"Stupid in America"

Mr. P

VIP Member
Aug 5, 2004
Ya gotta watch this!
I Like John Stossel. Warning this is 40 minutes long but well worth the time.

I didnt watch the video but I assume he is talking about the stupidity of people in Red states. If so I would have to agree.
T-Bor said:
I didnt watch the video but I assume he is talking about the stupidity of people in Red states. If so I would have to agree.
You assume? Maybe you should watch the video.
T-Bor said:
I didnt watch the video but I assume he is talking about the stupidity of people in Red states. If so I would have to agree.

You are the Democrat partie's defintion of a wet dream, exactly like the idiot kids in this video. Who runs the NEA T. ? Who do a majority of government workers and public school teachers vote for?

Which political party has been pushing for school vouchers for years? Which idiot group of politicians always vote against them?

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