Statue of Liberty Gets Struck By Lightning During Wild New York Storm


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
On Thursday, a lightning bolt struck the Statue of Liberty’s torch during a severe storm in New York. WOW~

Sign of times? who knows

On Thursday, a lightning bolt struck the Statue of Liberty’s torch during a severe storm in New York. WOW~

Sign of times? who knows

View attachment 927372
G-d is crying for his favourite nation.

"I gave you everything, I provided you citizens of character and sacrifice, What happened"?

Some of us still hope this returns. Less Reality TV and racial division and more civil liberty and creativity.
America is up for judgment. God is extremely angry with New York and that entire White House how they have weaponized the justice system.

Exact same day America speaks to horribly, bossy, arrogant to Israel God strikes that Statue of Liberty.

Every single time without fail, that America harms Israel, it faces a disaster or an overseas attack.

The Solar Eclipse is going to set a lot of other things in motion.
On Thursday, a lightning bolt struck the Statue of Liberty’s torch during a severe storm in New York. WOW~

Sign of times? who knows

View attachment 927372
It get struck dozens of times a year. It's a giant metal lightning rod sticking up out of a small island in the middle of the bay.
On Thursday, a lightning bolt struck the Statue of Liberty’s torch during a severe storm in New York. WOW~

Sign of times?
It happens quite often

On average, the Statue of Liberty is struck by lightning around 600 times every year. This means that the statue gets hit by lightning approximately 1.6 times per day.

who knows

Everyone who's brains fire neurons.

On Thursday, a lightning bolt struck the Statue of Liberty’s torch during a severe storm in New York. WOW~

Sign of times? who knows

View attachment 927372
Could be a sign that it is a giant 151 ft tall statue, made of copper, standing on a pedestal out in a harbor, the tallest thing around for a great distance and a natural lighting rod. Just Sayin...:cool:
Like what?
God works in mysterious ways. We only have one political party (democrat) doing so much dirt to one man (Trump).

The devil wrestles not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers, so this is a war between the elite democrats and their system of weaponry v. God Almighty.

As God is the only one who can fight and defeat principalities and powers. We see how God defeated it in 2016 as Hillary was "mysteriously defeated" by God... along with the mainstream media, their drive-by machine of Russia collusion, and all of their powers of darkness with their mystics and psychic demons. God mysteriously defeated them all in one swift blow, and now the Jubilee return of that defeat.

As far as what the Solar Eclipses will set in motion it will be the reaping to everyone everything they have sown.
We all know the democrats have sown destruction and defeat for President Trump, and NOW it's about to be a lengthy season for reaping all that has been sown. God cannot lie whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. Season of reaping will continue until it is completed- could take months- could take years. God judges the actions and the heart.

Democrats have spent the last four in a half years sowing;(we factor in all the voter fraud of 2020) now it's reaping time. God's kingdom operates in every direction by a sowing and reaping kingdom principle.
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