Supreme Court backs Obamacare, says Trump must pay up

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Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Well now that changes things.
So much for Trumps tactic to kill Obamacare

Just cut the funding and let it dry up
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.

The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.

Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."

Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.​
The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.​
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."​
Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
8-1 decision

Even Conservative judges would not back Trump
Defunding Obamacare is not an option, Supreme Court says in 8-1 decision

Supreme Court requires government to pay health insurers under Affordable Care Act

I hate to break ranks here but the ACA isn't the disaster it's painted to be.
I have been very careful whenever I asked, or ask.
I never say "Obama Care", I say "The Affordable Care Act".
Yep, Case Management was about a 3 year hell.
The write-offs for new equipment weren't really quite that painful.
And yep, 99% of the MDs I meet who work in all those big hospitals make big money and don't have to manage their own billing or legal liabilities.

I'm sure the Bill, like every other bill, was laden with pork, but I can't find an MD who can truly bitch about their pre-COVID19 experience.
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.

The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.

Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."

Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
It seems to me SCOTUS ordered Congress to pay as it should, not Trump. At least unlike the lefty morons on this board SCOTUS knows how our government is laid out and who does what according to articles I, II and III of the constitution.
So happy that Big Insurance is getting their gubmint loot, aren't ya?

Big Insurance held up their part of the bargain.....Trump reneged
The whole bill is a taxpayer sop to Big Insurance, you fucking boob.
Trump tried to back out of the deal and got slapped down

You didn't even read the article kid.
So much for Trumps tactic to kill Obamacare

Just cut the funding and let it dry up

You truly an ignorant human, it had nothing to with Rump.

"Under the program, the federal government would limit insurance companies’ gains and losses on insurance sold in the marketplaces from 2014 through 2016. "
Bummer! Trump's wet dream was to yank the health insurance away from millions of Americans during the worst pandemic in our lifetime. I predict that he will fall on the floor, kick his feet, and hold his breath until he turns blue.
SCOTUS just did Republicans a big favor

Imagine Obamacare unraveling right in the middle of our most crippling pandemic in history.
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.​
The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.​
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."​
Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
8-1 decision

Even Conservative judges would not back Trump

Has nothing to do with Trump.
Bummer! Trump's wet dream was to yank the health insurance away from millions of Americans during the worst pandemic in our lifetime. I predict that he will fall on the floor, kick his feet, and hold his breath until he turns blue.

It has nothing to do with Trump. The ruling was against Congress.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.​
Bummer! Trump's wet dream was to yank the health insurance away from millions of Americans during the worst pandemic in our lifetime. I predict that he will fall on the floor, kick his feet, and hold his breath until he turns blue.

"Under the program, the federal government would limit insurance companies’ gains and losses on insurance sold in the marketplaces from 2014 through 2016. "

This was Obambi's boondoggle.
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