If Trump Makes it Official Policy not to Defend Countries that Don't Pay their Share, what do You Imagine the Outcome will be?

I imagine Luxembourg wouldn't have to spend much on their navy!

If the US cut it's military spending by 85%, it would still have the biggest military budget in the world. Just a thought, why doesn't America tweak it's military spending down a little, not one country is asking America to spend so much of it's GDP on it's military.
I get your say - but China is already outspending the USA if you take the factual currency buying power into the equation.
However I do not see the Chinese Armed Forces maintaining 750 military bases in 80 countries - neither their navy roaming around in the Middle-East or elsewhere, aside on their Home-turf.

The USA needs to spend US$, a trillion, and they need NATO, in order to maintain their global hegemonic stance. And it's Trump who is daft enough to think that the European NATO would be interested to finance the US Armed Forces. And so are MAGA's.
None of the above

Do you speak another language than English? If "no" then you are wrong. If "yes" and this language is basing on Latin then you are also wrong,
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when you do not pay your mercenaries' to protect you don't expect protection

Slave holder mentality. Your soldiers are no mercennaries. They are citizens of the USA defending the USA. And the USA is the most important member - but not the boss - of a defense alliance with the name NATO. This defense alliance has a budget on its own of about 1-2 billion dollars a year. Germany for example pays as much money for this defense alliance as the USA is doing. You should pay 300% more than Germany pays. And how much money we pay to our own army is nothing what you have to discuss in the USA. And what you have also not to discuss is whether we have to buy our weapons in the USA or not. When I took a look at our own ... ¿how to say this? ... at our own possibilities ... then I asked myselve whether it is really intelligent to buy weapons from the USA only on reason of NATO compatibility. A nation who is able to vote for a high traitor to be president is not trustworthy.

By the way - when Putin says he prefers Joe Biden to be president of the USA then this means exactly the opposite. I have not any lousy idea why so many people in the western world underestimate their enemies and what this enemies are really doing.
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