Suddenly Everyone is Hunting for an Alternative to the Dollar.

Again something I've been arguing is going to happen with most people either burying their head in the sand or somehow believing it is not going to happen.

Other countries simply are not going to continue to allow is to abuse the dollar to our benefit in the way we do.

Suddenly Everyone Is Hunting for Alternatives to the US Dollar

Will it happen next week, next month, next year? No, but it is coming. We know it's coming but we will not be able to address the issue because unlike other countries all we care about is the short term.

They already have an alternative in the Euro.

"Writing in a newsletter last week, John Mauldin, an investment strategist and president of Millennium Wave Advisors with more than three decades of markets experience said the Biden administration made an error in weaponizing the US dollar and the global payment system.

“That will force non-US investors and nations to diversify their holdings outside of the traditional safe haven of the US,” said Mauldin.
"Writing in a newsletter last week, John Mauldin, an investment strategist and president of Millennium Wave Advisors with more than three decades of markets experience said the Biden administration made an error in weaponizing the US dollar and the global payment system.

“That will force non-US investors and nations to diversify their holdings outside of the traditional safe haven of the US,” said Mauldin.

While Biden has built upon the problem, he did not create the problem. We have been doing what Biden is still doing for years.
While Biden has built upon the problem, he did not create the problem. We have been doing what Biden is still doing for years.
Progs told us they are the answers to everything. Since the 2016 election. It was pretty cut and dried. They lied. Over and over. And they will leave office proving it.
Progs told us they are the answers to everything. Since the 2016 election. It was pretty cut and dried. They lied. Over and over. And they will leave office proving it.

Biden is not a progressive.
You can keep your lousy dollar. The Benjamin is the preferred currency of the world.

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Problem is.....
THAT is only worth THIS now.....

sadly this is true…it’s been a long dark winter since he was elected

That sonofabitch didn't even try to hide it from us before he was elected. He admitted that he was going to shut down the oil industry, open the borders, steal the elections, and subject us to a long, dark winter of death.
Do you get paid to lie or is partisan ignorance just a disease?

What the HELL is WRONG with you ????
What he said is 100% ENTIRELY TRUE ya moron!
You totally lack any capability of discerning reality don't you?

Let me spell it out for you...........INFLATION.
It is affecting everyone. Except for those able to pilfer taxpayer funds into their own pockets.
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That sonofabitch didn't even try to hide it from us before he was elected. He admitted that he was going to shut down the oil industry, open the borders, steal the elections, and subject us to a long, dark winter of death.

And I had neighbors who I specifically recall saying that they were "Afraid for America" if Trump won and Biden lost.
Good GAWD....the Left has done a superb job of making Leftist imbeciles out of the weak.

I am committed to helping these same morons find Biden's mansion when they run out of or cannot afford food and come to me for help.
I’ve long since replaced my dollars with food, water, medical and survival supplies, weapons and ammunition. I find them to be much better investments.
Other governments and individuals have wanted to destroy the dollar as the world's currency reserve for many years.

It ain't gonna happen.

First, because the U.S. GDP is huge - no one else comes close, except China. China will never be the world's currency reserve first, because they are a communist country and can nationalize everything in the blink of an eye, second because they peg the yuan to the U.S. dollar - which makes the issue moot. When and if they stop pegging the yuan to the dollar the value of the yuan will go wild - not a likely candidate for the world's currency standard.

Cryto-currencies were the closest to possibly replacing the U.S. dollar, but they are a total con game. Whoever controls the leger system can steal everyone's money in a second. Besides, they have no basis in real economics. The real value of bitcoins are in the ability to do transactions without government monitoring - evading taxes and allowing all sorts of black-market transactions. But those days (I believe) are over. The government has ways of breaking the crypto-currency encryption.

Reverting to a gold or other commodity as a standard is nonsense. There's no reason why some arbitrary commodity should dictate the total wealth of the world. In the current system the total value of all U.S. currency is equal to the total value of all existing assets in the U.S., and with the U.S. GDP that means that the dollar will remain dominant. It has a very real economic validity.

The next step now is for the U.S. government to make it's own crypto currency available to the public. Once that's done, there will be no more question as to the dominant currency in the world - and that looks like it will be happening very soon.

So you may continue dreaming about an alternate currency standard, but it ain't gonna happen.
What the HELL is WRONG with you ????
What he said is 100% ENTIRELY TRUE ya moron!
You totally lack any capability of discerning reality don't you?

Let me spell it out for you...........INFLATION.
It is affecting everyone. Except for those able to pilfer taxpayer funds into their own pockets.

What he says has very little basis in truth, so either you're completely ignorant or another partisan liar like he is.
My views : Fed==> part of Deep State = a big problem

Fed has been working for American elites. It doesn’t care about other peoples or the rest of the world. That's why more & more countries will finally say goodbye to USD. Amen!

When the US needs to boost its economy, it tends to turn to unlimited quantitative easing, referred to as printing money wildly, which is aimed at attracting inflows of financial capital. But when its measures led to high inflation, which has been especially severe during the pandemic, the US starts to raise its interest rates, time and again. The aim is to make the US dollar stronger, attract investment capital from investors abroad seeking higher returns on American bonds and interest-rate products. But for other countries, the endless interest rate hikes are making it more and more expensive to service their dollar-denominated debts, causing currency depreciation and worsening inflation on their own soil. With the kits, like quantitative easing and raising interest rates, in its tool box, the US has been reaping benefits and wealth from the world.

Japan, the US' largest creditor, China, its second largest and the UK, the third largest, all cut US debt holdings in October. Analysts said that the sale by so many economies was a sign of their waning confidence in US debt.

In October, only Belgium and France among the top 10 holders of US debt increased their holdings, while all eight other economies reduced them.

US Treasuries are not only the anchor of global asset pricing, but also play an important role in the global dollar liquidity transmission system after the financial crisis. This means the potential risks in the US Treasury market may have a systemic impact, read the CICC report.

1) As China safeguards global economy, US exploits world for its own benefit - Global Times – As China safeguards global economy, US exploits world for its own benefit - Global Times
2) China, Japan again sell US debt; China's holdings hit 12-year low - Global Times – China, Japan again sell US debt; China's holdings hit 12-year low - Global Times

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