State Dept Admits The Majority of Afghans and SIVs Who Helped us Did Not Evacuate, So Who Are These 116,000 Afghans We Evacuated


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Good grief, just another screw-up by the dipshit Biden.

Future terrorists and then the feds blame it on white supremacists? Hey, we know for the past that the feds are not beneath such a plan.

According to the data provided by the U.S. State Department in the last few days, the total number of people evacuated from the Kabul airport was 122,000. Of those, 6,000 were American citizens (AmCits), and 116,000 were Afghan refugees.
Today the State Department admits the “majority” of the qualified Afghan people who assisted the U.S. during operations in Afghanistan, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants, did not get evacuated. That admission begs the question: then who the heck are those 116,000 refugees?

It’s not just some NBC reporter relaying information, there are multiple reports of exactly the same dynamic. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The U.S. left behind the majority of Afghan interpreters and others who applied for visas to flee Afghanistan, a senior State Department official said on Wednesday, despite frantic efforts to evacuate those at risk of Taliban retribution in the final weeks of the airlift.”

That's what I've been asking! I'm going out on a limb and say they were the best politically connected or Taliban connected Afghans since they apparently made it out AHEAD of Americans or Afghan interpreters. And the vetting will be about as good as the vetting going on at our Southern border which means none at all. Yes ladies and gents the Democrats have REALLY done a number on the good ol USA this time.
Good grief, just another screw-up by the dipshit Biden.

Future terrorists and then the feds blame it on white supremacists? Hey, we know for the past that the feds are not beneath such a plan.

According to the data provided by the U.S. State Department in the last few days, the total number of people evacuated from the Kabul airport was 122,000. Of those, 6,000 were American citizens (AmCits), and 116,000 were Afghan refugees.
Today the State Department admits the “majority” of the qualified Afghan people who assisted the U.S. during operations in Afghanistan, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants, did not get evacuated. That admission begs the question: then who the heck are those 116,000 refugees?

It’s not just some NBC reporter relaying information, there are multiple reports of exactly the same dynamic. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The U.S. left behind the majority of Afghan interpreters and others who applied for visas to flee Afghanistan, a senior State Department official said on Wednesday, despite frantic efforts to evacuate those at risk of Taliban retribution in the final weeks of the airlift.”

They already have the states and districts they will go to for voting

They got as many people on those planes that could hang off the wheels

This was intentional
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Lot of traitors involved in this mess they created belong at the end of the short rope. How many thousands of our allies did they send to their death with this latest bs they have pulled?

Unfortunately we will soon have the same Muslim problems that Europe is facing. Especially Sweden and Germany.

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