Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States

If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

What do you expect when they have gutted our manufacturing industry and sent our work to other countries. They've almost got what they want.......American workers working 60 hours a week with no benefits and about the same wages as a day laborer in Malaysia. With no unions after they reduce wages to a point social security will be stopped and County owned poor houses will once again become the latest Republican vogue. It's what they've been wanting ever since FDR started social security. A little something for you right wing folks.....Roosevelt was elected four times. The Republicans hated him so much that they fixed it so two terms is all one can serve. I've got news for you. If you can't beat a Black president in a bad economy you really should do some serious soul searching.

Who are "they", and where is it written that "they" owe you something? Does someone owe you a job, a place to flop, or even a sandwich?

If this countries manufacturing industry has been gutted by inept, incompetent, greedy people, then you, and all those who feel put out about it, have a perfect opportunity to jump into the void, and recreate that industry. That is how the free enterprise system works. You can become one of "they".

However, you may first want to spend a year, or two, learning all of the regulatory rules that might bite you in the ass after you commit your life savings in any enterprise. Miss one of those tens of thousands of little line items, and you could be facing tens of thousands in fines. The same regulatory morass that caused many "theys" to find someplace else to invest their life savings.
Forget looking like the Eurpoean Union in a few years, we'll be a Third World Nation. The 1% will be like the .25%. You can NOT have a vibrant economy without a solid middle class which they're trying to eliminate, and almost have. We'll be like the "Mother Country" our ancestors fled from, except this time it will be a Monied Oligarchy - a Corporate Oligarchy if you will.

Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

I love that claim, this group earned this percentage of the nation's income.
The nation doesn't earn a paycheck, people do.
Rich people earned too much, waaah.
If the government takes more from rich people, will that make you less of a failure? Why?

Are you really as stupid as you write? Or just pretending?

So let me ask you this. You being the successful person you claim to be, I am sure you own a home, have a 401k, major medical policy and all those other nice little tax write off tidbits that us middle class folks have.

So which one, or would it be all, of those tax write off are you willing to give up so that the ultra wealthy can have another round of tax cuts?

Or are you willing to have your tax rates rise, so the ultra wealthy can get a bigger tax cut?

What is it that you are willing to sacrifice so that your heros the ultra wealthy, don't have to pay more taxes?

Stupid is as stupid does. Your little if/or discourse is a fiction of your own imagination. You are not required to suffer, nor am I required to suffer, so that the ultra-wealthy get a tax cut. The connection is only there, if it is put there. Some of you cannot see past your concept of a zero sum game, that says someone has to lose for another to gain.

I will provide you another key clue to life. The wealthy are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, and need no help from me. Their wealth does not impinge on my wealth, and my wealth does not impinge on their wealth. My wealth will not change because of any change in their wealth.
Why do you call people pigs? You know what they say "it takes one to know one." And the statistics are combined in a way to create a false output making it seem like one is better than the other. However if you were to separate each year and compare one to the others, you will find drastically different results. Cut them into year by year and don't combine, to find the real truth.

And why are you jealous against wealthy Americans? Are you an anti-American like Barrack-Insane-Obama? Last time I checked that 1% wasn't so rich when they arrived to America. They live the American dream. That's what it's all about, coming to this great land, working hard, becoming successful, and collecting enough to see that your childrens, children are well set for the future.

The government only takes and takes, until all your freedoms are gone, along with all you money, and then it enslaves you with a huge debt that affects you, and many generations to come. Do you really want to make your great-grand children pay off a debt that you help cause?
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It's not about who has the money, it's about how they got it. When you have Obama literally handing the rich tens of billions of dollars a month it's impossible to blame anything but big Government. It;s also impossible to keep up if you're trying to get ahead.
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George HW Bush called it Voodoo Economics and still his own party not only rejects it, but embraces it. WTF?

Like Romeny, he is now not conservative enough!!! duh!

I have a problem with free handouts, I truly do. But I dont have any problem with my government helping others find goof footing in this world. If we have the resources to drip 3 Trillion in Iraq for on good reason at all, we can surly afford to start some sort of job training program. Something serious tho, not just a few weeks.

I would just ask my conservative friends this. As the middle class breaks down due to policy of the past do we just sit idle by and do nothing? FRD got us started back in the 1940's with Govt assistance and work, if things don't improve and the rich/ corporations keep dodging taxes I see little else to do. Unless someone has a better idea. Because guns and talking real loud about how much you love America is not going to fix a thing.

So, you have no problem with your government helping others find good footing in this world? Which others do you believe are entitled to this government help, and what makes them special? What about their neighbors, are they not special? It appears that in your America, some Americans are more equal than other Americans.

Did FDR's policies provide jobs for all starving Americans, or just a few lucky enough to get the largese? Who got to pick out the lucky ones, and how could that possibly be justified in a country where government is supposed to treat all citizens the same?

Do you ever think this stuff all the way through, or do you just take the parts that you like and ignore the rest?
The United States of America is a Republic not a democracy, however we do allow democracy in a sense to communicate our concerns about America, laws, etc. Refer to the founding documents for more information. I love them and I will keep them close to my heart, forever.

Friends, let us be "United" so that we may stand strong against tyranny.

Let us engage in highly educational discussions like: did you know the founding documents indicate that you must be a christian before you can even be considered a candidate for presidency? I believe it's because a true christian believer will do what is right in the sight of God, and for "We the People." Rather than having a president spend tons of money on hundreds of vacations off the backs of all the classes of the people.

Forget the R's or D's, where can we find a true christian who we could trust at least at a level of 95%. I would aim higher but lets face it no one could be really trusted 100% without a shadow of a doubt.
Their wealth does not impinge on my wealth, and my wealth does not impinge on their wealth. My wealth will not change because of any change in their wealth.

That's where you are wrong.

The wealth of other DOES effect you.

Doubt that?

Then you must also believe that the market for investments is NOT an open bid system.

It is, so you are obviously misinformed about how capitalism and this economy actually works.
Nearly 93% of the economic gains made from 2009 to 2010 went to the wealthiest 1% of Americans. "Top 1% incomes grew by 11.6% while bottom 99% incomes grew only by 0.2%. Hence, the top 1% captured 93% of the income gains in the first year of recovery.

And the Republicans are still squeeling like a pig if anybody suggest that the rich pay a higher rate of income tax.

Ordinary working Americans are being used by the wealthy in this country and it's as obvious as them never having to worry about their kids being inconvenienced to serve in their chickenhawk wars. Medieval Serfs and Peasants had it made compared to about half the population of this country. Look at the first chart and notice the last time they were this well off:


Of course, socialism comes in two forms; state ownership of the means of production and state regulation of the means of production. The more the state regulates the more monopolies prosper, effectively creating barriers to entry for those attempting to establish a business and improve their lot. Therefore, it is no wonder why the rich are getting richer as there is less competition and more government regulation. If you were to come up with a chart showing government regulations and their increase you will see that it correlates to your chart. Notice the relatively slow increase under the anti bureaucratic Reagan? I will assume you who they are.
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George HW Bush called it Voodoo Economics and still his own party not only rejects it, but embraces it. WTF?

Like Romeny, he is now not conservative enough!!! duh!

I have a problem with free handouts, I truly do. But I dont have any problem with my government helping others find goof footing in this world. If we have the resources to drip 3 Trillion in Iraq for on good reason at all, we can surly afford to start some sort of job training program. Something serious tho, not just a few weeks.

I would just ask my conservative friends this. As the middle class breaks down due to policy of the past do we just sit idle by and do nothing? FRD got us started back in the 1940's with Govt assistance and work, if things don't improve and the rich/ corporations keep dodging taxes I see little else to do. Unless someone has a better idea. Because guns and talking real loud about how much you love America is not going to fix a thing.

Damn well said!

You talk about bold leadership! The Pubs hated him and his programs which benefited all Americans so much that they fixed it so nobody could ever be elected more than two times. The bold, aggressive maneuvers to create a secret city in rural east Tennessee based upon nothing but technical information which was presented to him by Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi was unprecedented. The governor of Tennesee didn't even know about Oak Ridge and about 75,000 people were living there.

John Kennedy did the same kind of thing when he declared that we would put a man on the moon and return him safely to the earth and even had the balls to say we would do it during the 60's decade.

I wish some of the Republicans would tell me about some huge project which was funded by private industry with no guarantee of profit. It ain' a gonna happen because they don't even think like that. Republicans and their rich friends and corporations think one much will I make?
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Forget looking like the Eurpoean Union in a few years, we'll be a Third World Nation. The 1% will be like the .25%. You can NOT have a vibrant economy without a solid middle class which they're trying to eliminate, and almost have. We'll be like the "Mother Country" our ancestors fled from, except this time it will be a Monied Oligarchy - a Corporate Oligarchy if you will.

Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

[ame=]Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube[/ame]
Forget looking like the Eurpoean Union in a few years, we'll be a Third World Nation. The 1% will be like the .25%. You can NOT have a vibrant economy without a solid middle class which they're trying to eliminate, and almost have. We'll be like the "Mother Country" our ancestors fled from, except this time it will be a Monied Oligarchy - a Corporate Oligarchy if you will.

Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

[ame=]Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube[/ame]


I Love It!!
Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

[ame=]Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube[/ame]


I Love It!!

This is even better...........

[ame=]falling down 1993 - phone booth uzi shooting scene - YouTube[/ame]
They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube


I Love It!!

This is even better...........

[ame=]falling down 1993 - phone booth uzi shooting scene - YouTube[/ame]

ROTFL!!! That'd shut 'em up
They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube


I Love It!!

This is even better...........

[ame=]falling down 1993 - phone booth uzi shooting scene - YouTube[/ame]

An attractive blonde from Cork , Ireland , arrived at the casino. She seemed a little intoxicated and bet twenty thousand dollars in a single roll of the dice.

She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely nude." with that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice and with an Irish brogue yelled, "Come on, baby, Mama needs some new clothes!"

As the dice came to a stop, she jumped up and down and squealed... "Yes! Yes! I won, I won! She hugged each of the dealers, picked up her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.

The dealers stared at each other dumbfounded.

Finally, one of them asked, "What did she roll?" The other answered, "I don't know - I thought you were watching."


Not all Irish are drunks,

not all blondes are dumb.....
But all men...Are men!

Global Facts About Sex

At any given moment:

79,000,000 people are having sex .
58,000,000 are kissing.
37,000,000 are relaxing after having sex.
1 old person is reading emails.

You hang in there, sunshine .
If the numbers are accurate, it shows the failure of the liberal educational system in this country. What do you expect to happen when we teach our kids how to be good socialists instead of how to manage their finances?

What do you expect when they have gutted our manufacturing industry and sent our work to other countries. They've almost got what they want.......American workers working 60 hours a week with no benefits and about the same wages as a day laborer in Malaysia. With no unions after they reduce wages to a point social security will be stopped and County owned poor houses will once again become the latest Republican vogue. It's what they've been wanting ever since FDR started social security. A little something for you right wing folks.....Roosevelt was elected four times. The Republicans hated him so much that they fixed it so two terms is all one can serve. I've got news for you. If you can't beat a Black president in a bad economy you really should do some serious soul searching.
Your arrogance is exceeded only by your racism.
Forget looking like the Eurpoean Union in a few years, we'll be a Third World Nation. The 1% will be like the .25%. You can NOT have a vibrant economy without a solid middle class which they're trying to eliminate, and almost have. We'll be like the "Mother Country" our ancestors fled from, except this time it will be a Monied Oligarchy - a Corporate Oligarchy if you will.

Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

[ame=]Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube[/ame]

I just figured out why liberals love Che Guevara so much. They love a guy willing to murder for the red flag.
Once again, who are "they"? Why would "they" desire to eliminate the middle class? Do "they" have black helicopters and storm troopers? Do "they" even have a secret handshake? Do "they" all meet somewhere and forge their conspiracy against the middle class?

Look closely, and I think you may find that "they" is you, and all those others who think like you do. The fear and paranoia that you exhibit has a real basis, but you have misplaced responsibility and cause?

Hint: Hundreds of thousands of pages of federal, state, and local regulations that squeeze out competition and favor the biggest players.

They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

[ame=]Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube[/ame]

I just figured out why liberals love Che Guevara so much. They love a guy willing to murder for the red flag.

I've never seen a set of balls that big in my life. After George W. Bush invaded a country 10,000 miles away which had done us no harm, lost 4500 young American lives, got over 35,000 seriously wounded and spent over a trillion dollars that he borrowed from Communist Chinese banks and never found the first trace of what he and his administraion promised they would find.......Give Me A Break!!
They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube

I just figured out why liberals love Che Guevara so much. They love a guy willing to murder for the red flag.

I've never seen a set of balls that big in my life. After George W. Bush invaded a country 10,000 miles away which had done us no harm, lost 4500 young American lives, got over 35,000 seriously wounded and spent over a trillion dollars that he borrowed from Communist Chinese banks and never found the first trace of what he and his administraion promised they would find.......Give Me A Break!!

Yea, but people like Pubic1787 think it's a nifty idea.
They? The corporate elites and the politicians they buy and put in office. You don't actually think we have a CHOICE when we vote, do you? Now that the Supreme Court thinks it's a swell idea to let multinational foreign corporations donate to our elections, well color me fucked, we're letting even more in on the action! Dude, you really think THEY want YOU to have a chance? Do you? Walk into one of their private country clubs once and see how well you're treated. Try and move into one of their gated communities, which none of us could afford, so fuck that - just try and cut across their lawns.

Who are they? Give me a fuckin' break. You THAT damned dumb?

Here, try the Michael Douglas thing and you'll probably get the same greeting!

Falling Down (passing through golf course) - YouTube

I just figured out why liberals love Che Guevara so much. They love a guy willing to murder for the red flag.

I've never seen a set of balls that big in my life.
And I'm sure you've seen plenty of 'em.

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