
Guys, there's no reason to get rowdy. As long as local governments still zone areas as "green spaces" and as long as we still bury people in "graveyards" and as long as there are still interstate "medians," Clay will always have his "Wide Open Spaces!" -The Dixie Chicks.:laugh:
ScreamingEagle said:
And btw, just how many more "J" names are there? :confused:


Boy Baby Names starting with Alphabet 'J' - only from ... - Boy and Girl Baby Names. ... Boy Baby Names. "J". A B C D
E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y ... End of "J" Names ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

20000-NAMES.COM: Female Names / J
List of female names beginning the with letter J. ... F-names ......G-names ...
...H-names ......I-names ......J-names ......K-names ......L-names . ... - 53k - Cached - Similar pages
Hagbard Celine said:
Yeah, I know what you mean right? Pretty soon all those "brownies" will be chanting "send whitey back to Europe!" :eek:

Then there'd be marching in the streets and chanting!

We're white
We're extremely white
And we walk with our buttocks extremely tight!

There'd be signs and everything!
Abbey Normal said:
As for the argument that the family does not take handouts, so it's all good; that may be true now, but what if God forbid, Dad becomes disabled? I don't think Mom ever worked, and it seems unlilely that they would be able to stay off the dole. If mom dies or is disabled, Dad would need a lot of paid help so he could continue to go to work. Just some thoughts... .

What if he has positive income assets like rental property? What if he has hella insurance? We cannot know if they are taking a risk or not. Not with the given information...
no1tovote4 said:
Then there'd be marching in the streets and chanting!

We're white
We're extremely white
And we walk with our buttocks extremely tight!

There'd be signs and everything!

LOL! Snort! That put some coke up the nose.

how about adding the standard chant too:

Hey! Hey!
Ho! Ho!
This white ass will not go! (alternate with tight ass)
Hey! Hey!
Ho! Ho!

and here's some signage for the parade:
:hitit: :stupid: :poop: :gives:
Abbey Normal said:
...But thankfully, very few of us are crazy enough to be perpetually preggers.

i second that. i love babies and being a mom, but i don't know if i could handle a third-physically or mentally. If others can handle it, then great. I just don't think i could, so i know when to stop. so far, we are thinking of stopping at 2, and if we want more, we will adopt.

if she feels her body can handle it, and she can keep up, then more power to her.
Hagbard Celine said:
No way you guys!:D I never said she should be sterilized. I'm just saying 16 kids are a lot of kids. Most people would stop after three or four. Hell, even four's a lot. You guys don't have a sense of humor. Afterall, I did say "Please" stop.:laugh:

Do you guys not make fun of people from other states? Is that just a Georgia thing?

Well it wasn't 'you guys' that said that, it was me. This,
celine said:
I'm just saying 16 kids are a lot of kids.
, wasn't what you meant either. Rather what you said was this,
Celine said:
If the woman was a great mathematician, artist, biologist, engineer, inventor, philosopher, mutant with cool powers, etc., I'd be all for her reproducing as much as possible. But she's not. She's just a backwoods Arkansas mountain woman. Please STOP!
The rational inference is that inferior people should not breed.
no1tovote4 said:
What if he has positive income assets like rental property? What if he has hella insurance? We cannot know if they are taking a risk or not. Not with the given information...

True enough. I was pointing out that things can change, includiing their ability to support 16 kids without gov't assistance. We just don't know. Ideally, none of us would have kids we couldn't provide for in case of our incapacity.
Again I ask, are you the one to judge 'inferior?'
Well I would just be crazy if I said a 22-year-old was qualified to judge something like this. But shouldn't there be some kind of PTA board or something that makes decisions like these? I mean 16 kids! That's a LOT of genetic material just being strewn about willy nilly!:laugh:
Hagbard Celine said:
Well I would just be crazy if I said a 22-year-old was qualified to judge something like this. But shouldn't there be some kind of PTA board or something that makes decisions like these? I mean 16 kids! That's a LOT of genetic material just being strewn about willy nilly!:laugh:
But it would be ok if the parents were college profs?
Funny how much blatant anti-white racism appears on this thread, which is likely being contributed to by mostly white people.

I doubt Hagbard Celine would dare make a remark about a black welfare mother pumping out a dozen kids --- that would be "racist." But to crack about the formation of a "hillbilly army" is just fine. Because everyone knows that anyone from the South who has a lot of kids and isn't blessed with minority status must be an object of ridicule.

I also love a day and age when a woman, without government assistance and legally married, is deemed "irresponsible" for having many children. Yes, nothing threatens the state of things like a bunch of clean, home-schooled white children. God, save us. Never mind the scads of blacks and Hispanics born at rates that tower over white birthrates. Never mind that worldwide, the white population is dropping like a rock while Muslims, Arabs, Asians and pretty much every other hue is exploding like mushrooms. You want padding on that stick they whack you with to face Mecca, you stupid white yuppies? Praise God for this woman.

I mean really. There is no better way to stick a big white middle finger in the face of George W. Bush, William Kristol, Michael Chertoff, Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, the New York Times editorial board, the ACLU and the rest of the motherfuckers tryin' to keep our peeps down than to give live birth to white child after white child. Every white child born in post-America is a loud and clear "fuck you" to the neocon NWO.

You go, girl.
I doubt Hagbard Celine would dare make a remark about a black welfare mother pumping out a dozen kids --- that would be "racist."
Aw, lighten up man. Negroes, Spics, Cracker-ass Crackers, Slopes, Chinks, Japs, Towel heads, Greaseballs, and Jews can have as many kids as they want. I just thought it was funny that the woman is from Arkansas and hillbillies are funny. I think what we're all jealous of is how much sex these people must be having to have 16 kids! Can you imagine?!:eek: Oh, just to be a fly on the know what I mean?
Interesting theories, Celine. If people want the "right" to have more than a certain number of children they, according to you should

a) have a certain type of job that you respect, hopefully be from a blue state so we are assurred they won't raise "rednecks"
b) have their choice be agreed upon by the "PTA."

Fascinating that people such as yourself will fight for the rights of minors to get abortions without parental consent or abortions on demand...or at the very least, put up a hell of a fight for a "womans right to choose"...yet a loving couple who is financially stable takes pro-choice the other way...CHOOSING to have and support more children than you find appropriate...and suddenly you're mocking them at every opportunity and calling for outside groups to tell people whether or not they can have children....
Hagbard Celine said:
Aw, lighten up man. Negroes, Spics, Cracker-ass Crackers, Slopes, Chinks, Japs, Towel heads, Greaseballs, and Jews can have as many kids as they want. I just thought it was funny that the woman is from Arkansas and hillbillies are funny. I think what we're all jealous of is how much sex these people must be having to have 16 kids! Can you imagine?!:eek: Oh, just to be a fly on the know what I mean?

You are sick. :laugh:
Trigg said:
There's no reason for her to stop having children!!! They did a story on this family that said they arn't on gov. assistance. They save their money and are responsible parents. She even home schools all of them, so what's the problem?

The world isn't overpopulated, infact most of the European countries are begging their people to have children because they're loosing population. More deaths than births are happening in Germany, Italy and Russia.

Even here in the US the birth rate is just at replacement levels.
Replacement levels?

(from here)
I'd like to see where you make this conclusion from...

And I think the world is overpopulated or will be soon (within the next generation), but that's probably just me.
Zhukov said:
One should be concerned with couples who don't rear the children they produce properly or produce children beyond their means to support them.
True. That is a bigger problem.

Zhukov said:
Overpopulation? It's a big Universe.
Of which we can only live on an extremely minute portion of. When Mars opens up for condo development, then we'll talk.

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