Special Report! Pro-Hamas Terrorists at Columbia getting arrested by NYPD...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
Just reported on ABC.

Really not scoring a lot of points for the terrorists in Palestine by being terrorists in New York.

This is why you can't join a group...because the idiots end screwing it all up.

I honestly believe these protests ... when they were peaceful...were making headway pressuring Biden.

But they just had to take it too far.

Link when available.

Aren't terrorists supposed to be shot in the neck at point blank range like they did at the capitol building on J6?


View attachment 940368

Aren't terrorists supposed to be shot in the neck at point blank range like they did at the capitol building on J6?



Only to protect University Officials, or non-protesting students, staff, etc.
Other than that, I support Tasing the crap out of every single one of them, zip tying hand and foot, and being dragged from the building. All occupiers should be criminally charged for trespass, fined, jailed, and assigned damages and costs. If under 18, bill the parents for damage done by their kids.
Only to protect University Officials, or non-protesting students, staff, etc.
Other than that, I support Tasing the crap out of every single one of them, zip tying hand and foot, and being dragged from the building. All occupiers should be criminally charged for trespass, fined, jailed, and assigned damages and costs. If under 18, bill the parents for damage done by their kids.


But the capitol police inside the capitol building didn't have all those other accessories, not even body cams, so they're unnecessary here also since the capitol police should be the best equipped police force in the nation. I think shooting them with their firearms will suffice in this case.


View attachment 940377

But the capitol police inside the capitol building didn't have all those other accessories, not even body cams, so they're unnecessary here also since the capitol police should be the best equipped police force in the nation. I think shooting them with their firearms will suffice in this case.



These cops are going in. They can take anything they like and Zip Ties are lighter, quicker, cheaper and more disposable than cuffs. Protestors taking over a building, obviously take a certain amount of risk. If it turn out the decision to storm a building ends in negative consequences, it is actually just a tough shit situation, they should have avoided by not storming and occupying.
"Those inside Hamilton Hall will be charged with third-degree burglary, criminal mischief and trespassing, an NYPD official said at a news conference this evening before officers arrived on campus."

“We have seen professional, external actors getting involved in these protests, including the occupation of a university building,” he said.

the FBI....... ;) ~S~
Guantanamo Bay is still open no? Plenty of room for these domestic terrorists, and outside of the jurisdiction of the US Constitution.
Just reported on ABC.

Really not scoring a lot of points for the terrorists in Palestine by being terrorists in New York.

This is why you can't join a group...because the idiots end screwing it all up.

I honestly believe these protests ... when they were peaceful...were making headway pressuring Biden.

But they just had to take it too far.

Link when available.
A win for the good guys. Arrest anyone who breaks the law.
Link when available.
Still waiting for a link supporting your "Pro-Hamas Terrorists" title assertion..

Did you mean to say "Pro-Palestinian demonstrators"? "Anti-war activists"? You having a cow because you feel old now or what?
Just reported on ABC.

Really not scoring a lot of points for the terrorists in Palestine by being terrorists in New York.

This is why you can't join a group...because the idiots end screwing it all up.

I honestly believe these protests ... when they were peaceful...were making headway pressuring Biden.

But they just had to take it too far.

Link when available.
At the sametime....

Fights break out, firecrackers thrown at pro-Palestine encampment at UCLA; Hour of minimal police intervention

LOS ANGELES - Multiple brawls broke out and firecrackers exploded at UCLA during Day 6 of pro-Palestine demonstrations in Westwood.
FOX 11's newscast captured the moments where the fights broke out. At one point, someone tossed a firecracker at the encampment site.

They are likely trying to pretend it’s two groups fighting
Are you watching.
Media are claiming some groups came and attacked the protesters encampment. I saw one man who fled to the US after the Iranian revolution who said these are gang members throwing up gang signs etc.
The fact that Democrat Meo-Marxists led by Joe XuBaiDung are allowing this to happen on our campuses in America is appalling.
Not one LAPD officer is on scene.
Where is Mayor Bass? where is the National Guard?
This is a complete failure of Progressive government.
This is anarchy

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