Surprise, Surprise - Obama Hasn't Chosen to Politicize THIS Yet...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Chicago on Monday: Sixteen shot in eleven hours, five are killed

Chicago on Monday: Sixteen shot in eleven hours, five are killed

"Sixteen people were shot in an 11-hour period Monday, including two along a Safe Passage route in the West Englewood neighborhood, according to authorities.

The shootings – from Cragin on the Northwest Side to Roseland on the Far South Side – left five dead. Those shot ranged in age from 16 to 56. Several survivors were left in critical condition.

The burst of shootings came after no one was reported shot in the city through most of the day Sunday into early Monday"

In the first ten days of the New Year, more than 100 people were shot in Chicago.


Wow, Chicago almost went a whole day without someone being shot / killed....

Both Rhambo and Obama have chosen NOT to politicize this or the fact that already Chicago's 2016 pace for gun violence surpasses at this point its 2015 record-setting year for gun violence/deaths.
- Obviously this situation calls for removing more weapons from the hands of law-abiding citizens and making it harder for them to obtain weapons.

So you finally beat Oblama in this event of politicization of the event, now you are just like Oblama...
So you want Obama to advocate tighter gun control?

He already has
I would ssay, who cares about the killings in Chicago when Rham is limiting the force of the police. Until they decide to get serious, nothing will happen and the most anyone can do is shrug their shoulders.

Guiliano made New York a better place and he didn't do it by blaming cops.
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The reason they aren't going to use Chicago as an example, is because it has some of the tightest control and gun laws in the nation, it would create a hole in their logic.

The whole contrived false narrative and reason for gun control would begin to crumble if a national spot light were shone on Chicago. Folks would start to wake up and start to realize that guns aren't the reason for gun violence, it's the people and the laws, it's the culture that causes violence, not the guns.

Get rid of the poverty and the lack of hope, you will get rid of the gun deaths.

Do away with the idea that violence solves problems, and folks will work together rather than against each other.

It has nothing to do with the guns.
So you want Obama to advocate tighter gun control?

He already has
Only a brain dead idiot would think more laws would have stopped these... Lol

Black on black crime is "conveniently" ignored by Barry...
So you want Obama to advocate tighter gun control?

He already has
yea, because everyone knows tighter gun control would suppress the black market.

Especially when that black market can get their guns only 20 miles outside the city
There you go again, thinking you know your ass from a hole in the ground. With your vast knowledge of where to get "black market guns"... Please do tell us of this location??
Rightwinger knows where all the black market guns come from... 20 miles outside of Chicago.
Too bad law enforcement just doesn't get directions from rightwinger and shut those pesky "black markets" down??

...and maybe someday they will figure out most guns used in crime are STOLEN
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LINK: Chicago on Monday: Sixteen shot in eleven hours, five are killed

Chicago on Monday: Sixteen shot in eleven hours, five are killed

"Sixteen people were shot in an 11-hour period Monday, including two along a Safe Passage route in the West Englewood neighborhood, according to authorities.

The shootings – from Cragin on the Northwest Side to Roseland on the Far South Side – left five dead. Those shot ranged in age from 16 to 56. Several survivors were left in critical condition.

The burst of shootings came after no one was reported shot in the city through most of the day Sunday into early Monday"

In the first ten days of the New Year, more than 100 people were shot in Chicago.


Wow, Chicago almost went a whole day without someone being shot / killed....

Both Rhambo and Obama have chosen NOT to politicize this or the fact that already Chicago's 2016 pace for gun violence surpasses at this point its 2015 record-setting year for gun violence/deaths.
- Obviously this situation calls for removing more weapons from the hands of law-abiding citizens and making it harder for them to obtain weapons.

Why are you politicizing it?
I'm not politicizing Chicago's ignored, record-breaking shooting/murder rate. I am pointing out how Obama cherry-picks shooting incidents and ignores those that don't help further his agenda. If he really cared about victims he would be mentioning Chicago's and the nation's violence stats every week and taking action - action that would really make a difference - to do something about it.

Chicago has turned into a 'jungle', the 'wild west'. At this point I would consider bringing in the Guard/Reserve. Let them patrol the streets. Let them get training in 'building-to-building combat by going in and confiscating illegal weapons from the gangs, and let them 'destroy' the gangs, take back the streets and the city. Instead Chicago is being ignored and it's record-setting gun violence/murder rate being quietly reported. The story doesn't further Obama's agenda, but it is still important and should be addressed.
So you want Obama to advocate tighter gun control?

He already has
yea, because everyone knows tighter gun control would suppress the black market.

Especially when that black market can get their guns only 20 miles outside the city
There you go again, thinking you know your ass from a hole in the ground. With your vast knowledge of where to get "black market guns"... Please do tell us of this location??

Yeah... I'm sure they are driving 20 miles to get guns.

You'd think the callous bastards would at least be concerned about all the Democratic votes they are losing....but, nevermind that, the Dead vote Democratic in Chicago anyway.

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