Zone1 The "Baby Mama" phenomenon in Black culture. The flip side of 75 percent Fatherless homes.

I didn't make up the TV series All My Babies Mamas that was cancelled before it even aired. I didn't write all the articles on all the Baby Mamas who think it's just fine to have unprotected sex with lots of men and have multiple babies. It is a HUGE problem that is the pipeline that feeds the inner city drug/gang/violence problems. Pretending it doesn't exist insures that the problem will continue growing. Funding for counseling, tracking down the Baby Maker deadbeat dads and yes vasectomies and tubal ligations or whatever should be considered.

Well, first and foremost, this wasn't a regular guy, it was a somewhat famous rapper who had a lot of groupies, just like a lot of white rock stars do. (Or did back in the day.)

Of course, he had the affluence to pay these women for child support.

This, however, is not "typical". Most unmarried black men who father children are involved in the children's lives.

They are contributing to the child's life.

The real problem is that they are often forced to game the system because it's not like the good old days when if you got a girl knocked up, you got a good union job and married her. So not surprisingly, women write unknown on the birth certificate, but they know damned well who got them pregnant.

On the other hand, the good old days of marrying a man you didn't really love because of a child are gone in days because women have more independence.

So it's not just black people who have seen an increase in out of wedlock births, it's also white folks.

Poverty & Crime

Similarly, Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

yet you still had Meier Lansky, Bugsy Seigal, The Purple Gang, etc.

Crime is what happens when there aren't other opportunities.

Jews always had the option of assimilating, as did the Italians and the Irish, which is why you saw declines in organized crime in those groups after a few generations.

German-Americans never had organized crime. I think it's a German thing, we are just too orderly to tolerate that kind of thing.
If they supported their childrn financially those children would not be on welfare.

Sure they would. People will ALWAYS game the system.

Hey, you know what happens when white people get 26 weeks of unemployment that pays almost as much as their previous job? They don't start looking hard until after week 15, when they apply for extensions, etc. Some people were living high on the hog during the Trump Recession (TM), with those enhanced benefits.

That said, I have always advocated replacing welfare with workfare.
I am a New Deal Democrat. I still vote Democrat because of economic and environmental issues, and because Republican politicians only care about rich people. Nevertheless, I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty were well intended mistakes. I believe I have made that clear.

In the two generations since 1963 most Negroes have behaved in ways that substantiate arguments - many of which were presented by Southern Democrats - against the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty.

Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton have presented scientific reasons for the ways most Negroes have disappointed optimistic predictions of their behavior once they were given equal rights.

In many respects I am a Southern Democrat of the old school. The New Deal and Franklin Roosevelt were popular in the Solid South.
Except you’re wrong. Republican politicians do NOT only care about rich people. That was the party of at least two decades ago.

Today, Republican politicians support policies that help the working man and Democrats support policies that hurt them. That is why working class people acknowledge that their lives were better under Trump. They aren’t losing jobs to the illegals the Dems have allowed to stream in here (for voting purposes), see their real wages go down, have to pay more for gas due to loss of energy independence we had under Trump, etc.

There is a REASON that working class people are supporting Trump, and that the president of the Teamsters is speaking at the RNC.

And of course, a more personal reason for me is that the Democrats have allowed antisemitism to cycle out of control, with high-ranking leftists not only tolerating it but some actually promoting it. Then of course we have Biden and the liberals turning on Israel because they’re afraid to get Muslims angry.

Trump 2024! He’s in the lead in all competitive states, and that’s due to the working class suffering under Dems’ policies.
"Jews won't replace us" is not a left wing slogan.
That SAME old slogan from 7 years ago by a bunch of fringe nobodies?

Why can’t you people understand that it is much more concerning that Arab Jew-haters with deep pockets have bought their way into universities, installed Jew-hating libs as presidents who won’t condemn the calls to genocide Jews, and distribute anti-Israel pamphlets at freshmen orientation?

The Jew-hating Muslims and “waaaa….Jews are oppressors” leftists have found common cause. We see it at Columbia, NYU, UCLA, and dozens of liberal universities throughout the country. Jews are being assaulted on campus, blocked from attending class, attacked on the streets - all part of pro-Palestinian protests by PAID protestors by far-left organizations.

But waaaaaaa……the last decade some people on the right yelled an antidemitic slogan.
Except you’re wrong. Republican politicians do NOT only care about rich people. That was the party of at least two decades ago.

Today, Republican politicians support policies that help the working man and Democrats support policies that hurt them. That is why working class people acknowledge that their lives were better under Trump. They aren’t losing jobs to the illegals the Dems have allowed to stream in here (for voting purposes), see their real wages go down, have to pay more for gas due to loss of energy independence we had under Trump, etc.

Yes, they forgot about the plagues, the riots, and the recession we had under Trump.

If they understood economics, they'd know that record low unemployment and record high stock markets under Biden is good for them.

But the REpublicans are very good at playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears!

And of course, a more personal reason for me is that the Democrats have allowed antisemitism to cycle out of control, with high-ranking leftists not only tolerating it but some actually promoting it. Then of course we have Biden and the liberals turning on Israel because they’re afraid to get Muslims angry.

Trump 2024! He’s in the lead in all competitive states, and that’s due to the working class suffering under Dems’ policies.

Americans are starting to realize the Ass-reaming that's in store for them with Plan 2025.
That SAME old slogan from 7 years ago by a bunch of fringe nobodies?

Why can’t you people understand that it is much more concerning that Arab Jew-haters with deep pockets have bought their way into universities, installed Jew-hating libs as presidents who won’t condemn the calls to genocide Jews, and distribute anti-Israel pamphlets at freshmen orientation?

The Jew-hating Muslims and “waaaa….Jews are oppressors” leftists have found common cause. We see it at Columbia, NYU, UCLA, and dozens of liberal universities throughout the country. Jews are being assaulted on campus, blocked from attending class, attacked on the streets - all part of pro-Palestinian protests by PAID protestors by far-left organizations.

But waaaaaaa……the last decade some people on the right yelled an antidemitic slogan.

Or... the Jews are actually oppressors.

We wouldn't tolerate any other country doing what the Zionists are doing to the Palestinians. We'd be cutting off aid and slapping sanctions on them.
That SAME old slogan from 7 years ago by a bunch of fringe nobodies?

Why can’t you people understand that it is much more concerning that Arab Jew-haters with deep pockets have bought their way into universities, installed Jew-hating libs as presidents who won’t condemn the calls to genocide Jews, and distribute anti-Israel pamphlets at freshmen orientation?

The Jew-hating Muslims and “waaaa….Jews are oppressors” leftists have found common cause. We see it at Columbia, NYU, UCLA, and dozens of liberal universities throughout the country. Jews are being assaulted on campus, blocked from attending class, attacked on the streets - all part of pro-Palestinian protests by PAID protestors by far-left organizations.

But waaaaaaa……the last decade some people on the right yelled an antidemitic slogan.
Muslims can hardly be called liberals. You should get out more. White nationalist websits are dripping with hatred of Jews. I am proud of the fact that I have been banned from three of them. :yes_text12:
That you were hanging around with such people to start with is the problem, Hector.
I enjoy investigating different points of view, and stating my opinions. I am confident in my ability to defend my opinions without the use of the obscene words, name calling, insults, and threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me. :cool:
I enjoy investigating different points of view, and stating my opinions. I am confident in my ability to defend my opinions without the use of the obscene words, name calling, insults, and threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me. :cool:
Yes, it's easy to be brave when you are hiding behind a screen name.

Tell you what, go out and start saying the shit you say here IRL, and then let me know how it works out for you.
Yes, it's easy to be brave when you are hiding behind a screen name.

Tell you what, go out and start saying the shit you say here IRL, and then let me know how it works out for you.

Scientific truth is determined by careful measurements and repeated experiments. It is not determined by violence. Violence is all you have.
Muslims can hardly be called liberals. You should get out more. White nationalist websits are dripping with hatred of Jews. I am proud of the fact that I have been banned from three of them. :yes_text12:
That’s why I said Muslims have found common cause with Jew-hating liberals taking over college campuses.

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