Suspicious lawyer finds malware on external hard drive supplied by police lawyer in discovery


Apr 14, 2015
Suspicious lawyer finds malware on external hard drive supplied by police lawyer in discovery

By Debra Cassens Weiss | ABA Journal
Posted Apr 14, 2015


Image from Shutterstock.

An Arkansas lawyer is seeking sanctions after his computer expert found malware on an external hard drive supplied in response to a discovery request.

Lawyer Matthew Campbell of North Little Rock says he became suspicious when he received the hard drive by Federal Express in June 2014 from a lawyer for the Fort Smith Police Department, the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette reports. Previous evidence in the police whistleblower case had been provided by email or a cloud-based Internet storage service, or had been shipped through the U.S. Postal Service.

“I thought, ‘I’m not plugging that into my computer,’ ” Campbell told the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette. “Something didn’t add up in the way they approached it, so I sent it to my software guy first.”

The technology expert found four Trojans on the hard drive. “These Trojans were designed to steal passwords, install malicious software and give someone else command and control of the infected computer,” Campbell says in a brief supporting his motion for sanctions (PDF).

The security expert said in an affidavit that the Trojans were in a subfolder rather than the root directory, indicating they were “more likely placed in that folder intentionally with the goal of taking command of Mr. Campbell’s computer while also stealing passwords to his account.”

Full Story:

Suspicious lawyer finds malware on external hard drive supplied by police lawyer in discovery

Sometimes it's hard to wrap your head around a story. This is probably the most bizarre story I've read today. Sheesh.
Assume that this being a news story the police lawyer is suspected of installing the malware and not was a victim of it himself who then passed an infected drive along?
Assume that this being a news story the police lawyer is suspected of installing the malware and not was a victim of it himself who then passed an infected drive along?

I dunno.

"Campbell says he doesn’t know who placed the malware on the hard drive, according to the Democrat Gazette. He represents three current and former police officers who contended they were subjected to multiple investigations after revealing improprieties in the department.

The motion for sanctions says malware is not the only discovery problem."
I often wonder if the corruption in the various police departments actually has been rising, or if it has just been reported more in the media because the internet makes it more apparent.

I have a hard time believe that everyday men and women of the towns and cities that compose our local police forces are actually becoming more corrupt. It makes me wonder. . . . :eusa_think:
I often wonder if the corruption in the various police departments actually has been rising, or if it has just been reported more in the media because the internet makes it more apparent.

I have a hard time believe that everyday men and women of the towns and cities that compose our local police forces are actually becoming more corrupt. It makes me wonder. . . . :eusa_think:

It's both -- better independent reporting and more corruption.

The mainstream media is largely a captured entity and this is where alternative media shines. The independents involved in getting the story out don't have to worry about corporate sponsors, political sponsors or the politically correct.

A lot of the increased corruption follows US government criminal conduct domestically and urban pacification operations in the middle east. A great many crimes and war crimes have been committed and these operations have badly damaged an entire generation. Murder, torture, kidnapping, secret prisons, rape, theft and more -- O God -- so much more. These damaged people, people very susceptible to propaganda, are moving into policing and other positions of power ....... and are carrying a lot of baggage with them. We've seen this process before at times in the past -- google "Jon Burge torture" for an example of this.

A few years back, a police "team" forced entry into a house in Georgia -- and a team member promptly put hoods on the heads of the residents. Sound familiar? We are not in Kansas anymore.
Well see, what worries me on this issue is a matter of local and individual sovereignty. What I know is that tales of local corruption play into the hands of the elites. What we need is a more honest local police force, and an honest, clean uncorrupted local legal system of law.

It is the plan, and has been that plan for some time by the national and international elites to show that local law, both the police, and courts are corrupt, and thus necessitate the need for a federal intervention. This is what happened during the heady days of segregation when laws that combated Jim Crow could not be enforced by clearly racist and biased local law enforcement. Federal law and troops were needed to make sure that the laws were fairly enforced and the various local law was not corrupted.

The best way to do away with local power is for elite media to show how the system is breaking down, and to remove the power of local people over their own affairs. If what you say is true, this is a monster of our own making. These folks come back from working with a corrupted national culture to work in the local law enforcement. Then they besmirch the good name of local communities. Once the local law enforcement's good name is corrupted, eventually, people will ask the national government to take over, not realizing, THIS is where the problem started in the first place. THIS is not where the solution lay. They are playing right into the hands of the nation elites that run the whole show. They WANT these local law enforcement folks to make local citizens cry out for an end to local control over local affairs, it will make establishing martial law and a national police state that much easier.

If we think abuse and corruption of law is bad now, wait until the LEO's don't come from the same communities that they patrol. . . .
Well see, what worries me on this issue is a matter of local and individual sovereignty. What I know is that tales of local corruption play into the hands of the elites.

Yes; but once the elites set a goal, they will use any excuse to get there. Close off one excuse and they will engineer another. They are all the more dangerous because they have the power of the mainstream media corporations behind them.

They only way to stop this cycle of violence is to physically remove them from power and put them on trial. This is not really a big deal -- after all -- this ruling federal mafia has utterly failed in all aspects of normal governance. They have been looting our country openly since 2008. They are waging aggressive war. They are committing crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity ...... around the globe.

There are no compelling reasons to keep these criminals in power.
I'm open to ideas on how to get rid of them. They compose the bulk of both parties. I've not yet heard of a single candidate that isn't connected to the establishment.

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