Speaking of Blago...11 Years Later & Deep State FBI Refuses To Turn Over 302 & Transcript

Trump's Blago commutation wasn't done to please a special interest group. He wanted to demonstrate to everyone that he'll pardon anyone he likes, period. The point was to let his lackeys know that they can commit crimes on his behalf and then be pardoned for it, so long as they remain loyal. Rats will rot in prison, but loyal lackeys will be pardoned.
Interesting personal interpretation, Ms. CLEO.....


So you saying that Barry thought the sentence given to terrorists who openly admitted to bombing and murdering innocent people, who initially refused to take Clinton's pardon on the condition that they never kill innocent people again, was too long? Seems like it....

Yep, we disagreed with those commutations. They were done to curry political favor with Puerto Rican voters.

Remember, we're liberals. Thus, we're consistent, pretty much by definition. Conservatives have trouble understanding consistency.

Trump's Blago commutation wasn't done to please a special interest group. He wanted to demonstrate to everyone that he'll pardon anyone he likes, period. The point was to let his lackeys know that they can commit crimes on his behalf and then be pardoned for it, so long as they remain loyal. Rats will rot in prison, but loyal lackeys will be pardoned.

I don't see a Pardon as an 'acquittal' but as a 'time served' call. Blago committed a crime...but perhaps his biggest crime may have been knowing too much / having too much on Barry, which explains why the GBI has still not released the 303 or the transcripts of his interview.

So. you've also joined the "Blago is a victim" team, a team that didn't exist 2 days ago. Thanks for proving my point.
Let me ask you, mammoth, oh never mind, I know you don’t believe the feds ever over prosecute or try to frame.
Blago was a victim if his conviction was overturned and nothing done to his sentence, as much as I hate the guy. He could roast in jail for all I care, but I actually can’t forgive an injustice done either, if indeed it was done, which the overturned conviction points to.
That’s where you and I differ.
He posted after you did so it would be impossible for you to have been referencing him at the time.

So? You're not making any sense. I never said "The people on this thread have said ...". I referred to Trump cultists in general.

And now a second person here has jumped on the "Blago is a victim" bandwagon, so my point is reinforced.

You'd best find out if you're required to jump on that bandwagon as well. I wouldn't want to see the other cultists turn on your for not obeying DearLeader with sufficient enthusiasm.
here was his post:

"The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.
You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited. And he was commuted, not pardoned.

I don’t care which side of the aisle you are on, or if you are a jerk, corrupt justice is bad for everyone."

please enlighten me as to how this makes blago innocent or a victim.

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.
Blago is still a corrupt Democrat politician.
That doesn't forgive the fact he got railroaded by Obama.
He posted after you did so it would be impossible for you to have been referencing him at the time.

So? You're not making any sense. I never said "The people on this thread have said ...". I referred to Trump cultists in general.

And now a second person here has jumped on the "Blago is a victim" bandwagon, so my point is reinforced.

You'd best find out if you're required to jump on that bandwagon as well. I wouldn't want to see the other cultists turn on your for not obeying DearLeader with sufficient enthusiasm.
here was his post:

"The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.
You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited. And he was commuted, not pardoned.

I don’t care which side of the aisle you are on, or if you are a jerk, corrupt justice is bad for everyone."

please enlighten me as to how this makes blago innocent or a victim.
Thank you.
I never said he shouldn’t have served time for the convictions that held up.
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He posted after you did so it would be impossible for you to have been referencing him at the time.

So? You're not making any sense. I never said "The people on this thread have said ...". I referred to Trump cultists in general.

And now a second person here has jumped on the "Blago is a victim" bandwagon, so my point is reinforced.

You'd best find out if you're required to jump on that bandwagon as well. I wouldn't want to see the other cultists turn on your for not obeying DearLeader with sufficient enthusiasm.
here was his post:

"The world has become topsy turvy. Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed.
You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited. And he was commuted, not pardoned.

I don’t care which side of the aisle you are on, or if you are a jerk, corrupt justice is bad for everyone."

please enlighten me as to how this makes blago innocent or a victim.
Thank you.
I never said he shouldn’t have served time.p for the convictions that held up.
yea, he likes to push what you say into what he WANTS you to say. talking about the pros and cons of a sentencing isn't saying he shouldn't serve at all.

dude is just being a double-used doosh today.
Interesting personal interpretation, Ms. CLEO....
Then please provide your interpretation. Why did Trump suddenly commute Blago's sentence?


Trump just pardoned a corrupt ex-Obama pal Democrats who attempted to sell Barry's old seat...a 'REAL' criminal...a DEMOCRAT....put in jail by Obama's criminal stooges - Mueller, Comey, etc...

Consider it 'greasing the wheels'..... for when / if he Pardons Roger Stone and Gen Kelly, also convicted by these clowns. Pardoning both Dems and Conservatives jailed by the same criminal Obama clowns seems non-partisan / non-criminally intended.

As I said though, reasoning like that only works on sane people, not rabid Trump-hating libs who will stop at nothing from forcing him out of office.

Again, IMHO...
Consider it 'greasing the wheels'..... for when / if he Pardons Roger Stone and Gen Kelly, also convicted by these clowns. Pardoning both Dems and Conservatives jailed by the same criminal Obama clowns seems non-partisan / non-criminally intended.

Interesting, how you don't notice that you're agreeing with me. Like we both said, Trump is showing his willingness to pardon loyal lackeys.
please enlighten me as to how this makes blago innocent or a victim.

You quoted it.

"Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed. You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited"

That's him saying Blago is a victim. Are you just pretending not to understand English, or do you not understand English?

And like I said, that position didn't exist on the Republican side two days ago. It was invented right after Trump commuted the sentence.
Consider it 'greasing the wheels'..... for when / if he Pardons Roger Stone and Gen Kelly, also convicted by these clowns. Pardoning both Dems and Conservatives jailed by the same criminal Obama clowns seems non-partisan / non-criminally intended.

Interesting, how you don't notice that you're agreeing with me. Like we both said, Trump is showing his willingness to pardon loyal lackeys.
IMHO, again, Trump is not 'willing to pardon loyal lackeys' for their sake at all - I disagree.

Blago was a serious criminal - he deserved 8 - 10 years.

Stone - 7 - 9 years in prison, more than twice the average sentence for rapists / manslaughter, for lying to investigators....which Mills, Abedin, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, etc... all did?

These same Obama traitors ruined lives, committed FISA Court Abuses, illegally spied, violated the Constitution and law......IMHO, Pardoning Stone and or Kelly will not be about 'rewarding loyal lackeys' but righting injustices, giving these conspirators who thought they could destroy anyone they wanted on the way to taking down Trump the finger....

Pardoning Blago now before he possibly does so in the future takes away some of the Democrat ammo later if they decide to claim he only pardons HIS pals. Blago was Obama's....
"Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed. You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited"

That's him saying Blago is a victim.
Careful when you try to speak for others....too often the meaning assigned by the individual attempting to do so is Waaaaaay off.

Only Democrats have mastered the ability of the 'thought crime detective'
"Rod Blagojevich did not sell the Senate seat. He served 8 years in prison, with many remaining. He paid a big price. Another Comey and gang deal!" - President Trump
please enlighten me as to how this makes blago innocent or a victim.

You quoted it.

"Corruption within the justice system itself is being exposed. You do know his conviction for trying to sell the seat was overturned along with other counts, yet his sentencing was never revisited"

That's him saying Blago is a victim. Are you just pretending not to understand English, or do you not understand English?

And like I said, that position didn't exist on the Republican side two days ago. It was invented right after Trump commuted the sentence.
because his corruption has been exposed?

lord you are stupid.
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It’s Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON’T
Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama’s
Blagojevich Interview …What Are They Hiding?

'Over 11 years ago, FBI interviewed Barack Obama about sale of his Senate seat. There's a FBI "302" report of interview. Rather than releasing document, DOJ has fought 'Judicial Watch' tooth and nail to keep it secret.'

It's Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON'T Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama's Blagojevich Interview ...What Are They Hiding?/
Obama's involvement.

Blago: Obama “Began the Whole Conversation” About His Vacant Senate Seat and Sent a “Middleman” to Me the Night He Was Elected President
Since I make it a point to be informed on the politics of the Deep State for decades, Barry Obama's corrupt background, and the insanely corrupt democrat party in Illinois, I knew Blago was being setup to be the fall guy on day one. As Zorro!'s link alludes to, Obama was looking forward to the usual selling of a vacant Senate seat. Obama should be in prison for that and obviously many other crimes against the USA and American citizens.

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.

Bullshit. You people only started calling him a corrupt Democrat when he was a threat to Obama. I don’t think he was unjustly persecuted. I do believe that he was hung out by other corrupt Democrats.

Two days ago, the Trump cultists would have universally said Blago was a corrupt Democrat. (As would all Dems. Difference is, we still say that.)

Today, they tell us Blago is the unjustly persecuted victim, solely because DearLeader decided that he liked Blago.

If there's one thing Trump cultists are good at, it's flipflopping the instant they're told to flipflop.
I think he is a crook and I don't know why Trump pardoned him.

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