Sputnik, the "Russian" news agency, is under investigation by the FBI


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Finally, but as i predicted ...USA begins to defend itself , when the free world will get Putler´s propagandacondoms like Kiselyov , + many "useful idiots (cos they are criminals) " behind the bars?

WASHINGTON — The FBI recently questioned a former White House correspondent for Sputnik, the Russian-government-funded news agency, as part of an investigation into whether it is acting as an undeclared propaganda arm of the Kremlin in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). As part of the probe, Yahoo News has learned, the bureau has obtained a thumb drive containing thousands of internal Sputnik emails and documents — material that could potentially help prosecutors build a case that the news agency played a role in the Russian government “influence campaign” that was waged during last year’s presidential election and, in the view of U.S. intelligence officials, is still ongoing. The emails were turned over by Andrew Feinberg, the news agency’s former White House correspondent, who had downloaded the material onto his laptop before he was fired in May. The FBI reached out to Feinberg shortly after another former Sputnik staffer, Joseph John Fionda, sent a letter to the Justice Department’s national security division detailing a series of similar accusations against the news organization and requested that it be investigated for FARA violations.

Sputnik is owned by Rossiya Segodnya, a Russian government media operation headed by Dmitri Kiselyov,
a belligerent television broadcaster who is known as Putin’s “personal propagandist” and has been sanctioned by the European Union in response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine. Both Sputnik and RT were identified in a U.S. intelligence report in January as being arms of Russia’s “state-run propaganda machine” that served as a “platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences. While his instructions as White House correspondent came from the senior editors and news directors at Sputnik’s Washington office, Feinberg said these supervisors regularly “would say, ‘Moscow wants this or Moscow wants that.’” The thumb drive of emails and other documents that Feinberg turned over to the FBI contains messages that could shed light on Sputnik’s funding, its operations in Washington and how it makes editorial decisions. It includes documents Feinberg submitted on behalf of Sputnik to obtain congressional press credentials in which he confirmed that the Russian government is the company’s main funding source."


Sputnik, the Russian news agency, is under investigation by the FBI


Have to say, unfortunately for the reputations of these nations; they should also be investigating the BBC and CBC. The more centralized a government and economy, the less trustworthy it's media, especially when state funded.
Have to say, unfortunately for the reputations of these nations; they should also be investigating the BBC and CBC. The more centralized a government and economy, the less trustworthy it's media, especially when state funded.

First of all, mostly everything OP, the Ukrainian troll, is posting is very doubtful.

However FBI is really "investigating" Sputnk then it is same ridiculous as Mueller "investigating" Russian collusion (=delusion).
FBI has a lot more important things to do: they should start with investigation of Hillary Clinton and lock her up. Comey was way too cowardly to do that.


American taxpayers are paying huge money to FBI and real crooks are still not under investigation.
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Let me know when they investigate soros for tampering with our elections along with other illegal activities that are all punishable by death.

Then I will know this country is great again. Not one moment before that.

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