Suess Estate Gets Very Rich from Conservative Meltdown


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
Smart Suess people learned how to take conservatives' money after watching President Orange Grifter do the same thing claiming the election was stolen.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
Glad something good came of it after his birthday was ignored by idiots.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
Knew what they were doing didn't they. Wish I had seen it coming. I would have bought those books and resold like crazy.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!

You mean they're getting rich because dems banned Dr Seuss.
You people are clueless about cause and effect.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!

You mean they're getting rich because dems banned Dr Seuss.
You people are clueless about cause and effect.

So AFrench2....would they have gotten rich if dems hadnt banned the books or not?
It's a simple question for a simple simple even you should be able to answer.
Good, Dr. Seuss created amazing works, that taught millions of children how to read, be creative and think for themselves....Conservatives love and appreciate's ashame the publishers felt so threatened by the modern day book burning leftist that they felt this was the only way to save most of his least for the time being
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
No, Americans are upset by left wing censorship.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
exactly how are they getting rich by selling the products they already had for sale??

the ones getting rich are the ones that will later sell the books for 10 times the original cost and thats not the suess people,,

I bet you feel like a real shmuck about now,,,
In my opinion, both sides are meltdown guilty. The big question is, when will everyone learn how to "keep their eyes on their own paper" more if doing such a thing is even possible still?

God bless you always!!!

The books were not "cancelled" by the Suess family.

They ceased production of the books in hopes of heading off a potential boycott and having their lives and family name destroyed by the woke mob.
Dr. Suess Enterprises -- the ones who "cancelled" 6 old Suess books, 5 of which nobody had heard of, is now raking in big bucks from the current kerfluffle.

Yes, conservatives are so upset about cancel culture, they're going to ... patronize the cancellers even more! That'll show 'em!
Further confirmation of the fact that the notion of ‘cancel culture’ is a myth.

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