Sweden suspends Moderna vaccine for those 30 and under


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Safe and effective.

“The reason for the pausing is “signals of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium” — the double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the main vessels, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said in a statement. “The risk of being affected is very small.” and “U.S. and European regulators caution, however, that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines appear linked to a rare reaction in teenagers and young adults — chest pain and heart inflammation.”

Meanwhile in Biden’s America of sick illegals being allowed in:

More have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

yeah we keep hearing from reasonable countries weather dude, and it amounts to no more than><>>>


Safe and effective.

“The reason for the pausing is “signals of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium” — the double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the main vessels, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said in a statement. “The risk of being affected is very small.” and “U.S. and European regulators caution, however, that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines appear linked to a rare reaction in teenagers and young adults — chest pain and heart inflammation.”

Meanwhile in Biden’s America of sick illegals being allowed in:

More have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

I'm glad somebody is finally being honest about how dangerous this shit can be.
One by one, not only Sweden but the whole world, will start suspending all experimental Covid vaccines...

They know they are poison.....they know about the horrible secondary effects ....that will happen in time....they can not hide it anymore.
that will happen in time....they can not hide it anymore.

but they sure are tryin' to skye

betcha that FB 'whistleblower' is really a black op plant

cia disinformation campaign, alive and well in '21

Safe and effective.

“The reason for the pausing is “signals of an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium” — the double-walled sac containing the heart and the roots of the main vessels, Sweden’s Public Health Agency said in a statement. “The risk of being affected is very small.” and “U.S. and European regulators caution, however, that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines appear linked to a rare reaction in teenagers and young adults — chest pain and heart inflammation.”

Meanwhile in Biden’s America of sick illegals being allowed in:

More have died from COVID-19 this year than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

No, Dipshit, you took this from Skye’s thread in Health and Lifestyle, which is the OP posted two minutes before this one. It also has pics of funky communist dog and cattle ticks from Wuhan, while this thread does not.
Furthermore, it was on Sakinago’s thread of 14 Jul 2021, post #7 that it was first brought up:
‘....people under 30....’
No, Dipshit, you took this from Skye’s thread in Health and Lifestyle, which is the OP posted two minutes before this one. It also has pics of funky communist dog and cattle ticks from Wuhan, while this thread does not.
Stop using meth.
Furthermore, it was on Sakinago’s thread of 14 Jul 2021, post #7 that it was first brought up:
‘....people under 30....’
Talk to ABC and stop using Meth.
There have been more cases of myocarditis with pfizer than moderna, so I find this decision odd. I think I would recommend J&J over either. Typically the weaker the vaccine the less likely the chance of myocarditis, but even so VAERS only had something like 625 reported cases as of June and only 268 were actually confirmed. This was from 19 million vaccinations of those 25 and under. That's .000001%.

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