Study Shows Climate Change Is Very Real


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And very old.

Himalayan glaciers melting for 400 years, finds BSIP study.

We should probably retreat to a pre-Copernican understanding of the solar system, too, just to be safe. Because Himalayan glaciers.

Melting of glaciers is not only caused due to industrialization and global warming but natural factors like oceanic currents and total solar irradiance (TSI), which means total sun energy coming to earth, are equally responsible. Oceanic currents affect monsoon and since glaciers are dependent on monsoon precipitation in the form of snow, any change in it affects glaciers. TSI affects temperature and other climatic factors which affect glaciers.

A study by a team of nine scientists from Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences has unfolded the health status and behaviour of Himalayan glaciers over a period of four centuries.

The scientists used tree ring data of around 400 years from Himalayan conifers in the glaciated valleys of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir for research.

The study has been published in the prestigious international journal ‘Scientific Reports’ of Nature group.

“Glacier melting has been an area of great concern, as glaciers are huge water reservoirs and a source of fresh water. Our study highlights the loss in volume of the Himalayan glaciers and shows that even when European glaciers were expanding, Himalayan glaciers were shrinking,” said senior scientist Parminder S Ranhotra.

Ranhotra added that there is no instrument to measure glacier health over such a long period of time.

Huh. It's almost as though we don't even know all the things we don't know.

But we'd better ban and tax the hell out of some stuff, just to be safe.
The EnviroMarxists (Old Rocks , ScienceRocks , Crick ) want control of the US economy, nothing else matters

Lol, you are clueless of the reality of what green house gases can do and the risk we take by emitting them.

You're the one that wants to give control of the economy to a few barons in the corporate world.
Measuring mass balance at benchmark glaciers

Benchmark Glacier Research Results
The [URL='']Benchmark Glacier Research project
measures changes in mass balance at four benchmark glaciers: Gulkana (AK), Wolverine (AK), South Cascade (WA), and Sperry (MT). The graphs below depict the period of record for mass balance measurements of which the Alaskan and Washington datasets constitute the longest continuous set of mass balance data in North America (Josberger and others, 2007). With the inclusion of Sperry Glacier in 2013, these four research sites were unified into a single project with common field and analysis methodologies to enable comparison among the glaciers. This project aims to measure each glacier's response to climate change and helps researchers understand the causes and magnitude of glacier change at a continental scale.
Worldwide the glaciers are in rapid retreat. The USGS has used aerial photography, satellite photos, and direct observation to establish that the world's glaciers are in rapid retreat.
Petie boi, your ignorance is exceeded only by your stupidity. Swiss Re and Munich Re both agree that climate change is very real, and a threat to all of us.
Petie boi, your ignorance is exceeded only by your stupidity. Swiss Re and Munich Re both agree that climate change is very real, and a threat to all of us.

So does your meat puppet faggot fuhrer, as he wastes more fossil fuel in a week that my entire street does in a month.

Eat shit and choke on it bed wetter.
Ah Petie boi, your wittle feelin's hurt? LOL Just because your are such a dumb fuck inferior cocksuck is no reason to have an inferiority complex. Or is it? LOL
Insurance companies that want government to pick up their tab believe in global warming.


If the "science" wasn't settled before, surely this settles it
Lol, you are clueless of the reality of what green house gases can do and the risk we take by emitting them.

You exhale carbon dioxide with every breath.

If you really want to do something then set an example. Stop breathing.
The typical retort from a know nothing willfully ignorant ass. Nothing at all to defend his denialist opinion. Because there is nothing but the rants of an obese junkie on the AM radio.

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