Stress, swearing and the Lord...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.

If swearing so much makes you feel less than Christian then stop doing it. Otherwise, you're overthinking it. Unless you're throwing down the curses around children or sensitive older folk, then your recent sailor's mouth probably isn't hurting anyone. Despite any writing or teaching claiming otherwise, swearing in general is small potatoes on the scales of sin, my opinion. I'm sure God has much, much larger and slipperier fish to catch, clean and fry. But if not swearing would make you feel more balanced and in control and an in general better person, then only you can put forth the effort to clean things up. I hear a good bar of soap works wonders.
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
Biblically words have power. God spoke the universe into existence, and we are told to speak in faith, etc. If so, they you have a personal stake in this.

As for other people, if you curse it lowers respect for you. I know because when I'm around others who swear, they sometimes turn to me an apologize cuz I don't so they know it probably offends me. It is a show of respect.

But in today's society, that happens less and less as respect for your fellow human beings is diminishing rapidly.
Matthew 15:11 - 20.

Get a hold of yourself before its too late.
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
If society became perfect for 1,000 years and this made you happy, does it upset you that after that 1,000 years is over, the world will return to the chaos phase of the cycle?
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
I look at swearing the same way I look at a lot of things, logically. "Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain (swearing)," is the THIRD Commandment. Moving down the list to number SIX, "Thou shall not commit murder" and further down is number EIGHT..."Thou shall not steal."
Clearly, these were drafted by an individual that just sat down and put things down as they came to him. The most heinous of them, murder, would, if I were a deity speaking to the listener, would say killing people would be the first thing said, not well after swearing.
And, as far a honoring one's father and mother is concerned, there are plenty of kids out there with absolutely horrid parents that commit crimes and abuse their kids. So, if I were a deity, I would say honor your parents only if they are good and honorable people.
So, the writer was just spit-balling ideas for rules of decency for people to follow and those ideas came about randomly.
So, don't beat yourself up over swearing, it's not going to affect you in some fictional afterlife.
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
I look at swearing the same way I look at a lot of things, logically. "Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain (swearing)," is the THIRD Commandment. Moving down the list to number SIX, "Thou shall not commit murder" and further down is number EIGHT..."Thou shall not steal."
Clearly, these were drafted by an individual that just sat down and put things down as they came to him. The most heinous of them, murder, would, if I were a deity speaking to the listener, would say killing people would be the first thing said, not well after swearing.
And, as far a honoring one's father and mother is concerned, there are plenty of kids out there with absolutely horrid parents that commit crimes and abuse their kids. So, if I were a deity, I would say honor your parents only if they are good and honorable people.
So, the writer was just spit-balling ideas for rules of decency for people to follow and those ideas came about randomly.
So, don't beat yourself up over swearing, it's not going to affect you in some fictional afterlife.

Oh ok ty. I'll see you on the other side...I guess...
Taking the Lord's name in vain has nothing to do with swearing.
If you profess to belong to God and then do nothing to show that you belong to Him, then you have taken His name in vain.
The definition of Vain: producing no results. Useless. Worthless. Fruitless. To no purpose.

Here is the opposite of taking the Lord's name in vain:
As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”
That is fruitful.
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Taking the Lord's name in vain has nothing to do with swearing.
If you profess to belong to God and then do nothing to show that you are His, then you have taken His name in vain.
The definition of Vain: producing no results. Useless. Worthless. To no purpose.
It was still something that was just thought of on the fly, randomly.
If you are swearing when describing someone you are not practicing charity toward your neighbor or loving him as yourself or treating him as you would want to be treated.

Jesus said something like: you've heard it said, do not kill but I say do not even get angry at your brother or call him a fool...
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
You are swearing because you think you are out of control.
The fact is that at least one factor in your life is out of control.
How many factors in your life are in your control?
I've been swearing a great deal of late unfortunately. It's not been my style, but of late, I've succumbed to this.

Serious question about swearing and Faith. I don't hurt anyone, I am willing to help people when they need it, I firmly believe in God. However, as I suggested, I've been cursing more lately. Not to anyone in particular, just when describing someone.

I'm hoping for some positive opinions, I'm less perfect now than any time.
From someone who is not part of any religion, but has studied most and contemplated extensively, with a great respect for the person of Jesus and an enormous suspicion of
what is today presented as "Christian":
1) In speaking of perfection in reference to "The Author of All", there is no more or less; there is perfect and not perfect.
2) That is precisely the problem of a human approaching the Supreme Being. Rather, the problem concerns perfection. We cannot, by definition, know what perfect would even be. We talk about it, but, unless one were perfect, his ideas of "perfect", could not be "perfect". So, how would we know, how would we recognize "perfect"?
3) Accepting that 'God' is perfect, and we cannot be, how could this unimaginable One tolerate intercourse with such a disgusting specimen? The animals have an excuse; they are only in the now and incapable of human reflection. We, who could reflect our Creator, reflect something closer to feces.
4) So, the only access, the only avenue of addressing this Center of All would be by one provided out of some sort of compassion, love, grace. This in spite of our defects and incredibly poorly used intelligence.
5) Now, consider what such a Magnificent One would be seriously 'bothered' by, at what magnitude something would have to be to even draw attention. Some sounds emitted by an ephemeral little creature could not figure large on that scale.
6) Since you cannot be "less perfect", but only either perfect or not, accept that you wouldn't know perfect if you were, and maybe you are and just don't understand it. That is an undeniable possibility
7) For 'God' to be 'God', 'God' must be great in every dimension of the word, including dimensions we cannot even fathom. Only the individual can have or know a connection with this Source. Only the individual can judge it. Remember, in any case, what the only unforgivable sin was according to the Gospels. If one is Christian, this is paramount.

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