Special election results in Connecticutt


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Amid a lot of other stories in the press, a good one from Connecticut got a lost in the shuffle: The state held a special election of five state legislative slots, and Republicans unexpectedly won two of them. All five vacancies were a result of newly elected Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont appointing legislators to state roles.
Now, this state is deep blue. Are these special elections look as though they're referendums on the Democrats, who took a large swath of power in the last midterm. So this "unexpected" result in Connecticut could be a harbinger of things to come in the 2020 election.
But it's also of a piece with a different metric: That these tiny little special elections, which got so much press in 2017 and 2018 because they yielded Democratic upsets in traditionally Republican enclaves such as Alabama - inevitably led to the Democratic Party's retaking of the House by 2018. It was true enough then, and now we are seeing the trend reverse - this time toward Republicans. If a lot of these little special elections keep yielding "unexpected" Republican results, it's likely a sign the Democrats are going to be out on their ear in the House in 2020.
Here's another thing: Connecticut has been run by Democrats for a long, long, time. That's led to the inevitable result of liberal Democratic rule: High taxes and unbearable regulation. The Patch, in January, reported that Connecticut is the third-highest state for residential flight:
When you consider that there are plenty of other high-tax one-party solid blue states, it suggests that there is a breaking point among voters, they have their limits. California isn't precisely like Connecticut, owing to its Silicon Valley plutocrats and its gargantuan illegal immigrant population, but it suggests there's an 'enough' factor somewhere. Maybe Californians will have limits at some point, too. Victor Davis Hanson argues that there will be a breaking point here because California only needs to lose a couple billionaires to other states to see its tax base collapse.
Here's another thing that's good news for Republicans in this electoral result: The local Connecticut Mirror reports that the districts that flipped were blue collar districts, the very voters Democrats have lately been trying to write off, even as the election of President Trump in 2016 showed their power. Kind of stupid of them, in light of Connecticut. Because if they can lose parts of Connecticut in a low-turnout special election, think what they can lose in a purple state, or a red state.


Ok, maybe this is a one-off that means nothing. BUT - it's certainly possible that in many districts across the country the far-left turn the Dems are in the process of making could bite them in the butt come Nov 2020. It's JMO, but I'd bet money (if I had any) that if we had another national election today, the Dems would lose the House.
The problem with the out-migration numbers is that they are based on percentage of state population. In absolute numbers IL, CA and NY are the big three. Since most of the people on this board use the absolute numbers top ten I thought I should put in this caveat for you. (some idiot who didn't follow your link within the link will come out with the different numbers just to screw with you.)
Wow...when I saw the thread title I thought I was going to read that all five seats went to the GOP.

You're celebrating winning TWO...out of FIVE?

Sure...you go with that

Guess what?

Down on the border in Texas and other states bordering Mexico...there is only ONE Republican district and THAT candidate was NOT in favor of the wall...


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