Study Confirms Trans 'Social Contagion' Theory


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Study Confirms Trans 'Social Contagion' Theory

3 Apr 2023 ~~ By Ben Bartee

A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior confirms the common-sense conclusion many observers of the “transgender” hysteria have long drawn regarding the sociogenic nature of deviant sexual identity.
The findings were interesting on several fronts: “gender transition” is driven by social pressure; females are by psychological disposition more susceptible to the “trans” social contagion; and mentally ill youth were more likely than non-mentally ill to “transition.”
From the study’s conclusion:
Results of our study are generally consistent with other recent research about the current surge of gender dysphoria among youth with onset during adolescence or young adulthood. Natal females were affected more often than natal males… There was evidence of immersion both in social media and in peer groups with other transgender-identifying youths….
Youths with a history of mental health issues were especially likely to have taken steps to socially and medically transition…
Parents tended to rate their children as worse off after transition.
Matt Margolis reported on a similar study with comparable results last year.
Relatedly, consider this account from an Austin, Texas, public school teacher who claims that no fewer than 20 out of her 32 fourth-grade students “came out” to her after undergoing a week of LGBTQ+++™ propaganda.


These are profoundly damaged people who are so deeply wounded and hopeless they would rather inflict their pain on society to at least not be alone in their misery. Roping children into lifelong misery is their ultimate passion.

More wasted money to prove the obvious. It’s like we have to recreate the basics for the morons our system has produced as clearly practically no one has had an actual education in public school for decades.
At least some intelligent analysis. This whole “societal uproar” thing seems to be part of a calculated distraction to keep Conservatives occupied while the Maoist Democrats are stealing the reins of government. Gotta’ fight on both fronts.
Secondly, it is easy for the general population to accept physical and social fluidity. After all, they must reason, didn’t we all evolve from Darwin’s “warm little pond” to what we are now? What’s the big deal about changing sexes or gender identity? Having characters like “shape shifters”, morphing power rangers, mutant ninja turtles, and transformers in the culture helps normalize the concept.
Young girls, especially those of the age of menstrual onset, feel strange, awkward, and ugly. They are faced with monthly swings in emotions which distress them even more. Then someone plants the idea that boys don’t go through what girls do and that they can be a boy, too. Once they announce they’re going to transition, they get praises and encouragement from the Internet and are immediately launched into the most revered status of Marxist Leftism, they become victims.
This transgender ideology is a cult. They prey on vulnerable people and children trying to keep them away from their families, just as cults do.
No wonder Musk wants to go to Mars.
It's outrageous that the Left-Wing Crackpots are destroying the lives of children, and they are calling it "gender care".

Study Confirms Trans 'Social Contagion' Theory

3 Apr 2023 ~~ By Ben Bartee

A study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior confirms the common-sense conclusion many observers of the “transgender” hysteria have long drawn regarding the sociogenic nature of deviant sexual identity.
The findings were interesting on several fronts: “gender transition” is driven by social pressure; females are by psychological disposition more susceptible to the “trans” social contagion; and mentally ill youth were more likely than non-mentally ill to “transition.”
From the study’s conclusion:
Results of our study are generally consistent with other recent research about the current surge of gender dysphoria among youth with onset during adolescence or young adulthood. Natal females were affected more often than natal males… There was evidence of immersion both in social media and in peer groups with other transgender-identifying youths….
Youths with a history of mental health issues were especially likely to have taken steps to socially and medically transition…
Parents tended to rate their children as worse off after transition.
Matt Margolis reported on a similar study with comparable results last year.
Relatedly, consider this account from an Austin, Texas, public school teacher who claims that no fewer than 20 out of her 32 fourth-grade students “came out” to her after undergoing a week of LGBTQ+++™ propaganda.


These are profoundly damaged people who are so deeply wounded and hopeless they would rather inflict their pain on society to at least not be alone in their misery. Roping children into lifelong misery is their ultimate passion.

More wasted money to prove the obvious. It’s like we have to recreate the basics for the morons our system has produced as clearly practically no one has had an actual education in public school for decades.
At least some intelligent analysis. This whole “societal uproar” thing seems to be part of a calculated distraction to keep Conservatives occupied while the Maoist Democrats are stealing the reins of government. Gotta’ fight on both fronts.
Secondly, it is easy for the general population to accept physical and social fluidity. After all, they must reason, didn’t we all evolve from Darwin’s “warm little pond” to what we are now? What’s the big deal about changing sexes or gender identity? Having characters like “shape shifters”, morphing power rangers, mutant ninja turtles, and transformers in the culture helps normalize the concept.
Young girls, especially those of the age of menstrual onset, feel strange, awkward, and ugly. They are faced with monthly swings in emotions which distress them even more. Then someone plants the idea that boys don’t go through what girls do and that they can be a boy, too. Once they announce they’re going to transition, they get praises and encouragement from the Internet and are immediately launched into the most revered status of Marxist Leftism, they become victims.
This transgender ideology is a cult. They prey on vulnerable people and children trying to keep them away from their families, just as cults do.
No wonder Musk wants to go to Mars.

My dad used to say, "You are who you hang around." A person's environment is always the key. It happened in ancient Rome as Paul used the term "Reprobate Mind." He said the people turned from what is natural to unnatural. It was contagious. The real sad thing is that men demanding to be women and receive all the good progress women have made over the past couple of centuries. Women have overcome from being second class citizens to be in the forefront. Now, men want to take that away from them by basically being like "Black Face" is to Blacks.
It’s just a fad in schools
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