system must be supported beyond people capacity. Infrastructure in Gaza, West Bank and refugee camps must be supported.

8. Conference supports the Robben Island Declaration for the freedom of Marwan Barghouti and all Palestinian Political prisoners.

9. Conference supports the Palestinian-led call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) issued by the majority of Palestinians. Complete military, financial and political sanctions must be applied against Israel until it complies with all applicable UN resolutions and international law and ends its occupation.

10. All South African political parties must clearly communicate their stance on the plight of the Palestinian people and make it timeously known in the build-up to 2014 elections."
from sherri>>>
6. Entrance into South Africa for Palestinians must be made easier.

GREAT IDEA------ "palestinians" can finally not be refugees------they can be
There are different voices in S Africa.

South African MP: Israel is Not an Apartheid State

South African MP Rev. Dr. Kenneth Meshoe, a person of color who survived the apartheid regime, explains why he does not believe that Israel can be considered an apartheid state.

South African MP Rev. Dr. Kenneth Meshoe wrote in the San Francisco Examiner, “As a black South African who lived under apartheid, this system was implemented in South Africa to subjugate people of color and deny them a variety of their rights. In my view, Israel cannot be compared to apartheid in South Africa. Those who make the accusation expose their ignorance of what apartheid really is.” Meshoe made this statement upon visiting San Francisco, where he was shocked to learn of posters posted within the city comparing Israel to the apartheid regime in South Africa.

San Francisco was not the only American city to post such posters relatively recently. The Americans for Palestine group placed posters on the New York subway not too long ago where Desmond Tutu is quoted as stating, “I’ve been very distressed by my visit in the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa.” The ad then continues, “Americans give Israel $3 billion per year. End Apartheid Now! Stop US aid to Israel!” Yet, Meshoe has very strong arguments why Tutu and various anti-Israel groups wrongly compare the situation in Israel to the apartheid regime in South Africa.
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S Africa is one of the most corrupt failed states, and rape capital of the world.

Israel should be worried.
from sherri>>>
6. Entrance into South Africa for Palestinians must be made easier.

GREAT IDEA------ "palestinians" can finally not be refugees------they can be

Sounds like a perfect solution to me.

The "Palestinians" can finally be happy in a place that wants them there. :thup:

And the Israelis can have peace instead of rocket attacks. :thup:
Here is the Rev'd Kenneth Meshoe mentioned above speaking last September.

[ame=]S.Africa MP: Israel an Apartheid? I know what Apartheid really is - YouTube[/ame]
South Africa's Parliament obviously sees things very differently in Palestine then the "reverend" sees them.
South Africa's Parliament obviously sees things very differently in Palestine then the "reverend" sees them.

sherri ----who writes your petitions and briefs? not

sloppiness in writing is ok for MOST of us-----but it is absolutely unacceptable in
a lawyer. How did you manage on the LSAT?
I think it is great South Africa is working on setting up a special court to deal with Israels war crimes.

Two big concerns they highlight are actions in Gaza and South Africans who have enlisted in the IDF.
South Africa's Parliament obviously sees things very differently in Palestine then the "reverend" sees them.

sherri ----who writes your petitions and briefs? not

sloppiness in writing is ok for MOST of us-----but it is absolutely unacceptable in
a lawyer. How did you manage on the LSAT?

This is the Islamist Sherri's shift. Probably multitasking and having to type with one hand. :eek:
I think it is great South Africa is working on setting up a special court to deal with Israels war crimes.

Two big concerns they highlight are actions in Gaza and South Africans who have enlisted in the IDF.

South Africans can't enlist in the IDF you moron. Only citizens of Israel can. :cuckoo:
I think it is great South Africa is working on setting up a special court to deal with Israels war crimes.

Two big concerns they highlight are actions in Gaza and South Africans who have enlisted in the IDF.

S.A.'s special court would be worse than useless.

Their ruling would have no effect on Israel, as they have no jurisdiction over another sovereign nation.

And they would just be wasting money that could be used for other purposes.
Usually what happens with failed states is they navigate towards other failed causes. In this case the S. Africans are ripping Arabs off for this meaningless "vote". Nothing new. Remember the Durban Conference which everybody walked out of, because it had turned into an anti Semetic Rant?

Corruption, AIDS, inequality — can South Africa fulfil Nelson Mandela's dreams?
The post-Mandela years have not been kind to the majority of South Africans
Usually what happens with failed states is they navigate towards other failed causes. In this case the S. Africans are ripping Arabs off for this meaningless "vote". Nothing new. Remember the Durban Conference which everybody walked out of, because it had turned into an anti Semetic Rant?

Corruption, AIDS, inequality — can South Africa fulfil Nelson Mandela's dreams?
The post-Mandela years have not been kind to the majority of South Africans

That there are people in the world who have decided that every rabble rousing
jerk in South Africa-----a country in shambles and rife with corruption is suddenly
the epicenter for the SCHOLARSHIP OF HUMAN RIGHTS------indicates the utter stupidity
of lots of people. Potential politicians and persons seeking position in that country
are, no douct, intelliegent but, more so, they are "POLITIC" Africa has a WHOLE
LOT MORE muslims than jews
Usually what happens with failed states is they navigate towards other failed causes. In this case the S. Africans are ripping Arabs off for this meaningless "vote". Nothing new. Remember the Durban Conference which everybody walked out of, because it had turned into an anti Semetic Rant?

Corruption, AIDS, inequality — can South Africa fulfil Nelson Mandela's dreams?
The post-Mandela years have not been kind to the majority of South Africans

Mandela has stated publicly many times that Israel should not even exist . Too bad he didn't have " compassion" for those Blacks being enslaved and killed by Muslims. Another Hypocrite bites the dust ..... BYE ! :smiliehug:

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