Strategery: Michelle Obama Kicks Off Dems 2020 Trail by Telling Men They're a REAL Disappointment

Good luck convincing men to vote democrat with this attitude.

Women if anything are the entitled ones by far! Sorry, but nothing is stopping women from being what ever the fuck they wish to be today but sadly they still choose not to do it. Somehow it is the males fault.

Democrats need to wake up and get away from this shit as fast as we fucking can! We can't be seen attacking 49% of the population. It will back fire.
You have the last two democrat first ladies insulting over half of America. One calls us deplorable, and now the other oneinsulting men. Republican and Democrat. Glad you supported them, I didn't.
They feel they can insult most of America because they live in a bubble world surrounded by their own kind.
Good luck convincing men to vote democrat with this attitude.

Women if anything are the entitled ones by far! Sorry, but nothing is stopping women from being what ever the fuck they wish to be today but sadly they still choose not to do it. Somehow it is the males fault.

Democrats need to wake up and get away from this shit as fast as we fucking can! We can't be seen attacking 49% of the population. It will back fire.
You have the last two democrat first ladies insulting over half of America. One calls us deplorable, and now the other one insulting men. Republican and Democrat. Glad you supported them, I didn't.

Let them speak more. More Hillary and Machelle.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

What mothers need to do is raise their daughters in way where they don’t develop a sense of entitlement. Too many women think they are princesses that are entitled to wealth and to have men wait on them. The problem is 99 times out of a hundred these women have no wealth, and no skills to create their own wealth. They need to be taught that if they want that lifestyle, they need to get off their lazy asses and learn useful skills and apply themselves. Or at the very least they need to learn to respect the men that do work and make their lives easier. That last person that should be lecturing anyone about entitlement is a black woman that has been treated like a princess most of her life because she was married to a politician.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.
One simply needs to look at the threads of all of the leftist sexual predators being exposed and the leftist posts defending them and deflecting the stories to understand you do not know what the hell you are talking about.
Lysistrata, just curious as to your background and why your relatives were so oppressive and "middle eastern" in their approach. In all honesty, you sound like you come from a Hassidic Jewish background.

This does not have anything to do with me personally (born Roman Catholic, Northern New Jersey white gloves for church, and a stupid hat because gawd doesn't like to see the tops of female heads even though he/she created it while gawd doesn't mind the tops of male heads to enter a church presided, by religious law, only by those who have the all-important penis). Please do not deny the role that having a penis plays in the Roman Catholic Church when it is well known. The right-wing Protestants are guilty of the same. Your attempt to make this personal to me is disingenuous to the max.

Broaden your horizons and look at our sick culture as a whole. Look at the "Christian" fundies, the person with the penis can boss a person with a vagina around. Bill gothard, the southern baptist cult. The not-so-Christian tendency to judge adherence to standards of sexual morality differently depending on what sex the actor is and the tendency to judge heterosexual males differently (and much more leniently) than females.
Do not even try to marginalize me. The filthy cancer of sexism pervades western culture.
Continued babbling about same-sex relationships is a diversionary sham. Being heterosexual by definition involves relationships with those persons of the other biological sex than one's own. Heterosexuality means that persons of one biological sex have personal emotional, sexual, and societal relationships with persons of the other biological sex. Many problems have arisen in the course of this scenario, which involve using what body one has in a power context and usually pushed by "religious" organizations and the like. It's ugly.
It's about time for us heterosexuals to find happiness with each other, with friendship, humanity, humility, intimacy, caring, humor. It truly pisses me off that "conservatives" continually want to break us heterosexuals up.
I always will be lifted up by the videos that I have seen of a pregnant couple entering a body of water (bath tub, kiddie pool) to deliver the child they created together, which has been carried in the female partner's abdomen according to human biology. He holds her, she pushes, a baby comes out, and they form a family in the water. Nobody has run out and hid in the "waiting room." Both of the creators of this baby are there to greet the new life that they have created in their bed into the world.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

Meh, I remember her having to stop talking because her hubbys popularity would go down whenever she spoke publicly. Fuck the stupid slut. No one even listens to Miclelle O unless it's one of the weird panti sniffer democrats that hange out here.

Michelle Obama was not an unpopular first lady: quite the contrary.

  • Eleanor Roosevelt has been voted the greatest first lady of the U.S. for the fifth time
  • The survey has been conducted five times since 1982
  • Michelle Obama came in fifth and Hillary Clinton was sixth
  • Following Roosevelt were Abigail Adams, Jacqueline Kennedy and Dolly Madison
  • Laura Bush, Pat Nixon, Mamie Eisenhower, and Bess Truman were voted the first ladies who 'could have done more'
Read more:

That's just stupid. Of course she is going to be more popular when you take a survey of people ignorant of history. They are going to favor modern names they recognize over women they never heard of. Its absurd to conclude this would be some valid comparison
Read the article.
'For being her own woman.'

Yes, this is criteria that we should take seriously. The article is a load of garbage.


Well she knows what real men are cause she married an aren't and has a little man in herself
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I must make the same accusation about you. I lived it. I grew up with it. I am not blind to it as you seem to be.
At the present moment, if you cannot see the males strutting about insisting that they are the "leaders," merely by virtue of having a penis, you are blind. Most of these yokels are right wing. Normal men do not do this. Laughable men from the so-called "religious" (what religion is doubtful, but it is some variant of the Christian faith) right are doing this. Trying to assert their sense of entitlement. Unearned. Based only on their genitalia.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I must make the same accusation about you. I lived it. I grew up with it. I am not blind to it as you seem to be.
At the present moment, if you cannot see the males strutting about insisting that they are the "leaders," merely by virtue of having a penis, you are blind. Most of these yokels are right wing. Normal men do not do this. Laughable men from the so-called "religious" (what religion is doubtful, but it is some variant of the Christian faith) right are doing this. Trying to assert their sense of entitlement. Unearned. Based only on their genitalia.

They strut around making the rules because they fucking can. Powerful women do the same shit. You're off your rocker if you believe this garbage.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?
Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment
A lot of the castrated pu$$ywhipped metrosexuals on The Left will eat that $hit up...

I take it that you are one of those heterosexuals who are incapable of forming an intimate relationship with a partner who is of the other sex. Regardless of sexual orientation, I would expect that a partner in a relationship would, as they say, have his/her partner's back. Loyal, loving, committed. This is what I tried to describe in my post, a heterosexual couple embarking on their shared journey to create a family.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I must make the same accusation about you. I lived it. I grew up with it. I am not blind to it as you seem to be.
At the present moment, if you cannot see the males strutting about insisting that they are the "leaders," merely by virtue of having a penis, you are blind. Most of these yokels are right wing. Normal men do not do this. Laughable men from the so-called "religious" (what religion is doubtful, but it is some variant of the Christian faith) right are doing this. Trying to assert their sense of entitlement. Unearned. Based only on their genitalia.

They strut around making the rules because they fucking can. Powerful women do the same shit. You're off your rocker if you believe this garbage.
So you have no morality. No decency. It's all just a power trip. How many "powerful women" are there. You are just worshiping your penis. Pathetic.
She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?

Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment

The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I must make the same accusation about you. I lived it. I grew up with it. I am not blind to it as you seem to be.
At the present moment, if you cannot see the males strutting about insisting that they are the "leaders," merely by virtue of having a penis, you are blind. Most of these yokels are right wing. Normal men do not do this. Laughable men from the so-called "religious" (what religion is doubtful, but it is some variant of the Christian faith) right are doing this. Trying to assert their sense of entitlement. Unearned. Based only on their genitalia.

They strut around making the rules because they fucking can. Powerful women do the same shit. You're off your rocker if you believe this garbage.
So you have no morality. No decency. It's all just a power trip. How many "powerful women" are there. You are just worshiping your penis. Pathetic.

Plenty. I'm guessing you're trolling, because I refuse to believe anyone could be this ridiculous, but giving you the benefit of the doubt for a second, there are plenty of powerful women out there in business. They don't take to politics because it is a brutal game. Men are more aggressive by nature and very few men want to wade into that lake of utter shit. Fact is, women CHOOSE not to go into politics. They CHOOSE to settle for ending up as EVPs (a really high level job, actually) and spend time with their families, rather than strive to become the CEO. That's power in itself; the power to choose your fate for yourself. There's nothing wrong with prioritizing things other than power.

Women actually have a lot more choices than men do. They can fight to the top, or be a dedicated, stay-at-home mom, and either way can feel fulfilled and accomplished. Men are pretty much either success stories or losers. Stay at home dads are a complete joke, and probably always will be.

You honestly come off as a woman-hater. #SAD
The democrooks should make the wookie their 2020 nominee.

She needs to stay in her lane, instead of womansplaining how men should act and feel. She has no idea what it’s like to be a man and never will. To even suggest that a woman can tell men how to be men is insulting and bigoted.

There, am I doing that right?
Michelle Obama starts blazing Dems' 2020 trail by letting men know they're a REAL disappointment
A lot of the castrated pu$$ywhipped metrosexuals on The Left will eat that $hit up...

I take it that you are one of those heterosexuals who are incapable of forming an intimate relationship with a partner who is of the other sex. Regardless of sexual orientation, I would expect that a partner in a relationship would, as they say, have his/her partner's back. Loyal, loving, committed. This is what I tried to describe in my post, a heterosexual couple embarking on their shared journey to create a family.
Sit down, child...
The funny thing is that men have spent a lot of time telling women how THEY should act and feel. This has been going on for centuries. Just listen to those jackass fundie preachers out there. I should know. I got it, too. "You should be quiet, you should be sweet, you shouldn't do this, you should do that, I'm the man of the house," etc. and blah, blah, blah. I even saw an article recently about how one of the deliberately uneducated Duggar daughter who can get away with wearing pants because her husband has given her permission and he is the master of her mind and body. This crap has been happening in the real world for eons. Yet men have no idea what it's like to be a woman and never will.

And if you actually listened to the video, Mrs. Obama did not actually make any recommendations about how men should act or feel. She was saying that mothers might do well to stop treating their sons in such a way that they develop a sense of entitlement, which, if you look around today, is a real problem with many, not all, men. Some of their arrogant shows are truly disgusting.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I must make the same accusation about you. I lived it. I grew up with it. I am not blind to it as you seem to be.
At the present moment, if you cannot see the males strutting about insisting that they are the "leaders," merely by virtue of having a penis, you are blind. Most of these yokels are right wing. Normal men do not do this. Laughable men from the so-called "religious" (what religion is doubtful, but it is some variant of the Christian faith) right are doing this. Trying to assert their sense of entitlement. Unearned. Based only on their genitalia.

They strut around making the rules because they fucking can. Powerful women do the same shit. You're off your rocker if you believe this garbage.
So you have no morality. No decency. It's all just a power trip. How many "powerful women" are there. You are just worshiping your penis. Pathetic.

Plenty. I'm guessing you're trolling, because I refuse to believe anyone could be this ridiculous, but giving you the benefit of the doubt for a second, there are plenty of powerful women out there in business. They don't take to politics because it is a brutal game. Men are more aggressive by nature and very few men want to wade into that lake of utter shit. Fact is, women CHOOSE not to go into politics. They CHOOSE to settle for ending up as EVPs (a really high level job, actually) and spend time with their families, rather than strive to become the CEO. That's power in itself; the power to choose your fate for yourself. There's nothing wrong with prioritizing things other than power.

Women actually have a lot more choices than men do. They can fight to the top, or be a dedicated, stay-at-home mom, and either way can feel fulfilled and accomplished. Men are pretty much either success stories or losers. Stay at home dads are a complete joke, and probably always will be.

You honestly come off as a woman-hater. #SAD
When did this discussion morph into politics and who participates and who doesn't? I just finished reading an article on CNN about more women deciding to run for office. Interesting.

However, this is not about politics or employment. This conversation is about some men having a sense of entitlement because of their sex and the social problems it causes. The penultimate of identity politics. Its a stream of bigotry that runs through all the institutions in our society, politics, business. All of it.
How can I be a "woman-hater"? An odd accusation. Any unearned sense of entitlement ruins whatever it touches. This unearned sense of entitlement among some men ruins heterosexuality, religion, the governance of our nation. I am tired of this sort of heterosexual men trying to ruin things for all of us. We can be unified, loyal and loving toward each other, but only if this is the focus of each person's life. I am disgusted by the sexual antics of the Roman church, the evangelicals, etc., as they try to drive a wedge between people in heterosexual relationships. The bedrock of any relationship is loyalty. It's not a power trip, it's that s/he has your back, and you've got his/hers.

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