Spit Hoods


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I'd never heard of them before yesterday when I was reading about how Daniel Prude died. As most are already aware who have read about poor Daniel neked out in the road and his brother calling police to get brother out of the road while brother was in a total irrational PCP induced drugged out state.

Being a curious sort I had to search to find how many druggies or drunks died with these spit hoods on. It also got me to wondering about why paper bags were no longer sufficient. I recall some remark years back about how putting a paper bag on someones head was so degrading. I wonder what these snowflakes would do if those drunks, druggies or the violent types were spitting on them? How would they handle it?

Well anyhow spit hoods can cause problems for those who already have issues with being drunks or druggies, heart or breathing conditions, etc... The reason that police departments use them is because they can no longer use one of those big ole paper bags for if they did they would not be following Standard Operating Procedures. The one thing I did learn while contracting for the government is you must follow SOP's even if common sense has a better way. If you do not follow SOP's not only the bureaucrats can go after but your insurance company can be a big issue too.

Moral of the story. Bureaucracies can really suck at times. Just let your brother be even if he is neked playing in the road and acting all crazy while he's doing his PCP, meth or whatever.

And BTW, when all the decent police chiefs and their assistants are gone because they are sick of the bs I think a whole lot of people are going to be really miserable for awhile.

Danial prude.PNG
Just let your brother be even if he is neked playing in the road and acting all crazy while he's doing his PCP, meth or whatever.

Police get just as much flak, or more, not responding to these calls than they do for responding to them.

The people who call them in get quite irate with police if they are delayed for higher priority jobs.
The spit hood was used 7 days before he died.

WTF? It had nothing to do with his death! Yet all of the MSM (including FOX) is omitting that fact!
They can't keep up the riots, fear mongering and all that good News worthy excitement going if they just tell it all like it is. Besides some of them lawyers need work to and insurance companies will now have a new product line developed specifically for riots and such.
yo coumo the homo, what have you done for rochester so far? or are you not aware of whats happening out there? wake up retard quit being a lazy piece of shit demoncrat and do your fucking job
Just let your brother be even if he is neked playing in the road and acting all crazy while he's doing his PCP, meth or whatever.

Police get just as much flak, or more, not responding to these calls than they do for responding to them.

The people who call them in get quite irate with police if they are delayed for higher priority jobs.
My respect goes to good police officers. It would be a very difficult job at times and I am sure much worse in metros.

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