South Carolina Murderer Will Die by Firing Squad This Week


I thought I read somewhere that only one of the shooters has live ammo, and no one knows who that is, so that no one has to live with the guilt.

If I were the recipient, I'd hope that they all had live ammo -- less chance of a f**k-up that would lead to my suffering unnecessarily.

I think one has a blank.
A man who bludgeoned his ex-girlfriend's parents to death in an attempt to kidnap his ex-girlfriend and then commit a murder suicide will be executed by firing squad.

South Carolina Murderer Will Die by Firing Squad This Week

The usual people are suing to spare this sack of shit, claiming he only chose the firing squad because he thinks lethal injection would be botched.

As usual more sympathy for the criminal than for his victims.
Let's do this.

It's a difficult issue. I was always pro-capital punishment, and a year ago I became a Catholic and am now obligated to think differently about the taking of any life.

It's difficult.


Not "Taking ", imho .
Simply bringing this incarnation to a premature end , possibly before otherwise planned Karma is lived through .

But the unworked- through Karma automaticaly re-appears when the next incarnation arrives .

Except now the perpetrators of the "killing" probably have an extra layer of Karma attached to their Akashic Records .

So do not stress .
If you are placed in an "impossible "situation, you have to conduct as honest a Valuation exercise as possible .
Likely "Good" effects versus" Bad " ones and the size of gap between them .
That is, imho , Killing Dear Uncle Addy in 1945 has less "punishment" attached to it than killing your mother in law because she has been a miserable wretch all her adult life .
Tom Horn was a bounty hunter-enforcer for the cattle barons in the old west, but shot a kid who was wearing his fathers coat by mistake and convicted of murder. He was so well liked no one wanted to pull the trap door to hang him, so they devised a mechanical trigger that was held by the weight a bucket of water. A hole was punched in it, and when it was empty enough it released the trap door.

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