Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States


Mar 4, 2013
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:

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If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

What do you expect when they have gutted our manufacturing industry and sent our work to other countries. They've almost got what they want.......American workers working 60 hours a week with no benefits and about the same wages as a day laborer in Malaysia. With no unions after they reduce wages to a point social security will be stopped and County owned poor houses will once again become the latest Republican vogue. It's what they've been wanting ever since FDR started social security. A little something for you right wing folks.....Roosevelt was elected four times. The Republicans hated him so much that they fixed it so two terms is all one can serve. I've got news for you. If you can't beat a Black president in a bad economy you really should do some serious soul searching.
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

What do you expect when they have gutted our manufacturing industry and sent our work to other countries. They've almost got what they want.......American workers working 60 hours a week with no benefits and about the same wages as a day laborer in Malaysia. With no unions after they reduce wages to a point social security will be stopped and County owned poor houses will once again become the latest Republican vogue. It's what they've been wanting ever since FDR started social security. A little something for you right wing folks.....Roosevelt was elected four times. The Republicans hated him so much that they fixed it so two terms is all one can serve. I've got news for you. If you can't beat a Black president in a bad economy you really should do some serious soul searching.
Hey stupid, it's Obama who has been president for the last 4 years. And your comments are right out of the 1940's. I doubt if you have a clue as to how ridiculous your remarks sound.
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

thats it? thats your response to his researched OP? :eusa_eh: Stop wasting our time con boi :eusa_hand:
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

thats it? thats your response to his researched OP? :eusa_eh: Stop wasting our time con boi :eusa_hand:
Oh, I know how valuable your time is. The welfare office is probably pretty crowded, huh?
I'd venture to guess that those "economic gains" during the last few years were on paper i.e. stock portfolios.

"Such an uneven recovery," writes Saez in the report...

"Recovery"? :lol:

The economy is still for shit thanks to Obama.

Obama's policies have driven cash and capital into equity markets, not into the economy where it belongs. THAT is what will create jobs.

Melvin you're just another crybaby socialist hiding behind a socialist President's skirt.

Get a clue.
I'd venture to guess that those "economic gains" during the last few years were on paper i.e. stock portfolios.

"Such an uneven recovery," writes Saez in the report...

"Recovery"? :lol:

The economy is still for shit thanks to Obama.

Obama's policies have driven cash and capital into equity markets, not into the economy where it belongs. THAT is what will create jobs.

Melvin you're just another crybaby socialist hiding behind a socialist President's skirt.

Get a clue.

So thats your "guess"? No links to back it up? OP wins, you lose. Oh yeah, The House of Reps plays a small part in governing. They & their Repub/t party obstructionism are not blameless. Glad to help.
I'd venture to guess that those "economic gains" during the last few years were on paper i.e. stock portfolios.

"Such an uneven recovery," writes Saez in the report...

"Recovery"? :lol:

The economy is still for shit thanks to Obama.

Obama's policies have driven cash and capital into equity markets, not into the economy where it belongs. THAT is what will create jobs.

Melvin you're just another crybaby socialist hiding behind a socialist President's skirt.

Get a clue.

So thats your "guess"? No links to back it up? OP wins, you lose. Oh yeah, The House of Reps plays a small part in governing. They & their Repub/t party obstructionism are not blameless. Glad to help.
Still take a guess over known hyper-partisan liar links like stink progress and commie dreams

OP loses from just the use of that type of site as proof alone
Melvin, you're about as sharp as a bowling ball.

I know I'm burning right wing asses when all they have to say is insults and name calling.

No, sometimes there are people like you who are simply too stupid to bother having an intelligent conversation with.

If you're so upset about this, talk to Obama. He's the president and he's no Republican. And that time referenced had a supermajority of Democrats in Congress.
I can think of many reasons why being poor sucks. I've been there too many times in my life.

Yet, here I am.

And it wasn't until I was at rock bottom that I realized the difference between being rich and being wealthy. All the riches in the world can't bestow wealth... on anyone.

Liberals of Dot Com's ilk will always be poor, as long as someone other than themselves holds riches.

Spreading riches is hardly spreading wealth. Cultivating wealth will always spread richness.
The middle class began cutting its own collective throat when they started believing the pie-in-the-sky of Reaganomics. Every piece of legislation that helped send jobs overseas was cheered by the middle class when it was someone else's job that left the country.

The middle class believed in the trickledown system and now their income is down to a trickle. The super rich received the wealth promised them by Reaganomics, and much more. It was handed to them with the elimination of regulations put in place decades ago to prevent a Ponzi scheme like Reaganomics.

Anyone expecting the American Dream to return to what it was during the fifties, sixties, and early seventies is living in a fantasy. It doesn't matter which party is in power, the puppet masters are running things and the middle class willingly handed them the strings in 1980, and have fought to keep them pulling the strings ever since.

The middle class has consistently voted to screw themselves, and have gotten all they asked for and deserved.
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:

Just so I understand your message here. We should tax the rich more just because they made more?
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If the poor were smart, they wouldn't be poor. What Mel is saying is that dumb people should get a free ride because they're too stupid to not be poor. He's blaming smart people for others being stupid. Instead of demonizing smart people, maybe he should be demonizing the liberals for keeping dumb people dumb.
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

thats it? thats your response to his researched OP? :eusa_eh: Stop wasting our time con boi :eusa_hand:
Oh, I know how valuable your time is. The welfare office is probably pretty crowded, huh?

He's more than likely either a mod at this board or wasting his employer's time. It's not rocket science. Everybody is not retired or independent. 'Course there's always a chance he's one of the 1%....LMAO!
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:

Just so I understand your message here. We should tax the rich more just because they made more?

Just so I understand your message here. We in the middle class should bend over and take it in the ass, again, so that the ultra rich can get even more ultra rich.

In other words, the ultra rich are the smartest, bestest, most wonderful people. And the fact they made all that money while the rest of us sucked hind tit, is their just do.

Is that what you're saying?

While the people called dom't taze me, and sj and darkwind all worship the ultra wealthy, I don't. And I am not the least interested in having less for people like me so that the ultra wealthy can have more. Fuk that. Been there done that.

If you all wanna suck ultra wealthy cock, have at it. Not me. Tax them even more. They (ultra wealthy) are the ones made all the damn money.

And if you ultra wealthy lovers feel so bad for the ultra wealthy, send them a check drawn on YOUR bank account. That will make you feel so good.
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:

Just so I understand your message here. We should tax the rich more just because they made more?

Just so I understand your message here. We in the middle class should bend over and take it in the ass, again, so that the ultra rich can get even more ultra rich.

In other words, the ultra rich are the smartest, bestest, most wonderful people. And the fact they made all that money while the rest of us sucked hind tit, is their just do.

Is that what you're saying?

While the people called dom't taze me, and sj and darkwind all worship the ultra wealthy, I don't. And I am not the least interested in having less for people like me so that the ultra wealthy can have more. Fuk that. Been there done that.

If you all wanna suck ultra wealthy cock, have at it. Not me. Tax them even more. They (ultra wealthy) are the ones made all the damn money.

And if you ultra wealthy lovers feel so bad for the ultra wealthy, send them a check drawn on YOUR bank account. That will make you feel so good.

No... Everyone should be on their own... not having the government play Robin Hood, no matter how good it makes some feel

I think personally that if the rich earn 50% of the income, they pay 50% oft the taxes.. if the poorest earn 10% of the income, they pay 10% of the taxes... equality in treatment

Your outcome is on you.. nobody else.. not society.. not government.. not the rich.. not anyone

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