
Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a huge game changer if it bears out.

"Granular superconductivity in powders of small graphite grains (several tens of micrometers) is demonstrated after treatment with pure water. The temperature, magnetic field and time dependence of the magnetic moment of the treated graphite powder provides evidence for the existence of superconducting vortices with some similarities to high-temperature granular superconducting oxides but even at temperatures above 300 K. Room temperature superconductivity in doped graphite or at its interfaces appears to be possible."

Read more at:
Quite a discovery if it pans out...

... yea, dem lil' green men alla time stoppin' by...

... fer some o' Granny's special brownies.
Keep calm. Melanin is known bio conductor. No doping needed.

Melanin a ‘bio-friendly’ semiconductor

"Melanin is able to ‘talk' to both electronic and ionic control circuitry and hence can provide that connection role,” said Professor Meredith about the study's finding, the culmination of ten years of research and experiments.

“There are very few materials that meet these compatible bioelectronic requirements, and an insight into melanin's important biological functions and properties has been really crucial in this study.”

Role of semiconductivity and ion transport in the electrical conduction of melanin
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Quite a discovery if it pans out...

There are scientists of course researching how to stabilize and reproduce the phenomenon. Usually once a phenomena is observed, if useful, it only takes engineers a decade or two to harness it and put it to work.

Room temperature superconductivity would go a long way to reducing our energy needs.
It would create a revolution in transmission, generation, and use of electricity. You definately understated the potential.

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