Steven Crowder exposes radical left attempts at sickness


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The video exposes how a radical segment of leftist academics has been pushing disgusting views on sexuality for decades. It started within a segment of the Critical Gender Theory movement, which attempts to undermine traditional "meta narratives" of sexuality norms and replacing them with a notion that gender is a social construct.

Here is an article on the early Cultural Marxist and Social Psychologist, John Money, and how he destroyed the lives of an entire family in pursuit of his sick agenda.

David Reimer – Possibly the most unethical study in psychological history
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Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl
Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl

Because the progressive left is always trying to normalize pedophilia for some reason.
John Money

"In 1967 the perfect case to prove Money’s theory that gender identity was created by socialization presented itself to him. A baby boy’s penis was accidentally destroyed during a botched circumcision. His parents saw Money interviewed on television, talking about children with disorders of sexual development, and appealed to him for help. He was optimistic. He proposed that the boy be castrated and raised as a girl. Money assured the parents that the boy would fully accept this transition if the parents were consistent in their treatment of him as a girl. Since the boy had an identical twin brother, who would serve as a control, the case would be conclusive proof of Money’s theory that gender identity was socially constructed. Money spoke about and published reports of the case and assured everyone that the experiment was a total success.

Radical Marxist-influenced Feminists took up Money’s theory. It is important to remember that Radical Marxist-influenced Feminists are very different from women who simply want to defend women against unjust discrimination. Ideologically driven Radical Marxist-influenced Feminists want a sex-class revolution.

Radical Marxist-influenced Feminists promoted Money’s theory as proof that the differences between men and women were not natural, but socially constructed by an oppressive, patriarchal culture. It seemed very convincing. I myself remember reading about Money’s twin case and puzzling over it. As the mother of three boys and one girl, I was skeptical, I had seen how without any encouragement sex differences emerge. But Money’s case appeared to offer incontrovertible evidence that socialization could override biology."
Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl

3 year olds should not choose their gender. If I think that hormones should not be given to 3 year olds to stunt their natural progression, I don’t think that’s obsession.
Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl
find sex so obsessive a topic
Oh I dont know, maybe when it is constantly shoved down our throats that queerness, and prostituting little girls is the new normal for you worthless fucks, and if we dont bow down to your immoral will, then you have ANTIFA attack those who dont agree, until the poor women and old folks are beaten to a pulp. I just cant wait till those ISIS look alikes show up around me, for I wont hesitate a NY minute to put a few of them down so Lucifer can sort them out.

Here Are The Details On California’s Sex Education
Progressive Churches Now Pushing The LGTB Agenda
Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl

Because most of us aren't pedophiles, dumbass.
I missed Crowder last month, glad he is back.

I joined mug club when he was demonetized as an act of defiance against Big TECH CENSORSHIP. JOINED DAILY WIRE, TOO.
Why do you conservative republicans and Trump admirers find sex so obsessive a topic but not in a good way? I doubt Money was a Marxist but your calling him one is the deepest place your minds can go. Reimer is proof sexual identity is part of our make up, but Mooney thought otherwise. It is the same for Trans people, another group you sex obsessed righties find hard to understand. Go back under your beds, it is safe there.

For the intelligent reader check out, David Reimer 'As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl' by John Colapinto

"On March 14, 1980 -- when "Brenda" was 15 years old -- Ron and Janet Reimer finally told their child the truth: "She" had been a normal boy until a terrible act of medical malpractice had destroyed his penis. "Brenda" was relieved. He wasn't crazy, after all; his growing sexual interest in girls suddenly made sense; everything made sense. "Brenda" insisted on immediately reassuming a male identity, and he did so with remarkable ease, despite having neither a penis nor testicles. He chose the name David, because he felt that his life so far had been a David-and-Goliath struggle. "Brenda" is now David Reimer, happily married and the adoptive father of three children. He is proficient at automobile mechanics and enjoys watching televised sports."

David Reimer committed suicide in May, 2004. He was 38 years old.' NASSPE: Research > David Reimer: the boy who was raised as a girl

LOL at having to be a conservative to find that shit disgusting. Also, nice job of glossing over John Money's influence on Critical Gender Theory and his horrific behavior overall.

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