Support the Uber strike on Valentines Day

Tell me, how are you measurably better off now that this family has both parents out of work? are eggs cheaper now?

Yes, the waste in the federal gov't finally being cut.

No, the bird flu is causing a decrease in supply. The Biden admin failed the American People, if you want to fix blame.

"The current outbreak began in late March 2024 with the detection of H5N1 bird flu in dairy cows, followed by the first human infections at the beginning of April. Over the course of more than nine months, there have been major response accomplishments in monitoring, testing, viral surveillance and characterization, worker protection, and animal-health collaboration. This spotlight summarizes several key response accomplishments to date. CDC continues to calibrate the public health response to H5N1 based on close monitoring of human and animal disease."

Yes, the waste in the federal gov't finally being cut.
How does that make you better off? what actual material benefit are you expecting?
No, the bird flu is causing a decrease in supply. The Biden admin failed the American People, if you want to fix blame.
Trump has fucked up the response to the flu, he has started to make it worse.
"The current outbreak began in late March 2024 with the detection of H5N1 bird flu in dairy cows, followed by the first human infections at the beginning of April. Over the course of more than nine months, there have been major response accomplishments in monitoring, testing, viral surveillance and characterization, worker protection, and animal-health collaboration. This spotlight summarizes several key response accomplishments to date. CDC continues to calibrate the public health response to H5N1 based on close monitoring of human and animal disease."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld two weekly reports, one on bird flu transmission and another on surveillance, and canceled several meetings on bird flu with state officials.

The CDC and US Department of Agriculture (USDA) held no congressional briefings for three weeks, and the USDA did not respond to a state official’s request for information on a new program to protect the nation’s food supply, the sources said.

That's what happens when you cull federal workers, Leon Skum wants to "delete" some of these agencies too. Boy oh boy are you uneducated trumpanzee fools in for a shock - but you can only blame yourselves - you fuckers voted for this, actually wanted this :auiqs.jpg:
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Germans are less productive than the French and the French are very very close to US productivity, try again.

Are you a racist too? hate French people now?
/—-/ I’m 1/3rd French, 1/3rd German, and 1/3 Swedish according to 23and me.
At least they have a contract for the 52 hours and know what their hours are.
Indeed and they're not twelve years old as they once were, before "the left" started to resist such practices, but try getting an uneducated antillectual trumpanzee to understand that.
I read a story (I'll try to get it for you) of a federal worker who worked helping vets, some even Vietnam vets but mostly Iraq etc., more recent vets who struggle with amputations, lost eyesight and so on.

She was laid off last week and has a baby coming and her husband is about to be laid off too (he worked for a non-profit associated with Medicaid support).

These are hard working fellow Americans just trying to get by, yet in your vile fascist world deserve nothing but contempt such is the depravity of your extremist views.
Yes until it happens to them then they squeal like stuck pigs., we have always had such people in the UK, they are always attacking trade Unions, they are too stupid to know the Unions fought and even died for the rights they enjoy .
Americans won't be paying more for cars manufactured in the USA.

For you and your family's sake, stop the adoration of Trump before its too late.

For you and your family's sake, stop the adoration of Trump before its too late.

Trump has done absolutely zero to harm me or my family in his first term or since. I have no reason to fear that what he does now as so far it has all been to benefit America and Americans, of which I am one. A strong and growing majority of Americans approve of the policies he has initiated so far.

Obama and Biden have been hugely damaging to our business, our lifestyle, our well being, safety and security. The American people voted that they want no more of that. I was one of them.

I if you consider appreciation for sound, reasonable, beneficial policy and a MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America that works for the people instead of just the professional politicians and bureaucrats to be 'adoring Trump', I really don't consider your opinion all that worthwhile.

Do have pleasant day.
Trump has done absolutely zero to harm me or my family in his first term or since. I have no reason to fear that what he does now as so far it has all been to benefit America and Americans, of which I am one. A strong and growing majority of Americans approve of the policies he has initiated so far.

Obama and Biden have been hugely damaging to our business, our lifestyle, our well being, safety and security. The American people voted that they want no more of that. I was one of them.

I if you consider appreciation for sound, reasonable, beneficial policy and a MAGA vision of a strong, free, secure, prosperous America that works for the people instead of just the professional politicians and bureaucrats to be 'adoring Trump', I really don't consider your opinion all that worthwhile.

Do have pleasant day.
/—-/ I can’t understand why these Libs are so against waste, fraud , and abuse. It doesn’t benefit them, and it’s their tax dollars too.
It baffles me.
/—-/ I can’t understand why these Libs are so against waste, fraud , and abuse. It doesn’t benefit them, and it’s their tax dollars too.
It baffles me.
TDS does not leave room for critical thinking, logic, reason or common sense. Whatever Trump suggests, proposes, questions, wonders about, and certainly actual intent and policy must be maliciously attacked and maligned no matter how good it might be for America and Americans.
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