Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States

You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.

Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.
Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.

Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.

Then I don't see your logic in defending finite incomes and the redistribution of wealth for those who excel in life and made a success of themselves -which is exactly what Melvin is proposing. By the way... Profanity is a sign of ignorance, but you would know this because you are educated and have a Masters Degree. And BTW genius... It's whence, not wence.
Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.

Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.

Then I don't see your logic in defending finite incomes and the redistribution of wealth for those who excel in life and made a success of themselves -which is exactly what Melvin is proposing. By the way... Profanity is a sign of ignorance, but you would know this because you are educated and have a Masters Degree. And BTW genius... It's whence, not wence.

Where the fuck did I say "redistribute wealth?" Where I work profanity is a way of life. Especially when it comes to useless sad-ass wanna bes who can't think for themselves. Sorry for the misspelling - I don't spend my entire days proof reading for the likes of worthless motherfuckers like you.
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog.
I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.
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You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog, etc. I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.

Most online forums ARE right-wing yellow journalism of sorts. Listening to people paraphrase what they heard on Faux News the previous night. Tiresome.
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog, etc. I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.

Most online forums ARE right-wing yellow journalism of sorts. Listening to people paraphrase what they heard on Faux News the previous night. Tiresome.

Carry on my friend...the recent Scott Prouty expose showed their cavalier out of touch asses for what they really are. They ramble on and on and the bottom line is "More Tax Cuts For The Wealthy"

Those bastards wouldn't pay a dime to see a piss ant eat a bale of hay. They don't even want to pay for the trillion and a half dollars they wasted in two totally unnecessary.
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Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog, etc. I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.

Most online forums ARE right-wing yellow journalism of sorts. Listening to people paraphrase what they heard on Faux News the previous night. Tiresome.

Carry on my friend...the recent Scott Prouty expose showed their cavalier out of touch asses for what they really are. They ramble on and on and the bottom line is "More Tax Cuts For The Wealthy"

Those bastards wouldn't pay a dime to see a piss ant eat a bale of hay. They don't even want to pay for the trillion and a half dollars they wasted in two totally unnecessary.

They won't be happy until every job you can work won't even be able to make the payment on a 12 year old grocery getter to drive to and from work.
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:


Share of the nation's income gains?

The nation doesn't have income.
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:


Share of the nation's income gains?

The nation doesn't have income.

Nice avitar by the way - Roger may be my favorite singer of all time. You're right - little income because coward politicians know they'll be voted out if taxes are raised. ALL politicians.
Rich people already pay the highest rates. So if they are getting most of the money, and that money is being taxed at the highest rate, that means the government is getting the maximum revenues. So what the fuck are you whining about?

He wants his fair share of the successes of someone else.

Listen goddammit......this country was built with a progressive tax system. Back before Ronald Reagan slashed rates to the lowest they had been since the great depression and borrowed trillions to cover the shortfall there was no problem. One thing I know. People have wised up and the Republican party is history if they don't come up with some way of settling the debt without loading it onto the backs of seniors, the disabled, single mothers, the poor etc. They have been found out and the likes of Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney and their rich man's schemes won't hack it any more. You people live in a world of your own and as long as some entertainer of Fox News says something you talk about it as if it were gospel........another fairy tale I don't believe.


Back before Ronald Reagan slashed rates to the lowest they had been since the great depression and borrowed trillions to cover the shortfall there was no problem.

Yeah, things were great under Jimmy Carter. LOL!
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:


Share of the nation's income gains?

The nation doesn't have income.

Nice avitar by the way - Roger may be my favorite singer of all time. You're right - little income because coward politicians know they'll be voted out if taxes are raised. ALL politicians.

Nations don't have income, people do.
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog.
I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.
I wonder if your neighbor knows you're pretending to be him. :lol:
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

You've seen a copy of the playbook?
Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.

Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.

:lol: Yeah, sure you did. You guys must have a script in front of you that you read from. Every time I tell one of you Marxist drones to go out and do something with your life you all come back with the same response. "Screw you! I am successful! I own my own business! I have a graduate degree! I'm at the top of my job! blah blah blah."

Amazing how many of you Trotskys are such successful people when you get called out for being the Socialist ingrate pukes you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog.
I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.

Oh, so you're like 80 something then. Good to know you won't be on the Earth all that much longer to keep fucking our country up with your Marxist propaganda.
Wow, Do you and Melvin know each other? It sounds like you've both stood in the same Welfare and Food Stamp lines together. Why don't you idiots go to work, and quit worrying about those who are (and always will be) more financially successful than you will.

Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.

:lol: Yeah, sure you did. You guys must have a script in front of you that you read from. Every time I tell one of you Marxist drones to go out and do something with your life you all come back with the same response. "Screw you! I am successful! I own my own business! I have a graduate degree! I'm at the top of my job! blah blah blah."

Amazing how many of you Trotskys are such successful people when you get called out for being the Socialist ingrate pukes you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Case and point.


So predictable.

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