You want to see what Trump will do, look at his 2025 project, put together from 300 Trump cabinet and Trump government staff members.

Read Project 2025, they will hide like hell from this but people will read it and pass the Nazi like governing concept that Project 2025 promotes on to friends, IF ANYONE BELIEVES IN DEMOCRACY PROJECT 2025 will make you puke.
When these perverts say “Democracy” they aren’t talking about Democracy. To them, “Democracy” is just a dog-whistle for getting what they want all of the time. As soon as these spoiled children don’t get their way “Democracy is in danger” dee-dee-dee

Since you “believe in Democracy”, If Trump is elected you will obviously accept him as our president and quit being a so partisan? Right?
You think Dems see everything on ad partisan light as you do.

You’re just wrong
I put America FIRST. dimocrap scum do not. They put everything else first...... Their vaginas, Illegal Immigrants, their gay buttwad sex lives, their free college fuckfest, the communist party, their race..... Everything.

And because we love our Country, you tell us that we're "Bitter Clingers" call us "Deplorables" tell us we can "Learn to code" and that you "Loathe the Military" (before your time but that one was Clinton).

So if OMB gets in and absolutely destroys everything you take for granted.... Suck on it. Americans have had it with you and your lying scumbag political party.

So, you know what -- Fuck. You. And the horse you rode in on
I can do better then "jbander' on that;
12 Most Horrifying Plans In Project 2025

... the following list of the most nefarious and horrifying top-secret plans included in Project 2025:

  1. Put Kid Rock's face on the 20-dollar bill: Destroying democracy AND defacing our currency.
  2. Require all Skittles to be green apple flavor: Trump is truly a monster.
  3. Make Democrats scrub the floor of the Capital while singing ‘It's a Hard Knock Life' while the Republicans chill like Miss Hannigan from Annie: Blatant partisan cruelty. It'll be like reliving the horrors of Jan 6 every day.
  4. Mandate praying five times a day while facing Mar-a-Lago: Literal theocracy.
  5. Eliminate 2,371 of the current 2,373 genders: Literal genocide.
  6. Install the Fourth and Fifth Reichs: That's more Reichs than even Hitler installed.
  7. Make another Toy Story sequel: Absolutely sickening.
  8. Get rid of the Designated Hitter in the National League: Don't you remember what it was like when pitchers were at bat? It's an automatic out! Don't take us back to the dark ages.
  9. Appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court: Those crazy conservatives are trying to pack the court.
  10. Put Rian Johnson in charge of all Star Wars projects: Some things can be tolerated... but not this.
  11. Force mostly peaceful protests to be completely peaceful protests: How can you protest without setting buildings on fire and destroying entire cities?
  12. Ban abortion: Just kidding! You don't want to alienate too many potential voters.
Project 2025 really is even more nefariously dangerous than we thought. What have you heard is on the agenda for Project 2025? Tell everyone in the comments below!


what is wrong with green apple?

This is mac's guy.

Following a series of incomprehensible words, he appears to proclaim, “I realized I was f*cking your wife.”

With a laugh, Biden then pleas, “I personally ask you to extend your service,” and adds, “forgive me.”
These Trump people ran this project 2025 through the Heritage foundation. with the same old crap going on forever , Cutting back on education , Food support, Medicare ,medicaid. Even programs that you put the money in yourself. Like Social security and medicare. Major tax cuts for the wealthy. And total support of big oil by cutting all money to Wind sun and EV's. and cutting any mention of environmental protection. THAT IS TRUMP < THAT IS HIS PLAYBOOK THAT HE WILL FOLLOW 100% ITS CALLED PROJECT 2025, you want to find out what a pile the right is read PROJECT 2025. YOU DECIDE!!!!
what page of the document does it say cut all money to wind, sun and evs? oh and any mention of environmental protection?

and when has anyone put money in themselves to medicare and Social Security? haha....they are taxes.
Whispers -

George, I'm the guy that put NATO together.

He is a less intelligent Forest Gump, nothing more.
The operative phrase is "put together". Trump didn't write the "Project 2025" chart that is floating around the media and neither did the Heritage Foundation or the republican party. The so-called "Project 2025" chart was put together by left wing propaganda artists. The same artists that recruited 50 "intelligence specialists" to claim Hunter's laptop was Russian hoax. Desperate times call for desperate scare tactics aimed at fooling the American people.
All the right know that Trump, even if Biden got twice as many votes as , he will send his gun crew out to kill for him and we all know they will. He has to because his only way he can stay out of jail is becoming a dictator to stop all charges against him ,if he doesn't he knows he will spend the rest of his life in jail. There has never been a more ant American group in this country worse them MAGA and their God and leader shitpants,

Read Project 2025, they will hide like hell from this but people will read it and pass the Nazi like governing concept that Project 2025 promotes on to friends, IF ANYONE BELIEVES IN DEMOCRACY PROJECT 2025 will make you puke.

This isn't complicated , If you really care at all what this hate group the right calls a party wants for us simply read project 2025 What's Project 2025? Unpacking the Pro-Trump Plan to Overhaul US Government Here is a breakdown by Snopes.

Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained​

Project 2025: A wish list for a Trump presidency, explained IT IS CALLED DICTATORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THREE BRAKE DOWNS OF PROJECT 2025, PICK YOU POISON. One leans left one leans right and one is considered neutral.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
dimocraps are scum. Once they gain power, they can only get worse. And worse. And worse, still.

No matter how depraved they were last year, they will be even moreso next year.

Notice how they're uniformly stabbing Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants in the back. To a man, they want him gone. ALL of them.

Because he is now a liability, not to the Country, not to world peace, not to anything other than -- Themselves.

Joey Shits Pants may very well cause them to be voted out of Office and -- That's all they care. Not their Country, you know -- The one they HATE, The USA. Not their constituents. They could care less about them. Even the ones that are stupid enough to vote for them are considered Useful Idiots. At best.

dimocrap scum used to be the Party of The Working Man. Now, we're just a Basket of Deplorables that need to Learn to Code after they sell us out to the Chinese. Blacks? They're in the process of stabbing Black Men in the back. Actually have been for the last 60 years but they're just now starting to pick up on it.

Mothers? What are they? Are they male or female? Do they have to have a vagina to be a woman? Title IX? Fuck Title IX. They now have a new group that has more, WAY more power than females -- Gaywads and non-binary types who tend to pool in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media. Their ONLY constituency.

You College Pukes that think you're gonna get away with skipping on your loans to pay for a 4 year fuckfest getting a totally bullshit degree? You're fucked. They (dimocrap FILTH) lied to you. And we're gonna fuck you hard when we regain power. No KY, either.

So go ahead. Side with the scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH Party. You deserve each other.

Just look at how they're treating the head of their own disgusting Party right now?!??!!??

You're next
dimocraps are scum. Once they gain power, they can only get worse. And worse. And worse, still.

No matter how depraved they were last year, they will be even moreso next year.

Notice how they're uniformly stabbing Sponge-Brains Shits-Pants in the back. To a man, they want him gone. ALL of them.

Because he is now a liability, not to the Country, not to world peace, not to anything other than -- Themselves.

Joey Shits Pants may very well cause them to be voted out of Office and -- That's all they care. Not their Country, you know -- The one they HATE, The USA. Not their constituents. They could care less about them. Even the ones that are stupid enough to vote for them are considered Useful Idiots. At best.

dimocrap scum used to be the Party of The Working Man. Now, we're just a Basket of Deplorables that need to Learn to Code after they sell us out to the Chinese. Blacks? They're in the process of stabbing Black Men in the back. Actually have been for the last 60 years but they're just now starting to pick up on it.

Mothers? What are they? Are they male or female? Do they have to have a vagina to be a woman? Title IX? Fuck Title IX. They now have a new group that has more, WAY more power than females -- Gaywads and non-binary types who tend to pool in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the Lame Stream Media. Their ONLY constituency.

You College Pukes that think you're gonna get away with skipping on your loans to pay for a 4 year fuckfest getting a totally bullshit degree? You're fucked. They (dimocrap FILTH) lied to you. And we're gonna fuck you hard when we regain power. No KY, either.

So go ahead. Side with the scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH Party. You deserve each other.

Just look at how they're treating the head of their own disgusting Party right now?!??!!??

You're next

Because he is now a liability, not to the Country, not to world peace, not to anything other than -- Themselves.

He is a liability to the free world, but they care nothing about that.

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