Zone1 The "Baby Mama" phenomenon in Black culture. The flip side of 75 percent Fatherless homes.

It is not only a social norm. It is instinctive behavior. Evolving in the jungles of sub Saharan Africa has not prepared most Negroes with the characteristics necessary to thrive in civilized countries.

This was understood when Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship.
you are very weird. Ain't nuthin' INSTINCTIVE about it and NUTHIN' to do with color of the skin. INSTINCTS in humans are
the same world over. Social customs are a product of evolutionary pressures unrelated to height, shoe size, or migratory features of neural crest cells
Because we don't see your racism as our problem.

Paticularly since you are dealing more with stereotypes than realities.

The reason why this show was cancelled was that it fed into negative stereotypes.
Oh there we go, point you finger and squeal WACIST!! and run away from the REAL discussion. You and IM2 are two peas in a pod. Too cowardly to discuss a subject.
Oh there we go, point you finger and squeal WACIST!! and run away from the REAL discussion. You and IM2 are two peas in a pod. Too cowardly to discuss a subject.
Actually---the fact that women take the MAJOR household position in many black families and some hispanic families is fact. It is not
the result of slavery or racism----the practice for blacks and lots of
hispanics PRECEDES the slavery issue and still exists in Africa and parts of South america and was, simply, IMPORTED along with the
people who came to the USA. It does not entirely adapt to USA --WASPY societies WELL. An that's about it for a very complex
social issue in the USA. It would take people with actual brains to address the issues----especially not the jerks who try to shoehorn the "problem" into "SLAVERY DID THAT"
Actually---the fact that women take the MAJOR household position in many black families and some hispanic families is fact. It is not
the result of slavery or racism----the practice for blacks and lots of
hispanics PRECEDES the slavery issue and still exists in Africa and parts of South america and was, simply, IMPORTED along with the
people who came to the USA. It does not entirely adapt to USA --WASPY societies WELL. An that's about it for a very complex
social issue in the USA. It would take people with actual brains to address the issues----especially not the jerks who try to shoehorn the "problem" into "SLAVERY DID THAT"
The first step in solving a systemic problem is admitting there is a problem. With the Baby Mama/Baby Maker culture, we can't even get to step one.

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