Summer of Resistance.

I'm always impressed when I see a lefty displaying optimism.
It must be quite a feat in the aftermath of such a savage beating.
Such bravado!

Savage beating? Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. And the fat senile old orange clown only took 304 electoral votes, while President Obama took 365 in 2008 and took 332 in 2012. And the clown is already facing possible obstruction of justice proceeding. Can you say President Pence?
Liberals are banking on conservatives staying civil
I'm always impressed when I see a lefty displaying optimism.
It must be quite a feat in the aftermath of such a savage beating.
Such bravado!

Savage beating? Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. And the fat senile old orange clown only took 304 electoral votes, while President Obama took 365 in 2008 and took 332 in 2012. And the clown is already facing possible obstruction of justice proceeding. Can you say President Pence?

That's what I'm talking about
Brave show of optimism in the face of such abject misery for the leftys
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.

You want another ass whipping ..just wait till the midterms.. Only so many votes can you buy....
I'm always impressed when I see a lefty displaying optimism.
It must be quite a feat in the aftermath of such a savage beating.
Such bravado!

Savage beating? Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. And the fat senile old orange clown only took 304 electoral votes, while President Obama took 365 in 2008 and took 332 in 2012. And the clown is already facing possible obstruction of justice proceeding. Can you say President Pence?

That's what I'm talking about
Brave show of optimism in the face of such abject misery for the leftys
LOL President Obama won the majority of votes in both of his Presidential races. The fat senile old orange clown won 46.1% while his opponent won 48.2%. And we made gains in both the House and Senate.
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.
I head my local dem committee. No recruiting necessary, angry constituents are flocking to us. We are happy but def overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

If we are snowflakes, an avalanche is coming.

You want another ass whipping ..just wait till the midterms.. Only so many votes can you buy....
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Liberals are banking on conservatives staying civil
Not at all. We saw what you are in Montana.
We seen what you are with this..


I'm always impressed when I see a lefty displaying optimism.
It must be quite a feat in the aftermath of such a savage beating.
Such bravado!

Savage beating? Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. And the fat senile old orange clown only took 304 electoral votes, while President Obama took 365 in 2008 and took 332 in 2012. And the clown is already facing possible obstruction of justice proceeding. Can you say President Pence?

That's what I'm talking about
Brave show of optimism in the face of such abject misery for the leftys
LOL President Obama won the majority of votes in both of his Presidential races. The fat senile old orange clown won 46.1% while his opponent won 48.2%. And we made gains in both the House and Senate.

And y'll just go on trying to make folks laugh and be happy when your own heart is so burdened!
I for one, applaud you sir!
Are you seeing this crap? The Dems are offering "training" from several different organizations including GreenPeaceOfShit and the DNC DemocraticNewCommunists. That's a great strategy, recruit the angry people and get them angrier. Not so great for America but great for the GOP in 2018.

You describe the rabid right, led by trump. It's not Dems who tell voters to punch people, kill people, promise (lie) that your legal bills will be paid.

We can't let trumps lying, cheating, stealing, bullying, posturing, incompetent, treasonous buffoonery become the new normal.

Suck it up cupcake.

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The Spring of The Reflatulence doesn't bode well for the silly irrelevant gimps; The Big Giant Rally For Criminal Illegal Aliens that was supposed to bring in 'millions' of marchers to Dallas was a Big Giant Bust, with only a few hundred showing up. There's a reason the Democrats have to run ads on Craig's List and other sites to hire 'activists'; they really aren't the big important mob their media keeps trying to convince us all they are.
president Trump needs to resurrect his "Law and Order" mantra. People are tired of the civil unrest and see that Soros and the MSM are behind it. #repealFOTP

We need to get a democratic party back who will follow Thomas Jefferson's lead, and just start deporting the gimps; they're all deviants, traitors, sociopaths, and assorted 'globalists' whose only purpose is destroying the country via racism, hate crimes, sexual deviance, and violent repression of their opposition, scumbag Maoists and genocidal twits is all they are.

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