Still Denying What You've Become?

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Typical worthless lying scum OUT OF CONTEXT misrepresentation of what was discussed, mindlessly parroted by a STUPID fool!

PRESIDENT OBAMA: But one of the things that's interesting that's happening in the United States is that you're starting to see organizations that are kind of a blend of for-profit and non-for-profit. So they might have a business component that, let's say, sells handcrafts and artwork that's made by a community for profit, but then the money goes into financing the social programs that help give people these opportunities. And how they're treated in terms of taxes and the corporate organization -- that's going to change by country. Each country is going to have a different model. But more and more, I believe that that's going to be the wave of the future if we want to make progress on these problems.

I guess to make a broader point, so often in the past there's been a sharp division between left and right, between capitalist and communist or socialist. And especially in the Americas, that's been a big debate, right? Oh, you know, you're a capitalist Yankee dog, and oh, you know, you're some crazy communist that's going to take away everybody's property. And I mean, those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don't have to worry about whether it neatly fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory -- you should just decide what works...

But you drive around Havana and you say this economy is not working. It looks like it did in the 1950s. And so you have to be practical in asking yourself how can you achieve the goals of equality and inclusion, but also recognize that the market system produces a lot of wealth and goods and services. And it also gives individuals freedom because they have initiative.

And so you don't have to be rigid in saying it’s either this or that, you can say -- depending on the problem you're trying to solve, depending on the social issues that you're trying to address what works. And I think that what you’ll find is that the most successful societies, the most successful economies are ones that are rooted in a market-based system, but also recognize that a market does not work by itself. It has to have a social and moral and ethical and community basis, and there has to be inclusion. Otherwise it’s not stable.

Trolls are incapable of comprehending context or nuance. Don't waste your breath engaging with actual substance, it just entertains them to get a rise of you.
Oh my the irony,You both are experts at that and trolling not posting anything of substance. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing0301:
Book banning...a bipartisan sport it would seem...what an ignorant OP (or maybe just lacking a mirror).

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This is a pretty good response, except for the fact that the entire cancel culture is made of folks who vote the way you do, and believe that silencing and destroying the opposition is an American view.

. If you have any doubts as to the lengths the Fascists will go, note that Jennifer Rubin, at WaPo, Jake Tapper, and AOC are calling for lists of trump supporters, to inform employers to make sure they never work again.

First AOC’s ‘list,’ now CNN warns of blacklisting Trump team


Just three days after liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urged the creation of a list of President Trump’s “sycophants,” a top CNN host has piled on with a warning that Trump aides battling the president’s legal case could see their job possibilities dry up.

Where's the shock??? This is the only US party that ever put our own citizens in concentration camps.

View attachment 469758

Oh my...another deflection and retarded history-ignorant Nazi reference. You've been told this before but seem resistant to evolution - update your playbook.

Mine was very specific, and clearly put you in your place....

You could find nothing to have been made into a Nazi supporter. Americans don't behave the way your party does.

Thank you for yet another lesson in historical ignorance. I will file this little nugget of "alternative reality" in the Trump Twilight Zone Archives.

Let me know when you tire of emoting shallow Nazi comparisons to modern political events.

Where is any such ignorance?

I bet you won't be able to specify any because, you know....Democrats lie about everything.

I'm never wrong.
You never wrong? Yeah that’s why you are closed minded and biased about the corruption of the republicans and why when evidence is given to you obama who you blame for everything,was only continuing the corruption your hero bush got started,that when you are proven wrong thst both parties are corrupt and one in the same,you do this everytime:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

Oh and even Trump whom you love,even he never liked your hero criminal Reagan you worship,the worst president at that time of the 20th century.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: You are an embarrassment to trump supporters ignoring the corruption of the Bush’s and Reagan.
Lord Of The Flies.

An apropos choice. The ending was like watching those lay siege to the capitol. Only thing missing was the fire.

Two thumbs up Political Chic!

You misunderstand where the real 'siege' took place.

Nobody does it better than the, Democrats.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

1. You are a cracked pot crackhead. The people who stormed tke capitol were Trump supporters incited by Trump. None of the people arrested in the incident have ties to BLM or antifa. Many of them were radicalized by right wing hate groups and incited by Trump. The Proud Boys were hit with conspiracy charges. That is why a large numberf of officials resigned citing Trump's role in the capitol riots. Several of them cited Trump's role in the riots.

Betsy Devos
"We should be highlighting and celebrating your administration's many accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Instead, we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people's business," she said in a letter to Trump, per the New York Times.

"That behavior was unconscionable for our country," she continued. "There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me."

John Costello
"The President has long disregarded and diminished the rule of law and the constitution," Costello's statement read. "Yesterday, that culminated in violent sedition against the U.S. Congress for the purposes of overturning a legally recognized and valid election. During my time in office, I strove to further cybersecurity and national security on behalf of the American people. I am sorry to leave that work unfinished, but yesterday's events leave me no choice."

Elaine Chao
"Yesterday, our country experienced a traumatic and entirely avoidable event as supporters of the president stormed the Capitol building following a rally he addressed. As I'm sure is the case with many of you, it has deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside," Chao wrote.

2. The White House wa never under siege. Protestors never tried to get on the White House grounds. That 60 agents is unconfirmed. This administration had a talent for lying. Trump ordered peaceful protestors gassed so he could have a cheap photo-op. Then Defense Scretary Esper and General Milley have admittecd this.
Lord Of The Flies.

An apropos choice. The ending was like watching those lay siege to the capitol. Only thing missing was the fire.

Two thumbs up Political Chic!

You misunderstand where the real 'siege' took place.

Nobody does it better than the, Democrats.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

Humorous. No you can't.

Side roads and muddy heels.

Read The Grapes of Wrath.

So you have nothing useful to post about.....

Meanwhile I think this was his main mistake was burning books that are still in the Library's circulation:

"After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."


Now that was stupid of him to destroy books that belongs to the public, if they were his own books then his free speech rights are intact.

Mind you, I still wouldn't approve of the practice, even if he personally owned the books. But there's a big difference between destroying your own books, and destroying someone else's books . . . particularly if you're doing it for the express purpose of keeping other people from reading them.

Yeah it would still bother me too, but the first amendment stops me.
Lord Of The Flies.

An apropos choice. The ending was like watching those lay siege to the capitol. Only thing missing was the fire.

Two thumbs up Political Chic!

You misunderstand where the real 'siege' took place.

Nobody does it better than the, Democrats.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

1. You are a cracked pot crackhead. The people who stormed tke capitol were Trump supporters incited by Trump. None of the people arrested in the incident have ties to BLM or antifa. Many of them were radicalized by right wing hate groups and incited by Trump. The Proud Boys were hit with conspiracy charges. That is why a large numberf of officials resigned citing Trump's role in the capitol riots. Several of them cited Trump's role in the riots.

Betsy Devos
"We should be highlighting and celebrating your administration's many accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Instead, we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people's business," she said in a letter to Trump, per the New York Times.

"That behavior was unconscionable for our country," she continued. "There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me."

John Costello
"The President has long disregarded and diminished the rule of law and the constitution," Costello's statement read. "Yesterday, that culminated in violent sedition against the U.S. Congress for the purposes of overturning a legally recognized and valid election. During my time in office, I strove to further cybersecurity and national security on behalf of the American people. I am sorry to leave that work unfinished, but yesterday's events leave me no choice."

Elaine Chao
"Yesterday, our country experienced a traumatic and entirely avoidable event as supporters of the president stormed the Capitol building following a rally he addressed. As I'm sure is the case with many of you, it has deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside," Chao wrote.

2. The White House wa never under siege. Protestors never tried to get on the White House grounds. That 60 agents is unconfirmed. This administration had a talent for lying. Trump ordered peaceful protestors gassed so he could have a cheap photo-op. Then Defense Scretary Esper and General Milley have admittecd this.

Something wrong with you.
If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."

Nobody needs a "review of the path you've chosen." What a condescending asshole your are. Always have been. Fuckoff, read the book and post a fucking book report.

Try reading The Grapes of Wrath.

View attachment 469424

Trump Lost, bigly. Deal with it.
A dumbass burned a Trump book. He was fired and rightly so. Jumbo, of course, is trying to amplify the event into something serious.

The only harm was that the crayons that accompany the book were probably melted.

Here's the point you missed: Democrats are the descendants of but the mentors of......the Nazi Party.

The difference between you Democrats and the actual Nazis is hardly 1° different.

Did you know that the Nazis claimed to have used the Democrat Party as its model?

It's a fact

  • 1. Know what else the Nazis learned from the Progressives/Democrats?

    “…history of laws against miscegenation—interracial marriage or procreation—in the United States.

    Under the influence of Darwinism, racial science and an associated eugenics movement emerged in the late nineteenth century, grew with the Progressive movement, peaked in the 1920s, and disappeared during World War II. (Its enthusiastic embrace by Hitler did not help it…” The Race Against Race

    “The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.”
    Adolph Hitler
    Untitled Document

  • 2. “At Nuremberg, the Nazis sought to preserve Nordic racial purity by outlawing racial intermarriage with Jews in much the same manner that Democratic anti-miscegenation laws outlawed racial intermarriage with blacks.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

    3. Guess were Adolph got the idea for sterilization of ‘undesirables’???
“…Hitler learned from progressive sterilization laws that had been enacted in America through the influence of activists like Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. “I have studied with great interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would in all probability be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”

Hitler’s views—which closely parallel Sanger’s—provided the basis for the Nazi sterilization laws of 1933 which began by targeting “imbeciles” and the mentally retarded, and later expanded to cover Jews, gypsies, and other social undesirables.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his “The Case for Sterilization.”
    (Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

    German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

  • 4. The Nazi Nuremberg Laws were taken nearly wholly from the Jim Crow Laws of the Democrat controlled South.
    In “Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law ,” by James Whitman, he shows how the Nazis took the Democrats’ Jim Crow Laws, simply changed the word ‘black’ and inserted the word ‘Jew.’
“Let’s remember that every segregation law in the South was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, and enforced by Democratic officials. The Nuremberg team carefully studied these laws that were mainly aimed at blacks and used them to formulate their own racist legislation mainly aimed at Jews.” Dinesh D’Souza: What Hitler Learned from the Democrats

  • 5. From the LATimes:
“At a crucial 1934 planning meeting for the Nuremberg system, the Minister of Justice presented a memorandum on American law. According to a transcript, he led a detailed discussion of miscegenation statutes from all over the United States. Moreover it is clear that the most radical Nazis were the most eager advocates of American practices. Roland Freisler, who would become president of the Nazi People's Court, declared that American jurisprudence "would suit us perfectly."
When the Nazis wrote the Nuremberg laws, they looked to racist American statutes you prefer 'Good day!' or "Sieg Heil"?????
Oh shut the fuck up you fat bitch.
Have you denounced her to AOC yet?

Speaking of 'denouncing' of one citizen by another, a sign of communist rule......remember when Obama demanded that?

"The White House wants people to believe they are losing the health care debate because “scary … videos are starting to percolate on the internet” that are spreading “disinformation” about Obama’s health care plan. The White House is even encouraging Obama supporters to help them identify people spreading this “disinformation.” Theofficial White House blog now asks Americans: “If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to [email protected].”
I'm never wrong.
I can see how you think that given you run every time someone provides a rational criticism of your ramblings.


Wait….now I remember you! You’re the lying low-life who tried to lie about what I wrote!!!!

You lied and claimed I said it.....when I proved that you did.

Let's do it again.

I never said what you keep claiming I said it....and I don't mind continuing to prove it with your own words.

Did I say 'therefore...blah blah blah...' or did you?

Let's check:

Here's your own post, proving you are lying scum:
You did and I quoted you saying it.

You: "Since you are so fond of copying and pasting your responses, I’m guessing you don’t really read them. I’ll quote it again in case you decide to look at this again.
PoliticalChic said:
The 'rich' are Democrats.

The rich are Democrats therefore they aren’t Republicans. "

But you didn't quote me. You simply posted an interpretation of what I said, and lied about me saying it.
"therefore" was your word, as is everything after that words.

Every word after 'therefore' is yours.......not mine, liar.

Every reader recognizes you a lying scum.

If you hurry, I bet you can scoop up a new avi..."LyingLow-LifeScum.'

I want this series of posts to be what readers recall whenever you post.
Lord Of The Flies.

An apropos choice. The ending was like watching those lay siege to the capitol. Only thing missing was the fire.

Two thumbs up Political Chic!

You misunderstand where the real 'siege' took place.

Nobody does it better than the, Democrats.

1.It is of the utmost necessity for the Left to mitigate, disguise, the year-long series of riots, arsons, assaults, mayhem that they released on America in preparation for stealing the election. Toward that end, they designed a Biden-voter riot a the Capitol, had their media allies pretend the damage was done by Trump supporters, the effort to shield the fact that their BLM, ANTIFA, and assorted other anarko-communist thugs were actually behind it. They learned that from earlier Nazis, as in the Reichstag Fire, a model for false-flag propaganda.

2. Completely ignored behind the pretense that this was an insurrection, a rebellion, an attack on democracy itself, was the real such attack on America: The three day siege of the White House in May of 2020, occupation of Lafayette Park, and the burning of the historic St. John's Church.

“More than 60 Secret Service officers and special agents sustained multiple injuries in three days worth of violent clashes stemming from protests demanding justice for George Floyd in Washington, D.C.

The uprisings overflowed from Lafayette Park and continued near the White House on Saturday night and early into Sunday morning. Protesters in the area had taken to the streets since Friday to condemn police brutality.”

At least 60 Secret Service members injured during George Floyd protests in DC

“St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire ….fire crews were able to get to the scene to save the historic structure where every president since James Madison has attendended services,…” St. John's Church Near White House Set on Fire

First time a President had to be evacuated from the White House since the War of 1812.

Here is MSNBC reporting on that ‘mostly peaceful protest” attacking the WhiteHouse

“….folks trying to make a point of being peaceful….”

Peaceful protesters jumping the barriers at the White House.

1. You are a cracked pot crackhead. The people who stormed tke capitol were Trump supporters incited by Trump. None of the people arrested in the incident have ties to BLM or antifa. Many of them were radicalized by right wing hate groups and incited by Trump. The Proud Boys were hit with conspiracy charges. That is why a large numberf of officials resigned citing Trump's role in the capitol riots. Several of them cited Trump's role in the riots.

Betsy Devos
"We should be highlighting and celebrating your administration's many accomplishments on behalf of the American people. Instead, we are left to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters overrunning the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine the people's business," she said in a letter to Trump, per the New York Times.

"That behavior was unconscionable for our country," she continued. "There is no mistaking the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it is the inflection point for me."

John Costello
"The President has long disregarded and diminished the rule of law and the constitution," Costello's statement read. "Yesterday, that culminated in violent sedition against the U.S. Congress for the purposes of overturning a legally recognized and valid election. During my time in office, I strove to further cybersecurity and national security on behalf of the American people. I am sorry to leave that work unfinished, but yesterday's events leave me no choice."

Elaine Chao
"Yesterday, our country experienced a traumatic and entirely avoidable event as supporters of the president stormed the Capitol building following a rally he addressed. As I'm sure is the case with many of you, it has deeply troubled me in a way that I simply cannot set aside," Chao wrote.

2. The White House wa never under siege. Protestors never tried to get on the White House grounds. That 60 agents is unconfirmed. This administration had a talent for lying. Trump ordered peaceful protestors gassed so he could have a cheap photo-op. Then Defense Scretary Esper and General Milley have admittecd this.

"The people who stormed tke capitol were Trump supporters incited by Trump."

Let's check.

1.After witnessing a decade of Democrat authorized and inspired riots, how believable is it that the Right is responsible for the Capitol mayhem?

2. The Far Left relies on a dumbed down, history-challenged public….that’s the reason for government schooling. Remediation begins with terms like ‘agent provocateur,’ and ‘false flag operation.’ And nobody does it better than the Left.

3. “The Reichstag fire (German: Reichstagsbrand, listen (help·info)) was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. The day after the fire, the Reichstag Fire Decree was passed. The Nazi Party used the fire as a pretext to claim that communists were plotting against the German government, which made the fire pivotal in the establishment of Nazi Germany.” Reichstag fire - Wikipedia

4. “Hitler, however, insisted that the Communist Party, which was a considerable force within the Reichstag, had set the fire, and pressed German President Paul von Hindenburg to approve of an emergency law suspending civil liberties. Communist leaders, including the Communist members of the Reichstag, were hunted down and arrested.

Without their presence in the Reichstag, the National Socialists and their coalition partners had a majority. That enabled the Nazis to pass a further law, the Enabling Act, on March 23, 1933, giving Hitler dictatorial powers and removing any obstacle to his absolute supremacy.” The Left Is Enjoying Its Reichstag Fire Moment

5. ‘Leftist Antifa Among Mob Storming US Capitol’

– Facial recognition experts and backers of American President Donald J. Trump said members of the hardline leftist Antifa movement infiltrated protestors who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Several witnesses and reports monitored by Worthy News suggested radical leftist vandals broke into the building housing the U.S. Congress while most Trump supporters were loud but peaceful.”

There is no disputing that the Democrats have had far more practice at riots than the Right.

Biden voters are well practiced.


6. Did you find stories in the media excoriating the dozens of anti-America riots by Biden voters?

Here they are in June, attacking the White House….practicing for the Capitol.


7. “No one can point to any statement from President Trump calling upon his supporters to storm the Capitol, much less to stage a coup against the U.S. government, but it doesn’t matter anymore. The establishment media and the social media giants are insisting that he incited the attack on the Capitol and was trying to install himself as a dictator by means of a guy with a buffalo horn hat and some other dopes and wingnuts, and if you don’t believe it, you’re a racist, bigoted, MAGA-hat-wearing fascist who deserves to be silenced along with the president, and soon will be. But it’s clear who the real fascists are, and they are exploiting their Reichstag Fire moment to the fullest.” The Left Is Enjoying Its Reichstag Fire Moment

The NYTimes provided proof that it wasn't Trump supporters:

“About 20 minutes before Trump’s speech ends, some people in the Capitol crowd harass officers posted at the barricades and start to get physical. Others follow suit, until they violently overwhelm the police and breach the building’s outer perimeter.” How a Presidential Rally Turned Into a Capitol Rampage

Two facts that the past several years have established:

  • Nothing the media claims turns out to be true.
  • There could hardly be better instigators of violence, than those Biden voters who have been well practiced in ‘the art.’
With those facts in mind......who was responsible for the Capitol violence?

8. “Video Reveals Trump Supporters Tried to Stop the Violence
Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump’s not.

Video Reveals Trump Supporters Tried to Stop the Violence | Conservative Insider


9. 9. "The National Socialists used the Reichstag fire to destroy all political opposition in Germany and assert total control over the lives of every German citizen. They used it to give themselves official, pseudo-legal permission to break every moral law and ethical code ever known to mankind, and ultimately to murder tens of millions of people, including six million Jews (the particular target of their hatred), and lay waste to the entire European continent.

The American Left of today has followed the Nazis’ Reichstag Fire playbook to a T thus far. What is to prevent them from attempting to implement the whole thing? The one thing saving us from woke totalitarianism at this point may be the fact that the sinister authoritarians of the Democratic Party, the social media corporations, and the establishment media may already have overreached. America in 2020, even after fifty years of woke indoctrination in our schools, is not like Germany of 1933. We have a strong tradition of freedom, notably the freedom of speech. In attempting to impose their totalitarian woke straitjacket upon the American people, the Left is going to encounter considerably more opposition than the Nazis did in Germany, where the Weimar Republic was the nation’s first attempt at representative government and never enjoyed great support among the people."

The Left Is Enjoying Its Reichstag Fire Moment
The American Left of today has followed the Nazis’ Reichstag Fire playbook to a T so far. What can prevent them from doing the whole thing?


10. “Analysis concludes Antifa provoked shooting of Ashli Babbitt at Capitol
'The ones who were agitating the crowd were not Trump supporters'

An analysis of videos of the death of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol indicates Antifa activists provoked the fatal gunshot from a police officer. Japanese investigator Misako Ganaha explained in a video interview with Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philipp on his “Crossroads” program that she analyzed two lengthy videos, affording two different angles of the incident near the House chamber…. just prior to the shooting, two men who had been agitating the crowd broke the glass on a set of doors.

… the same Marxist “agitate and divide” tactics employed by leftists in her home country…. part of the tactic, she said, is for someone in collaboration with the agitators to serve as a “witness” to mainstream media, which tells the story “without analyzing.” Media simply repeats what the witness says, explained Ganaha, “so the world does not know the truth.” Analysis concludes Antifa provoked shooting of Ashli Babbitt at Capitol


11. “BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested

The Utah Black Lives Matter "activist" has been bragging about his involvement in instigating the Capitol riots. Now, he's been arrested.

The deadly riots at the Capitol last week that have sparked Big Tech cancelations and prompted another impeachment of President Trump were instigated in part by Black Lives Matter and Antifa “activists,” according to multiple media reports. One of the highest profile suspects, John Earle Sullivan from Utah, has been arrested.”

This story will be buried by mainstream media and suppressed by Big Tech. The arrest of John Earle Sullivan, a known Black Lives Matter leader and provocateur, belies the accepted narrative that Trump-supporters alone caused the riots.” BLM instigator of Capitol riots, John Earle Sullivan, arrested


12. “Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred
The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. But it’s really all they’ve got.

With nearly airtight totalitarian uniformity, the American media robotically repeat that there is no possible argument to be made that the 2020 presidential election produced an unjust result.

…Trump has been condemned for his remarks to hundreds of thousands of his supporters in Washington on January 6, and it is now a political commandment that he is responsible for the ensuing illegal forced entry and fatal violence at the United States Capitol.
He actually told his supporters that they should “peacefully and patriotically make your voices be heard” when they proceeded on to the Capitol;…

They have made Donald Trump the leader of all who object to government-restricted freedom of expression, corrupt election practices, and the transformation of America into a socialist commune. At the moment of Joe Biden’s ultimate triumph, he and his ramshackle coalition of contending (and in some cases disreputable) interests are exposed in their ghastly infirmity. The totalitarian woke media will not be able to disguise this macabre farce for long.” Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred - American Greatness
13. “James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots
John Sullivan was arrested yesterday in connection with instigating the Capitol riots on January 6th. A video of him and CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker emerged this week that shows them giddy following the murder of Trump-supporter Ashli Babbitt. Now, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is wondering why a text message from James Sullivan was not revealed during the President’s second impeachment hearings in Congress.

According to the text, James Sullivan makes a very bold claim: “I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot’ I was able to get my agent out of trouble along with three other uthan’s.”

…every day brings more evidence that Antifa and other left-wing “activists” incited the crowd to commit crimes. Videos of Antifa members secretly embedded with the Trump-supporters appear to reinforce these claims.

This all jibes with the credible conspiracy theory that Democrats or other interested parties planned this “false flag” attack in order to push for impeachment.” James, brother of accused leftist provocateur John Sullivan, claims 226 Antifa members started Capitol riots


14. “Verified twitter user Amuse breaks everything down in further detail in a series of tweets.

"To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters taping them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system," he tweeted.

Here's another one, who showed up with furs, and also got himself arrested. According to the New York Post:

Aaron Mostofsky was busted Tuesday at his brother’s house in Brooklyn by federal agents on multiple charges, including theft of government property for allegedly stealing a police riot shield and bulletproof vest, the source said.

Mostofsky, who is the son of Shlomo Mostofsky, a Supreme Court judge and a prominent figure in the Orthodox Jewish community, was photographed with both items.

Video circulating on Twitter following Mostofsky’s arrest shows FBI agents swarming the home and carting out what appeared to be the fur pelts and walking stick he had on him during the insurrection.

His politics? According to this report, registered Democrat.

Rush to judgment on Trump? Multiple leftists arrested for Capitol riot

And Zero Hedge.
If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."

Nobody needs a "review of the path you've chosen." What a condescending asshole your are. Always have been. Fuckoff, read the book and post a fucking book report.

Try reading The Grapes of Wrath.

"your are"

anyway....that's a great book....the National Socialist would have burned it

"your are"

A sign of a government school 'education.'
If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."



If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."

Nobody needs a "review of the path you've chosen." What a condescending asshole your are. Always have been. Fuckoff, read the book and post a fucking book report.

Try reading The Grapes of Wrath.

"your are"

anyway....that's a great book....the National Socialist would have burned it

"your are"

A sign of a government school 'education.'

"your are." A sign of a government school 'education.'

If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."

Oh, there's no question that the Democrats (choking on their own hyper-leftists) also have profound flaws and that they can be dangerous.

But they were given power once again because your Orange Baboon-God posed too great and immediate an existential threat to American representative democracy.

And you idiots kept looking the other way and enabling that a$$hole until you lost it all... the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

And then you jacka$$e$ actually tried to storm the US Capitol Building on election-certification day and overturn the work of Congress that day.

For that stupidity alone, you deserve two-to-four years in the Penalty Box... out of power, and sitting on the sidelines, throwing peanuts from the cheap seats.

Keep the hard-agenda on Immigration and Cancel Culture, go back to Responsible Spending and Minimal Government, and ease-off on the Culture Wars crap.

Oh... and find a higher-caliber Standard Bearer who understands government and leadership-by-example and servant-leadership... then come back and try again.

Do that and you might just retake some measure of Federal power in 2022, and you might take the whole kit-and-kaboodle in 2024.

But you won't... because you're as stupid and dangerous and optics-blind as the Democrats... just in different ways.
If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."



So you can't point to a single error in the post that brought you in on your broom?????

Maybe if you used larger font it might have some import......

But let me give you your due didn't deny that you are a Nazi.

Do I say 'Sieg Heil' now......or 'good day'?
If you need a review of the path you've chosen, check out 'Lord of the Flies,' and '1984.

And speaking of 'checking out books,' here's one of you Biden voters, now....

"CHATTANOOGA, TENN. (AP) — A Tennessee public library employee who helped organize protests against police brutality was fired last week after being accused of burning library books by conservative authors.
Cameron Williams had been on leave from the Chattanooga Public Library since December after someone complained to the library about an Instagram video in which he burned copies of conservative commentator Ann Coulter’s “How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)” and former President Donald Trump’s “Crippled America” while Trump protest song “FDT” played in the background, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported.

He said his attorney tried to work out a deal with the library where he could return books still in his possession and refund the money for those that “could not be returned,” but the city declined.

“I really believe that this was political," he said. "It’s definitely a perpetuation of white supremacy. None of this would have never ever ever been a problem if someone who doesn’t believe in me speaking for equality for Black people wouldn’t have reported it.”

After Williams' suspension in December, library spokesperson Christina Sacco said Williams had been recently trained on the library’s “weeding” policy, which describes how and when to remove books from circulation. However, the books in the video were not flagged for removal. Sacco said personal feelings have no place in deciding what materials are removed and any bias in those decisions violates library policy."

Oh, there's no question that the Democrats (choking on their own hyper-leftists) also have profound flaws and that they can be dangerous.

But they were given power once again because your Orange Baboon-God posed too great and immediate an existential threat to American representative democracy.

And you idiots kept looking the other way and enabling that a$$hole until you lost it all... the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

And then you jacka$$e$ actually tried to storm the US Capitol Building on election-certification day and overturn the work of Congress that day.

For that stupidity alone, you deserve two-to-four years in the Penalty Box... out of power, and sitting on the sidelines, throwing peanuts from the cheap seats.

Keep the hard-agenda on Immigration and Cancel Culture, go back to Responsible Spending and Minimal Government, and ease-off on the Culture Wars crap.

Oh... and find a higher-caliber Standard Bearer who understands government and leadership-by-example and servant-leadership... then come back and try again.

Do that and you might just retake some measure of Federal power in 2022, and you might take the whole kit-and-kaboodle in 2024.

But you won't... because you're as stupid and dangerous and optics-blind as the Democrats... just in different ways.

".... your Orange Baboon-God ....."

a. Only the Democrat Party anoints their candidates as god, Jesus, or the messiah.

b. I have asked a question that any intelligent voter should be able to provide: while I can articulate Trump policies which I can explain and defend, your voters cannot either explain any Trump policies they voted against......
....or Biden policies they voted for.
This is a pass-fail test.
...".... your Orange Baboon-God ....." a. Only the Democrat Party anoints their candidates as god, Jesus, or the messiah...
No... that was a label hung off of Obumble by Pubs and others (like me) who didn't think much of many of Obumble's policies.

In the case of your Orange Baboon-God... it's not a matter of nominal labeling; rather, it's a matter of practice and deferential, almost worshipful blind belief and obedience.

Tyrannies and dictatorships and autocracies and dynastic oligarchies are made of such things.

...b. I have asked a question that any intelligent voter should be able to provide: while I can articulate Trump policies which I can explain and defend, your voters cannot either explain any Trump policies they voted against...... ....or Biden policies they voted for. This is a pass-fail test. Ready.....set.............go.
It was not a question of policy.

It was a question of suppressing a budding autocracy before it can complete the process of entrenchment.

Had your boy demonstrated less self-centered ego and more Cincinnatus -like servant-leadership, I (and millions of others) might have voted for him.

But when you've got an ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, self-centered, spoiled, inarticulate, incompetent clown spouting lies and lacking redeeming qualities, well...

At that point, policy and economic concerns take a back seat to ridding the body politic of the potential autocratic infection before the condition becomes fatal.

Set aside your present failed Standard Bearer, anoint a new Standard Bearer with many of the same policies but more of Cincinnatus in him, and you might get my vote.
Jesus Fucking Krist. Please stop using the Enter key. And by the way, nobody needs to be reviewed of a fucking thing. Idiot.
...".... your Orange Baboon-God ....." a. Only the Democrat Party anoints their candidates as god, Jesus, or the messiah...
No... that was a label hung off of Obumble by Pubs and others (like me) who didn't think much of many of Obumble's policies.

In the case of your Orange Baboon-God... it's not a matter of nominal labeling; rather, it's a matter of practice and deferential, almost worshipful blind belief and obedience.

Tyrannies and dictatorships and autocracies and dynastic oligarchies are made of such things.

...b. I have asked a question that any intelligent voter should be able to provide: while I can articulate Trump policies which I can explain and defend, your voters cannot either explain any Trump policies they voted against...... ....or Biden policies they voted for. This is a pass-fail test. Ready.....set.............go.
It was not a question of policy.

It was a question of suppressing a budding autocracy before it can complete the process of entrenchment.

Had your boy demonstrated less self-centered ego and more Cincinnatus -like servant-leadership, I (and millions of others) might have voted for him.

But when you've got an ignorant, arrogant, narcissistic, self-centered, spoiled, inarticulate, incompetent clown spouting lies and lacking redeeming qualities, well...

At that point, policy and economic concerns take a back seat to ridding the body politic of the potential autocratic infection before the condition becomes fatal.

Set aside your present failed Standard Bearer, anoint a new Standard Bearer with many of the same policies but more of Cincinnatus in him, and you might get my vote.

"No... that was a label hung off of Obumble by Pubs and others (like me) who didn't think much of many of Obumble's policies."

Watch me ram that lie back down your throat.

  1. The Hollywood celebrities pledge Go to 3:54:"I pledge to be a servant to our president and all mankind." Creepy?

    Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher's I Pledge Video - YouTube

    2. Time's Nancy Gibbs who opened this week's cover story bycomparing Obama with Jesus:“Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope...” In the November 17 issue.

    3. Chris Matthews: "If you're in [a room] with Obama,you feel the spirit moving."Book Monitor (Current Edition)

    4. “Obama seemedthe political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

    5. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’“ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

    6. The New York Time’s Judith Warner reported, “Many women- not too surprisingly – were dreaming about sex with the president [Obama]”.
    “…the Obamas are not just a beacon of hope, inspiration and“demigodlikeness,”Ibid.

    7. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort ofa potential saviorthat might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said.Sculpture of Obama as Jesuscauses stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News -

    8. . In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimickingthe cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
    ... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
    SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

    9. “I haven’t seen a politician get this kind ofwalk-on-watercoverage since Colin Powell a dozen years ago flirted with making a run for the White House,” said Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz on Meet the Press in February 2007

    10. Samantha Fennell, formerly an associate publisher of Elle, wrote on the magazine’s website a month later: “When I attended my second “Obama Live” fund-raiser last week at New York City’s Grand Hyatt, . . . I was on my feet as Senator Obama entered the room. Fate had blessed me in this moment. . . . In a moment of divine intervention,he saw me,…”

    11.Filmmaker Spike Lee, predicting an Obama victory, implicitly compared the candidate with Christ: “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama’ and ‘After Obama.’ . . .

    12. Jesse Jackson, Jr. called Obama’s securing the Democratic nomination “so extraordinary thatanother chapter could be added to the Bibleto chronicle its significance.”

    13. . Louis Farrakhan went one better, according to the website WorldNetDaily: “Barack has captured the youth. . . . That’s a sign.When the Messiah speaks,the youth will hear, andthe Messiah is absolutely speaking.

    14. His followers needed to re-elect him to a second term, so that he could continue to accomplish the promises he made, thus, realizing his vision of America as a more perfect political union or“heaven here on earth.”
    The Gospel According to Apostle Barack, by Barbara A. Thompson.

    15. "Does it not feel as ifsome special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"
    -- Daily Kos

    16"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . .He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . .. Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."
    - Ezra Klein

    17. "Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."
    -- Gerald Campbell

    18."We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."
    -- Oprah Winfrey

    19. “I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."
    -- Bill Rush

    20. "This is bigger than Kennedy. . . .This is the New Testament."| "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."
    -- Chris Matthews

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said President Obama is "sort of God" in a way that's "standing above the country." Transcript below.

"CHRIS MATTHEWS (HOST):Evan Thomas is editor at large for Newsweek magazine. Evan, you remember 1984. It wasn't 100 years ago. Reagan and World War II and the sense of us as the good guys in the world, how are we doing?
EVAN THOMAS: Well, we were the good guys in 1984, it felt that way. It hasn't felt that way in recent years. So Obama's had, really, a different task We're seen too often as the bad guys. And he, he has a very different job from ... Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is - we are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something, I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."

Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas: Obama Is "Sort Of God" | RealClearPolitics

“Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’”
Barbara Walters admits ‘we’ thought Obama was ‘the next messiah’

Jesus Fucking Krist. Please stop using the Enter key. And by the way, nobody needs to be reviewed of a fucking thing. Idiot.

Is this the sort of language you were brought up with?

Sounds like child abuse.

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