Supreme Court backs Obamacare, says Trump must pay up

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The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a separate ACA challenge, from Republican-led states, that argues the law is unconstitutional. The high court is expected to hear the case later this year.

We will see how this goes.
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.​
The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.​
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."​
Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
It seems to me SCOTUS ordered Congress to pay as it should, not Trump. At least unlike the lefty morons on this board SCOTUS knows how our government is laid out and who does what according to articles I, II and III of the constitution.

Keep that in mind if you claim Trump can stop funding the WHO.
Where does it say Trump has to pay?

Well, TDS Fueled© hate knows no bounds obviously. People can't even read straight because of it, like their insistence that POTUS told people to inject or drink disinfectants, and now this most recent example.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress cheated health insurance companies by reneging on a $12 billion promise made under the Affordable Care Act.​
The decision represents the high court's views on Congress' power of the purse: Lawmakers cannot promise funding in legislation and then disavow that pledge.​
Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the 8-1 opinion on the basis of "a principle as old as the nation itself: The Government should honor its obligations."​
Associate Justice Samuel Alito dissented, calling it "a massive bailout for insurance companies that took a calculated risk and lost."
8-1 decision

Even Conservative judges would not back Trump
So the President is now speaker of the house and senate majority leader???????
Maybe you should use some of that guberment funding and have your TDS influenced mind checked
Defunding Obamacare is not an option, Supreme Court says in 8-1 decision

Supreme Court requires government to pay health insurers under Affordable Care Act

Trump doesn't control the purse strings dumbass.

Unless he's trying to extort Ukraine's president.
SCOTUS just did Republicans a big favor

Imagine Obamacare unraveling right in the middle of our most crippling pandemic in history.
when a jackboot government thug has his boot at your neck you may finally realize government isn't your friend and doesn't care about you except for what I as a taxpayer gives.
Bummer! Trump's wet dream was to yank the health insurance away from millions of Americans during the worst pandemic in our lifetime. I predict that he will fall on the floor, kick his feet, and hold his breath until he turns blue.

"Under the program, the federal government would limit insurance companies’ gains and losses on insurance sold in the marketplaces from 2014 through 2016. "

This was Obambi's boondoggle.

Nevertheless, Trump and his band of Merry Thieves start to salivate in their mouths any time that Obmacare takes a hit, and this isn't going to make them happy..
SCOTUS just did Republicans a big favor

Imagine Obamacare unraveling right in the middle of our most crippling pandemic in history.
If we do not restart the economy its moot point.
A bigger point is that 10 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance so far, whereas nobody in Europe has lost their's.
Europe may have great healthcare but they don't have the military to defend themselves.
Obama and Trump were on the same side of this from what I read when I searched for which particular congress session cut short the payments.

The program only lasted three years, but Congress inserted a provision in the Health and Human Services Department’s spending bills from 2015 to 2017 to limit payments under the “risk corridors” program. Both the Obama and Trump administrations had argued that the provision means the government has no obligation to pay.

source: Supreme Court rules insurers can collect $12B under health care law
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