Susan Rice claims America under assault by Trump admin


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Obama’s former national security advisor claims the United States is ‘under assault’ from the Trump administration.
Susan Rice Claims America “Under Assault” by Trump Admin

Meanwhile these idiots are telling their asses it's not the ppl Obama and this bitch claim , they speak of themselves. This is what you can get their lower informed idiots to understand.
Obama the name explains it all................... useful idiots gathering more idiots.
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Is she claiming it is due to an internet video again?
Isn't she the one that was caught in bold face lies on at least three separate occasions?...Why do these people think they still have cred in this nation...lie after lie and we are just suppose to sit and take it....amazingly arrogant to say the least...shes a liar...
As apposed to formerly being under attack by this jackboot goosestepping b*tch


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