"Swatting" prank turns deadly..............

The 4th amendment needs to be more strictly enforced. Fuck Bush-era policies.

Did he stop 9/11? No? Fuck him.

How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

Like I said, the cops didn't know it was a fake call.

If you were a cop and a 911 dispatcher told you that there was a murder in progress, are you going to stop and ask them if they are sure it's not a prank? No, you are going to head to the call, thinking it's real. And, you are going to be prepared for someone with a weapon, which means your adrenaline is going to be pumping.

The poor kid that was shot had no idea what was going on. All he knew is that a SWAT team showed up at his house for no reason and started beating down the door. And, because he didn't know what was going on, he may not have complied like they told him to, resulting in him getting shot.

And, in most calls like this, the police have to clear the entire house to make sure there are no more dead people or weapons around.

If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot that called SWAT in the first place, not the cops who showed up thinking it was real.

Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.

The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.
The 4th amendment needs to be more strictly enforced. Fuck Bush-era policies.

Did he stop 9/11? No? Fuck him. The intelligence was made available for him, too.
He just wanted to expand the government, which he did, in spades.

This is on par with cops kicking a guy's door in for a dime bag and throwing a flashbang into a baby's crib.

Oh, come off it! This has nothing to do with that situation. Apparently you didn't read the article.

As for Bush, you are out to lunch there also!
The 4th amendment needs to be more strictly enforced. Fuck Bush-era policies.

Did he stop 9/11? No? Fuck him.

How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

They don't need a warrant! If they took time to get a warrant, potentially more people could die.

They are acting with probable cause based on the 911 call.

If the kid made a stupid move, it is his own fault. If it was the cop's fault, they'll handle that too!
the man killed was not a gamer...the 2nd gamer gave a fake address apparently in response to the 1st gamers threats....pranks and guns are not a good combo...the only people armed were the police
The 4th amendment needs to be more strictly enforced. Fuck Bush-era policies.

Did he stop 9/11? No? Fuck him.

How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Did they see a body? Wtf? Why are you supporting idiotic statism?

That is really pathetic! You are better than that!
It seems like the law/authorities go easy on pranksters, whether illegitimate 911 calls or fake hate crimes.
he was not a kid....first of all...he opened his door to see what the noise was about....somethng most men with kids in the house might do
The 4th amendment needs to be more strictly enforced. Fuck Bush-era policies.

Did he stop 9/11? No? Fuck him.

How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

No. You are not right, in any way shape or form.
How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

Like I said, the cops didn't know it was a fake call.

If you were a cop and a 911 dispatcher told you that there was a murder in progress, are you going to stop and ask them if they are sure it's not a prank? No, you are going to head to the call, thinking it's real. And, you are going to be prepared for someone with a weapon, which means your adrenaline is going to be pumping.

The poor kid that was shot had no idea what was going on. All he knew is that a SWAT team showed up at his house for no reason and started beating down the door. And, because he didn't know what was going on, he may not have complied like they told him to, resulting in him getting shot.

And, in most calls like this, the police have to clear the entire house to make sure there are no more dead people or weapons around.

If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot that called SWAT in the first place, not the cops who showed up thinking it was real.

He didn't have to open the door. People that are the midst of committing murders probably usually don't. :rolleyes:

Just saying. This is bad police protocol. Let me know if you see something else to disprove that.

They shot an innocent man, he's never coming back. He was probably more of a boy. Would you consider it a justified shooting? I do not.

I consider that some bullshit. They had no right Constitutionally.

So what do YOU propose they do, genius?

Look at the article. Does he look like a boy to you?
How are you going to do that? The cops don't know that it's a prank call when they get it. And, because of the situation they are called out for, they have to be ready for anything.

The only way they would know it was a prank would be to actually go to the place and check it out, but they wouldn't know that until after they got there and checked out the people.

In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

Like I said, the cops didn't know it was a fake call.

If you were a cop and a 911 dispatcher told you that there was a murder in progress, are you going to stop and ask them if they are sure it's not a prank? No, you are going to head to the call, thinking it's real. And, you are going to be prepared for someone with a weapon, which means your adrenaline is going to be pumping.

The poor kid that was shot had no idea what was going on. All he knew is that a SWAT team showed up at his house for no reason and started beating down the door. And, because he didn't know what was going on, he may not have complied like they told him to, resulting in him getting shot.

And, in most calls like this, the police have to clear the entire house to make sure there are no more dead people or weapons around.

If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot that called SWAT in the first place, not the cops who showed up thinking it was real.

Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.

The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

That's not depraved indifference.
Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.
The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

Cop MUST be charged with negligent homicide. If for no other reason than to save innocent lives. Otherwise we have a free pass for select slayings orchestrated by very corrupt individuals.
Like the woman from Australia who was murdered by cops. NO excuse for that.

It MUST not be the prerogative of ANY Law Enforcement agency to take an innocent life.
We would better off with mob justice if that's the case. Prove that the cop didn't simply enjoy the killing. PROVE it.

If he NEGLIGENTLY killed an innocent person, he MUST be charged with the crime and face the consequences. He was supposedly trained. Training shoud NEVER include killing innocent people ESPECIALLY when there was no threat. And there must be serious enough consequences to deter any who might have a twitchy trigger finger.

This is inexcusable. Jail Time for the cop or We The People should raise hell.
Minimum 5 years.
Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.
The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

Cop MUST be charged with negligent homicide. If for no other reason than to save innocent lives.

It MUST not be the prerogative of ANY Law Enforcement agency to take an innocent life.
We would better off with mob justice if that's the case.

If he NEGLIGENTLY killed an innocent person, he MUST be charged with the crime and face the consequences. He was supposedly trained. Training shoud NEVER include killing innocent people ESPECIALLY when there was no threat.

This is inexcusable. Jail Time for the cop or We The People should raise hell.
Minimum 5 years.

Another moron that did not read the article!
In what manner did they "check it out"? Did they have a warrant? What judge signed that warrant?

Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

Like I said, the cops didn't know it was a fake call.

If you were a cop and a 911 dispatcher told you that there was a murder in progress, are you going to stop and ask them if they are sure it's not a prank? No, you are going to head to the call, thinking it's real. And, you are going to be prepared for someone with a weapon, which means your adrenaline is going to be pumping.

The poor kid that was shot had no idea what was going on. All he knew is that a SWAT team showed up at his house for no reason and started beating down the door. And, because he didn't know what was going on, he may not have complied like they told him to, resulting in him getting shot.

And, in most calls like this, the police have to clear the entire house to make sure there are no more dead people or weapons around.

If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot that called SWAT in the first place, not the cops who showed up thinking it was real.

Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.

The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

That's not depraved indifference.

he called cops on an unsuspecting household and told the cops a murder was ongoing. What did he expect to happen?
I feel terrible for the family and for the cop. I don’t know how I would live with myself if I were in the situation the cop is in.
Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.
The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

Cop MUST be charged with negligent homicide. If for no other reason than to save innocent lives. Otherwise we have a free pass for select slayings orchestrated by very corrupt individuals.
Like the woman from Australia who was murdered by cops. NO excuse for that.

It MUST not be the prerogative of ANY Law Enforcement agency to take an innocent life.
We would better off with mob justice if that's the case. Prove that the cop didn't simply enjoy the killing. PROVE it.

If he NEGLIGENTLY killed an innocent person, he MUST be charged with the crime and face the consequences. He was supposedly trained. Training shoud NEVER include killing innocent people ESPECIALLY when there was no threat. And there must be serious enough consequences to deter any who might have a twitchy trigger finger.

This is inexcusable. Jail Time for the cop or We The People should raise hell.
Minimum 5 years.

Firing them in most cases is enough. He was responding to what he thought was a real call, he was acting as an agent of the State.

as long as he followed procedure, he shouldn't be charged, and if all he did was react too quickly, all that should happen is he should never be a law enforcement officer again.

Of course if he got out of his vehicle guns blazing, then charge him. we need to know all the details.

And LOL on a keyboard commando like you raising hell.
Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.
The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

Cop MUST be charged with negligent homicide. If for no other reason than to save innocent lives. Otherwise we have a free pass for select slayings orchestrated by very corrupt individuals.
Like the woman from Australia who was murdered by cops. NO excuse for that.

It MUST not be the prerogative of ANY Law Enforcement agency to take an innocent life.
We would better off with mob justice if that's the case. Prove that the cop didn't simply enjoy the killing. PROVE it.

If he NEGLIGENTLY killed an innocent person, he MUST be charged with the crime and face the consequences. He was supposedly trained. Training shoud NEVER include killing innocent people ESPECIALLY when there was no threat. And there must be serious enough consequences to deter any who might have a twitchy trigger finger.

This is inexcusable. Jail Time for the cop or We The People should raise hell.
Minimum 5 years.

Firing them in most cases is enough. He was responding to what he thought was a real call, he was acting as an agent of the State.

as long as he followed procedure, he shouldn't be charged, and if all he did was react too quickly, all that should happen is he should never be a law enforcement officer again.

Of course if he got out of his vehicle guns blazing, then charge him. we need to know all the details.

And LOL on a keyboard commando like you raising hell.
It is a terrible situation all around. As for the cop, a split second decision has changed his life forever and taken out the life of an innocent human being.
It is really difficult to move your arms at all without getting a hand near the waistband, even if you are trying to put your hands up. People don't think that simply moving an arm will get them shot.
Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.
The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

Cop MUST be charged with negligent homicide. If for no other reason than to save innocent lives. Otherwise we have a free pass for select slayings orchestrated by very corrupt individuals.
Like the woman from Australia who was murdered by cops. NO excuse for that.

It MUST not be the prerogative of ANY Law Enforcement agency to take an innocent life.
We would better off with mob justice if that's the case. Prove that the cop didn't simply enjoy the killing. PROVE it.

If he NEGLIGENTLY killed an innocent person, he MUST be charged with the crime and face the consequences. He was supposedly trained. Training shoud NEVER include killing innocent people ESPECIALLY when there was no threat. And there must be serious enough consequences to deter any who might have a twitchy trigger finger.

This is inexcusable. Jail Time for the cop or We The People should raise hell.
Minimum 5 years.

Firing them in most cases is enough. He was responding to what he thought was a real call, he was acting as an agent of the State.

as long as he followed procedure, he shouldn't be charged, and if all he did was react too quickly, all that should happen is he should never be a law enforcement officer again.

Of course if he got out of his vehicle guns blazing, then charge him. we need to know all the details.

And LOL on a keyboard commando like you raising hell.
It is a terrible situation all around. As for the cop, a split second decision has changed his life forever and taken out the life of an innocent human being.

It must be terrible for him, but you can't trust him with a badge again.

We need more details on how the shoot went down.
Read the article Marion. One guy called 911 to report a murder and sent the police to the other guys house. The police only knew they had a 911 call that was reporting a murder, and, in cases like that, they have to show up and check things out to make sure everyone is okay.

It's not something that requires a warrant because when the 911 call goes into the police and they think it is real (which they did), they then consider the address listed in the call as an active crime scene where crime is occurring.

They would only know it was fake when they get there and interview the people there.

Or after they shoot an innocent kid dead, amirite?

Like I said, the cops didn't know it was a fake call.

If you were a cop and a 911 dispatcher told you that there was a murder in progress, are you going to stop and ask them if they are sure it's not a prank? No, you are going to head to the call, thinking it's real. And, you are going to be prepared for someone with a weapon, which means your adrenaline is going to be pumping.

The poor kid that was shot had no idea what was going on. All he knew is that a SWAT team showed up at his house for no reason and started beating down the door. And, because he didn't know what was going on, he may not have complied like they told him to, resulting in him getting shot.

And, in most calls like this, the police have to clear the entire house to make sure there are no more dead people or weapons around.

If you want to blame someone, blame the idiot that called SWAT in the first place, not the cops who showed up thinking it was real.

Even if the cops thought the call was real, going in guns blazing is not proper procedure. If they cop shot him with no evidence of a threat, said cop should never have a badge again.

With great power comes great responsibility.

The guy who called it in however is guilty of depraved indifference.

That's not depraved indifference.

he called cops on an unsuspecting household and told the cops a murder was ongoing. What did he expect to happen?

That's murder, just as though the getaway driver gets charged when police catch the bank robber who killed a bank teller. The result of the crime was a homicide.

Of course that all depends on the state's law.

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