Supreme Court Gives Colorado Crazy Secretary of State Jenna Griswold Just 10 Minutes Next Week to Argue Her Case to Remove Trump from Colorado Ballot

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Her attempt will be futile! Every state challenged so far has kept Trump on the ballot. Colorado will be no different.

Her attempt will be futile! Every state challenged so far has kept Trump on the ballot. Colorado will be no different.

Well, to be fair, she doesn't even really need 10 whole minutes to spout nonsense. They are giving her more time than she deserves.
Should be cute seeing her try to convince a wall full of people nominated to SCOTUS by Trump that he shouldn't be on the ballot again.
It will actually be more interesting to see if any of the three liberal justices will agree to this nonsense. Even liberal states who wanted to keep Trump off the ballot ultimately decided that they can't.
Why would the Secretary of State in Colorado be allowed to address the Court?

It wasn’t her dumbass ruling. Doesn’t Colorado have lawyers for the State?
Should be cute seeing her try to convince a wall full of people nominated to SCOTUS by Trump that he shouldn't be on the ballot again.
Nope, what is going to be "cute" is if those so-called "originalist" judges don't support Colorado's decision, if not outright disqualify Trump nationwide, and with a 9-0 decision.

The above is an absolutely devastating Amicus Brief. Brilliantly constructed, it corners the so-called "originalist" of the SCOTUS. SOP for the current conservative cohort of the SCOTUS is to pretend to be originalist, and to seek historical references to rationalize their decisions. The overturning of Rowe a glaring case in point. Alito writes excessively about the historical banning of abortions, but he begins that history in the middle of the 19th century, long after all the founders were dead and gone. A true "originalist" renders legal decisions based on the understanding of legal matters by the framers, at the time the Constitution was ratified, the end of the 18th century.

In this case, we are talking about the understanding of legal matters by those jurists, and Congressional representatives, that were in office at the time of the ratification of the 14th amendment, and therein lies the brilliance of the above Amicus Brief. It documents quotations from the Congressional debate over the 14th amendment.

The eloquence here is that, currently, the SCOTUS is viewed very poorly by the American public. And now, this Amicus Brief is part of the public record. While I am quite sure not a single jackass Trump supporter will make it through the first four pages, legal students for the next three generations will. Engaged and informed citizens, both lawyers and non-lawyers, will read that Amicus Brief. And if the SCOTUS reverses Colorado's decision, well they will have removed all doubt, and revealed themselves to be rabid partisan hacks everyone suspected they were.
Her attempt will be futile! Every state challenged so far has kept Trump on the ballot. Colorado will be no different.

Its not going to take 10 minutes to say, "orange man bad". :dunno:
Her attempt will be futile! Every state challenged so far has kept Trump on the ballot. Colorado will be no different.

Tell us you know nothing about civil lawsuits without being a dunce.
Despite the excess liberal emotional fervor over Bad Orange Man, it’s an act if treason to declare a candidate ineligible to even appear.
USSC well may declare her to be taken into custody
I hope they reject it so that Biden can send the national guard to disrupt the vote and have Kamala throw out any state he loses on a whim. This should be really good.
Nope, what is going to be "cute" is if those so-called "originalist" judges don't support Colorado's decision, if not outright disqualify Trump nationwide, and with a 9-0 decision.

The above is an absolutely devastating Amicus Brief. Brilliantly constructed, it corners the so-called "originalist" of the SCOTUS. SOP for the current conservative cohort of the SCOTUS is to pretend to be originalist, and to seek historical references to rationalize their decisions. The overturning of Rowe a glaring case in point. Alito writes excessively about the historical banning of abortions, but he begins that history in the middle of the 19th century, long after all the founders were dead and gone. A true "originalist" renders legal decisions based on the understanding of legal matters by the framers, at the time the Constitution was ratified, the end of the 18th century.

In this case, we are talking about the understanding of legal matters by those jurists, and Congressional representatives, that were in office at the time of the ratification of the 14th amendment, and therein lies the brilliance of the above Amicus Brief. It documents quotations from the Congressional debate over the 14th amendment.

The eloquence here is that, currently, the SCOTUS is viewed very poorly by the American public. And now, this Amicus Brief is part of the public record. While I am quite sure not a single jackass Trump supporter will make it through the first four pages, legal students for the next three generations will. Engaged and informed citizens, both lawyers and non-lawyers, will read that Amicus Brief. And if the SCOTUS reverses Colorado's decision, well they will have removed all doubt, and revealed themselves to be rabid partisan hacks everyone suspected they were.
Interesting that the opinion of these never Trumpers is that Maine's action was unconstitutional

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