Striking It Richer: The Evolution of Top Incomes in the United States

Are you really as stupid as you write? Or just pretending?

So let me ask you this. You being the successful person you claim to be, I am sure you own a home, have a 401k, major medical policy and all those other nice little tax write off tidbits that us middle class folks have.

So which one, or would it be all, of those tax write off are you willing to give up so that the ultra wealthy can have another round of tax cuts?

Or are you willing to have your tax rates rise, so the ultra wealthy can get a bigger tax cut?

What is it that you are willing to sacrifice so that your heros the ultra wealthy, don't have to pay more taxes?

You'll have to show me who on this thread said any of those write offs should be given up "so the ultra wealthy can get a bigger tax cut".

What is it that you are willing to sacrifice

Government spending. I'm willing to cut it 30%. How much are you willing to cut?

You will have to read an earlier post I made. But I will say again; I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate. They (the ultra wealthy) have never had it so good, have never been able to buy so much favorable tax treatment and didn't lose anything in the financial fiasco they helped create.

If you want to give up something, just say so.

And that blanket bull shit of "cutting spending 30%" is rethugs bullshit. Specify what you want cut 30%. And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Hope that is clear enough.

And again, if the rich get taxed more (as they should) than they are now, you can send them a check of your own money to make them, and you, feel better.

How would that work for you? You a middle class guy sending the ultra rich some of your own money. To make them and you feel better. You know, cause the ultra rich have it so hard here in America.

I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate.

They pay a larger share of income taxes paid, than ever.
How large a share should they pay? What rate should they pay, to be fair?

Specify what you want cut 30%.

Government spending in 2007 was about $2.7 trillion. Last year about $3.8 trillion.
Cut spending back to the 2007 level, we can argue about how to distribute the $2.7 trillion.

And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Yeah, welfare dependency is hard to break.
Yeah.. how dare anyone earn more or be successful... you want what you want and you want those evil rich to pay for it for you

You are not even human... sub-human collectivist piece of shit

You are that one stupid fuker that thinks everything in life should be fair. Aren't you?
It don't work that way asshole.

But if you want to send the ultra rich some of your piddly ass earnings, have at it. Maybe the one you choose will let you suck their ultra rich cock. Ass hole.

And if the evil rich (your words) are using their money to influence governmnet decisions in their favor (which they do), so they can realize all the benefits of government without paying for the largesse, fuk yea they can pay more in taxes than they do right now. Not a problem for me.

In case you missed it, the ultra rich have had all the income gains lately. And how is that
You'll have to show me who on this thread said any of those write offs should be given up "so the ultra wealthy can get a bigger tax cut".

What is it that you are willing to sacrifice

Government spending. I'm willing to cut it 30%. How much are you willing to cut?

You will have to read an earlier post I made. But I will say again; I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate. They (the ultra wealthy) have never had it so good, have never been able to buy so much favorable tax treatment and didn't lose anything in the financial fiasco they helped create.

If you want to give up something, just say so.

And that blanket bull shit of "cutting spending 30%" is rethugs bullshit. Specify what you want cut 30%. And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Hope that is clear enough.

And again, if the rich get taxed more (as they should) than they are now, you can send them a check of your own money to make them, and you, feel better.

How would that work for you? You a middle class guy sending the ultra rich some of your own money. To make them and you feel better. You know, cause the ultra rich have it so hard here in America.

I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate.

They pay a larger share of income taxes paid, than ever.
How large a share should they pay? What rate should they pay, to be fair?

Specify what you want cut 30%.

Government spending in 2007 was about $2.7 trillion. Last year about $3.8 trillion.
Cut spending back to the 2007 level, we can argue about how to distribute the $2.7 trillion.

And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Yeah, welfare dependency is hard to break.[/QUOTE]

Be kinda cool to stack up net worth numbers with you. How many houses you own? Me; 7.
How about you? And I noticed that you are the same chicken shit rethug I thought you were. You want to make cuts totaling 30%. Specify. Or stfu about it.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number. If it needs to be 60, then thats the number. What ever the number needs to be is what it should be.

And when those tax numbers are increased, then I would be willing to give up interest deductions on my mortgage. Child care credit could be reduced. Charitable giving as a deduction should be eliminated. Yea, there is a lot of things I could do without. But not unless the ultra wealthy step up and pay MORE.
You will have to read an earlier post I made. But I will say again; I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate. They (the ultra wealthy) have never had it so good, have never been able to buy so much favorable tax treatment and didn't lose anything in the financial fiasco they helped create.

If you want to give up something, just say so.

And that blanket bull shit of "cutting spending 30%" is rethugs bullshit. Specify what you want cut 30%. And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Hope that is clear enough.

And again, if the rich get taxed more (as they should) than they are now, you can send them a check of your own money to make them, and you, feel better.

How would that work for you? You a middle class guy sending the ultra rich some of your own money. To make them and you feel better. You know, cause the ultra rich have it so hard here in America.

I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate.

They pay a larger share of income taxes paid, than ever.
How large a share should they pay? What rate should they pay, to be fair?

Specify what you want cut 30%.

Government spending in 2007 was about $2.7 trillion. Last year about $3.8 trillion.
Cut spending back to the 2007 level, we can argue about how to distribute the $2.7 trillion.

And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Yeah, welfare dependency is hard to break.[/QUOTE]

Be kinda cool to stack up net worth numbers with you. How many houses you own? Me; 7.
How about you? And I noticed that you are the same chicken shit rethug I thought you were. You want to make cuts totaling 30%. Specify. Or stfu about it.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number. If it needs to be 60, then thats the number. What ever the number needs to be is what it should be.

And when those tax numbers are increased, then I would be willing to give up interest deductions on my mortgage. Child care credit could be reduced. Charitable giving as a deduction should be eliminated. Yea, there is a lot of things I could do without. But not unless the ultra wealthy step up and pay MORE.

How many houses you own? Me; 7.

You're not a poor, whiny liberal, you're a rich, whiny liberal.

You want to make cuts totaling 30%.

Yes, that would be a good start.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number

If you raise the rate to 50%, how much more does the government take in? Specify or STFU.
The capital class has gained a greater share of aggregate wealth for three basic reasons.

1. Increased production cost efficiences stemming from outsourcing for cheap labor offshore = greater profits

2. Production efficiences stemming from technology advancment = greater profits

(Note that neither of those first two trends give the working class any wealth generating advantage, as every cost saving efficiency naturally goes to the ownership class while at the same time reducing the need for labor, generally)

3 Dramatic decreases in capital gains taxation gives the capital class still more wealth to reinvest as now they are not being taxed on the greater profits they are enjoying because of numbers 1 and 2 above.

I beg to differ. The only common denominator in the gain for the 1% is lower tax rates. Look closely at the direction they were headed coming out of the biggest boom in the economy since the 2nd world war, just before George W. Bush cut rates twice in 2001 and 2003:

George HW Bush called it Voodoo Economics and still his own party not only rejects it, but embraces it. WTF?

Like Romeny, he is now not conservative enough!!! duh!

I have a problem with free handouts, I truly do. But I dont have any problem with my government helping others find goof footing in this world. If we have the resources to drip 3 Trillion in Iraq for on good reason at all, we can surly afford to start some sort of job training program. Something serious tho, not just a few weeks.

I would just ask my conservative friends this. As the middle class breaks down due to policy of the past do we just sit idle by and do nothing? FRD got us started back in the 1940's with Govt assistance and work, if things don't improve and the rich/ corporations keep dodging taxes I see little else to do. Unless someone has a better idea. Because guns and talking real loud about how much you love America is not going to fix a thing.

Damn well said!
Yeah.. how dare anyone earn more or be successful... you want what you want and you want those evil rich to pay for it for you

You are not even human... sub-human collectivist piece of shit

You are that one stupid fuker that thinks everything in life should be fair. Aren't you?
It don't work that way asshole.

But if you want to send the ultra rich some of your piddly ass earnings, have at it. Maybe the one you choose will let you suck their ultra rich cock. Ass hole.

And if the evil rich (your words) are using their money to influence governmnet decisions in their favor (which they do), so they can realize all the benefits of government without paying for the largesse, fuk yea they can pay more in taxes than they do right now. Not a problem for me.

In case you missed it, the ultra rich have had all the income gains lately. And how is that

Diamondcutter is a wanna be and thinks being a Republican will have a personal payoff. Like it will make one rich.
I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate.

They pay a larger share of income taxes paid, than ever.
How large a share should they pay? What rate should they pay, to be fair?

Specify what you want cut 30%.

Government spending in 2007 was about $2.7 trillion. Last year about $3.8 trillion.
Cut spending back to the 2007 level, we can argue about how to distribute the $2.7 trillion.

And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Yeah, welfare dependency is hard to break.[/QUOTE]

Be kinda cool to stack up net worth numbers with you. How many houses you own? Me; 7.
How about you? And I noticed that you are the same chicken shit rethug I thought you were. You want to make cuts totaling 30%. Specify. Or stfu about it.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number. If it needs to be 60, then thats the number. What ever the number needs to be is what it should be.

And when those tax numbers are increased, then I would be willing to give up interest deductions on my mortgage. Child care credit could be reduced. Charitable giving as a deduction should be eliminated. Yea, there is a lot of things I could do without. But not unless the ultra wealthy step up and pay MORE.

How many houses you own? Me; 7.

You're not a poor, whiny liberal, you're a rich, whiny liberal.

You want to make cuts totaling 30%.

Yes, that would be a good start.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number

If you raise the rate to 50%, how much more does the government take in? Specify or STFU.

You are a dumb fuk todd. I am neither rich, whiny or liberal. But you are still a punk rethug who is either unwilling or unable to specify what programs you would cut 30%. That should be something even you could do. Specify cuts. And as to how many dollars it would raise if the taxes on the ultra weatlhy went up to 50%, I have no fuking idea. But here is for sure; it would be a lot more than we collect from them now you stupid fuk. Duh.

You just can't figure shit out can you? I don't want to give my money to the welfare cheat. And I don't want to give up benefits to the ultra wealthy. I didn't cause the poor to be poor and I didn't expect the ultra wealthy to use their wealth and influence to fuk me. Ain't nothing "liberal" about me. But I am pissed at people like you who are oh so willing to give up more and more to people that could care less you are alive and sure as hell don't need people like you to carry their water, so to speak.

What's in it for you if the ultra wealthy are given more benefits and things are taken away from you? What's is the up side in your opinion to the ultra wealthy having more and the rest of us having less?
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Oh geez, the "hard work you can accomplish anything" line out of the GOP playbook. That became obsolete at least 30 years ago.

Yeah.. how dare anyone earn more or be successful... you want what you want and you want those evil rich to pay for it for you

You are not even human... sub-human collectivist piece of shit

You are that one stupid fuker that thinks everything in life should be fair. Aren't you?
It don't work that way asshole.

But if you want to send the ultra rich some of your piddly ass earnings, have at it. Maybe the one you choose will let you suck their ultra rich cock. Ass hole.

And if the evil rich (your words) are using their money to influence governmnet decisions in their favor (which they do), so they can realize all the benefits of government without paying for the largesse, fuk yea they can pay more in taxes than they do right now. Not a problem for me.

In case you missed it, the ultra rich have had all the income gains lately. And how is that

Diamondcutter is a wanna be and thinks being a Republican will have a personal payoff. Like it will make one rich.

he never hesitates to pontificate the virtues of being a corporate tool/sap. Same goes for most of the other rw drones here as well.
Fuck your mother you motherfuckin' putz! I went out and DID it! I'm at the top of my pay scale because I went out and got my masters plus 30 to max out. So stick your "Wanna Be Rich" Republican head back up your ass from wence it came.

:lol: Yeah, sure you did. You guys must have a script in front of you that you read from. Every time I tell one of you Marxist drones to go out and do something with your life you all come back with the same response. "Screw you! I am successful! I own my own business! I have a graduate degree! I'm at the top of my job! blah blah blah."

Amazing how many of you Trotskys are such successful people when you get called out for being the Socialist ingrate pukes you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm as successful as can be in my given profession, so blow me. See, EVERY time someone calls you right-wingers out you snap back with some communist reference at worst, liberal at best. Which proves your simple minds can't fathom that there's more than just "left" and "right."

:lol: I'm neither "left" nor "right". You ARE a Marxist, however. Keep digging your hole.

That's the simplistic world you live in, need to live in. Anything else would confuse you easily. Shit, just someone CARING for their country and not giving a damned about silly political labels, you can't fathom.

You don't give a shit about this country; you only give a shit about your personal greed.
:lol: Yeah, sure you did. You guys must have a script in front of you that you read from. Every time I tell one of you Marxist drones to go out and do something with your life you all come back with the same response. "Screw you! I am successful! I own my own business! I have a graduate degree! I'm at the top of my job! blah blah blah."

Amazing how many of you Trotskys are such successful people when you get called out for being the Socialist ingrate pukes you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm as successful as can be in my given profession, so blow me. See, EVERY time someone calls you right-wingers out you snap back with some communist reference at worst, liberal at best. Which proves your simple minds can't fathom that there's more than just "left" and "right."

If you don't like being called a Marxist then stop propagandizing like one.

That's the simplistic world you live in, need to live in. Anything else would confuse you easily. Shit, just someone CARING for their country and not giving a damned about silly political labels, you can't fathom.

You don't give a shit about this country; you're just a selfish, totalitarian hypocrite. There is nothing moral about you or your position.
:lol: Yeah, sure you did. You guys must have a script in front of you that you read from. Every time I tell one of you Marxist drones to go out and do something with your life you all come back with the same response. "Screw you! I am successful! I own my own business! I have a graduate degree! I'm at the top of my job! blah blah blah."

Amazing how many of you Trotskys are such successful people when you get called out for being the Socialist ingrate pukes you are.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I'm neither "left" nor "right". You ARE a Marxist, however. Keep digging your hole.

That's the simplistic world you live in, need to live in. Anything else would confuse you easily. Shit, just someone CARING for their country and not giving a damned about silly political labels, you can't fathom.

You don't give a shit about this country; you only give a shit about your personal greed.

I don't even make six digits (that means numbers) motherfucker, so where's the personal greed? Oh yes you ARE a right-winger. Marxist? You don't even know what that means, simple fuck. Here, let's have Grandpa tell you to get fucked too!

[ame=]Old Man Tyree Talks About Dildos - YouTube[/ame]
I really think we all need to rethink our approach here. Stop being so negative towards each other for crying out loud.

Here is how I see it. We tried a really cool, exciting and successful economic platform called voodoo economics or if you like, Trickle down economics. Where the rich catch massive tax breaks thus in theory allowing them to take more of what they eared and start a businesses or reinvest into what ever was making them rich in the first place. Sounds good right.

Unfortunately this sort of economic experiment backfired and come to find out the rich just kept that money that in right was already theirs. I can understand the mindset of not wanting to tax the rich as tax breaks just give them what was rightfully theirs in the first place. The problem is the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.

You tell everyone to stop being negative towards each other and then you go and spout off this ignorant crap about the failure of trickle down and the rich hoarding their money. Yeah, right, the king is in his counting house counting all the money every day, right, and bathing in $100 bills in bathtubs made of solid gold. No, the rich don't reinvest their money, they throw it all in a 2% passbook account because that's how they got rich in the first place, right? :lol: Where in the hell do you people come up with this shit?

Yes, the rich do reinvest their money, in their own business, other businesses, or in new ventures and holy fucking dog shit how dare they get richer in the process. You why, though, there is a stagnation of capital infusion right now? Because of OBAMACARE, which you wanted and supported, so go take a look in the mirror if you want someone to blame.

The top 10% of income earners in this country pay 70% of federal income taxes, so don't give me this bullshit about these massive tax breaks in the 80s being this huge windfall for the rich being this terrible, evil thing. They're carrying their weight plus yours and mine.

Here in-lies our conundrum. The poor for the most part are not poor by choice,

Actually, yeah, most of them are. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule when the shit hits the fan, but by and large, all of us are where we are in life because of the choices we made throughout it, period.

ever heard of the working poor? trust me, they are more than likely your neighbors or next to you in line at the store. The question is how do we help these people find a way to become successful in America as its become next to impossible for this to happen as it did in the past.

Says who

I hate to say this but government is the best place to start. The rich are not reinvesting, they haven't been since the 1980's so who does that leave with the resources that can possible help?

Well, I know one thing, nobody can help somebody like you who lives in a cocoon of ignorance, so good luck.
You will have to read an earlier post I made. But I will say again; I am not willing to give up anything....................unless the ultra wealthy who have enjoyed all the income gains, are taxed at a much higher rate. They (the ultra wealthy) have never had it so good, have never been able to buy so much favorable tax treatment and didn't lose anything in the financial fiasco they helped create.

That is demonstrably false. Prior to the 1913 implementation of the income tax, the wealthy had it much better, hence the reason it was the Guilded Age.
But if you want to send the ultra rich some of your piddly ass earnings, have at it.

Who poor and middle class is sending their money to the rich?

In case you missed it, the ultra rich have had all the income gains lately. And how is that

My income has increased every year. Perhaps the problem is you're just a jealous, hate filled little loser with no ambition in life.
And if your desired cuts are at my cost, fuk that. It ain't happening.

Costing you how?

Be kinda cool to stack up net worth numbers with you. How many houses you own? Me; 7

:lol: :lol: :lol: Yeah, sure you do. Like I said earlier, you parasitic pigs all read from the same script when you're called out for being self-loathing, hate filled, leaches you are.

And if a tax rate on the ultra wealthy needs to be 50% to bring the budget back into a semblence of balance, then 50% is the number. If it needs to be 60, then thats the number. What ever the number needs to be is what it should be.

I don't even make six digits (that means numbers) motherfucker

Yeah, no shit Sherlock, didn't take a genius to figure that one out.

So where's the personal greed?

:lol: Naturally, you think only being rich makes one greedy, but you don't think it's greed to take their money and put it your hand even though you didn't earn a dime of it.

Oh yes you ARE a right-winger. Marxist? You don't even know what that means, simple fuck. Here, let's have Grandpa tell you to get fucked too!

Old Man Tyree Talks About Dildos - YouTube

Whoa, kiss your mother with that mouth?
I don't even make six digits (that means numbers) motherfucker

Yeah, no shit Sherlock, didn't take a genius to figure that one out.

So where's the personal greed?

:lol: Naturally, you think only being rich makes one greedy, but you don't think it's greed to take their money and put it your hand even though you didn't earn a dime of it.

Oh yes you ARE a right-winger. Marxist? You don't even know what that means, simple fuck. Here, let's have Grandpa tell you to get fucked too!

Old Man Tyree Talks About Dildos - YouTube

Whoa, kiss your mother with that mouth?

Uneducated twit. Fuck YOU!
You are a dumb fuk todd. I am neither rich, whiny or liberal. But you are still a punk rethug who is either unwilling or unable to specify what programs you would cut 30%. That should be something even you could do. Specify cuts. And as to how many dollars it would raise if the taxes on the ultra weatlhy went up to 50%, I have no fuking idea. But here is for sure; it would be a lot more than we collect from them now you stupid fuk. Duh.

You just can't figure shit out can you? I don't want to give my money to the welfare cheat. And I don't want to give up benefits to the ultra wealthy. I didn't cause the poor to be poor and I didn't expect the ultra wealthy to use their wealth and influence to fuk me. Ain't nothing "liberal" about me. But I am pissed at people like you who are oh so willing to give up more and more to people that could care less you are alive and sure as hell don't need people like you to carry their water, so to speak.

What's in it for you if the ultra wealthy are given more benefits and things are taken away from you? What's is the up side in your opinion to the ultra wealthy having more and the rest of us having less?

You want me to specify?
How about we cut spending on everything back to what it was in 2007?
Specific enough, you whiny bitch?

And as to how many dollars it would raise if the taxes on the ultra weatlhy went up to 50%, I have no fuking idea.

That's obvious, you stupid bitch.
You know Melvin (aptly named, by the way) perhaps if you put as much time and effort into improving your own lot in life as you do stewing in seething hatred and jealousy that other people have more than you do, you might actually do more with your life and be a more satisfied individual rather than the bitter loser you are.

Let's see if I can put this abstract conversational intercourse into some kind of perspective. I hired in at one of the biggest production facilities in the world, ORGDP, gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridge, TN in 1952. I worked there in the uranium separation process for 9 of my 41 years and finished at the data processing center, one of the biggest in the world at that time. I supervised up to 41 technical employees. I retired in 1993 and my wife and I who also worked there are retired, live in a 4br brick rancher with 220ft lake frontage, a boat dock, a well pump under the dock which pumps water for an irrigation system, two storage buildings, good zoysia grass on the 1 1/2 acres, etc. We have a 2009 Lincoln towncar and a new Ford truck(F-150) with a dual turbo charged ecoboost engine, a pontoon boat and a small fishing boat, .9 acre is in fence for my german shepherd dog.
I play piano(dance band keyboard man for 30 years on weekends), I'm a licensed amateur radio operator circa 1959 and everything we have is paid for.....has been for years. We've not even touched our 401K' rolled over to IRA's, which we initiated in the mid eighties. Our combined pensions and social security bring in about $5,000 per month.

I have three children, two with masters degrees, eight grandchildren, average IQ 125 and some musicians among those too, and two young great granddaughters, both beautiful children. If you think for a second that I'm gonna put up with some arrogant Republican ass hole's insults you need a lobotomy.

Carry on my friend because you're out classed.......waaaay outclassed. Kinda makes me think you're more than likely a mod at this right wing rag.

Its kind of funny, ya know it is the internet, you can be anything you want to be. why do folks insist on being stoooooopid? lol

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