Supreme Court: Coach Can Pray on the Sidelines. Ruling 6-3

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Islam has been favored since 9/11/2001.

As long as Muslims keep flying planes into American building, democrats will keep loving and protecting them.

The enemy of America is the democrat's friend.
I don’t love Muslims. I just think they deserve equal treatment.

If a Christian coach can pray with students after a game then so can a Muslim, Satanist, or anyone else. Do you disagree?
Islam has been favored since 9/11/2001.

As long as Muslims keep flying planes into American building, democrats will keep loving and protecting them.

The enemy of America is the democrat's friend.
Paranoid much?

My life in America is what I CHOOSE
I don’t love Muslims. I just think they deserve equal treatment.

So do I.

But your Reich tends to preferential treatment.

If a Christian coach can pray with students after a game then so can a Muslim, Satanist, or anyone else. Do you disagree?

Freedom of religion. You pray to Gaia, Satan, the flying spaghetti monster. It's your choice.

The 1st Amendment has been restored, didn't you hear?
Which passed because trump appointed three supreme Court justices of like mind. All three lied during their testimony. Do you think liars make good supreme Court justices. I don't. None of this garbage would be going on if it weren't for them.
Elections have consequences.
- Barrack Obama January 2009
So you wouldn’t be bothered by Muslims, Satanists, or Wicans doing something similar in front of school children?

How about you just answer the question this time?

Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews. No.

Wiccans are questionable and Satanists do stuff like get naked and drink blood. So that's sketchy. If all they want to do is kneel in some kind of whatever, okay.
Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews. No.

Wiccans are questionable and Satanists do stuff like get naked and drink blood. So that's sketchy. If all they want to do is kneel in some kind of whatever, okay.
Ok. Just remember that when your fellow conservatives inevitably whine about other religions.

It’s not like you guys whine when your religion isn’t given preferential treatment or anything.

Oh look, a Nazi is going to lie to us - how fun.

Outrageous as it may seem, on November 17, 2005, the ultra-liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court ruling that allows California public schools to teach pro-Islamic lessons that include reciting Muslim prayers aloud, praising Allah, professing as true that the Holy Quran is God’s word and taking an Arabic name for two full weeks.

The case (Eklund v. Byrun Union School District, District Court Number 02-03004, Appellate Number 04-15032) began when a group of parents sued against pro-Islamic lessons in California’s public school curriculum. They argued that the government was promoting Islam, but a Sacramento federal judge, appointed by Bill Clinton, ruled against them saying the state was merely teaching kids about another culture.}

So, there was a class about a different religion and white christian authoritarians freaked out...I'm unconvinced.
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