What are Nanoparticles? Is Nanotech Used In COVID-19 Vaccines?

The shots are bioweapons because they meet the definition of a bioweapon as written in 18USC175 and many if not all state statutes.

A human injected with that serum is not likely to want to understand those simple facts, but that's just the way we humans behave. Cognitive dissonance, a failure to confront unpleasant facts, is very much a part of the human condition.
It does not meet the definition of a bioweapon according to the statute.
Insurance Money

They (family members) are having to call these COVID-19 vaccine "died suddenly" deaths... "suicide" They cannot get access to the insurance money with a cause of death being died suddenly. They are choosing to call the sudden deaths; suicide which is just awful, but its just business.

Thousands of people saw 30 year old Grayson Murray get ill while at the PGA tournament and then withdraw.... then he dropped dead. He was happy - he was not trying to kill himself. Those insurance policies state they will not pay out for certain causes. An unknown "died suddenly" death being one of them.

Families are saying oh well... then he held his breath until he died, or something to that effect just to get the insurance money released.
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More in-depth information on lipid nanoparticles in the COVID vaccines

The ready-to-use mRNA vaccine [from Pfizer] contains DNA impurities that exceed the permitted limit value by several hundred times and, in some cases, even more than 500 times.” Its findings raise fears that the foreign DNA may integrate into that of the vaccinated person’s, causing mutations that can lead to diseases such as cancer.

Modified mRNA vaccines work by encapsulating the RNA sequence of the COVID-19 spike protein into lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). The LNPs can then deliver the RNA payload into the body’s cells. The RNA is then integrated into the person’s genetics so they will produce the COVID-19 spike protein, which the body can then develop an immune response to.

But according to the May 8 study, mRNA is not the only genetic information being injected into people. "Wow!" The discovery of massive amounts of genetic contamination indicates that the vaccinated may have mutated, having the new DNA become part of their genetic makeup.

“It should also be taken into account that DNA impurities in the vaccine are apparently integrated into the LNPs, and are thus transported directly into the cells of a vaccinated person just like the mRNA active ingredient,” the study authors wrote. :sad:
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Red Flag

The political left and federal government keeps going after the NRA for making deadly weapons and picking fights with them, yet the government serves caviar, filet mignon, and red wine to the laboratory and scientific big Pharma makers of deadly weapons.

Ironically, the political left will look the other way even with big Pharma (who has absolutely no love for them) tricking them into being guinea pigs for their deadly weapons.

People who committed no crimes opted to get lethal injections... carried to them on a lipid nanoparticle of caner then death.
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It does not meet the definition of a bioweapon according to the statute.
Only for a person with an emotional investment does it not meet the definition, for a person experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Because of the disparity in batches (it was an experiment, remember?) there are differences in toxicity. Those recipients that did not die from the shot are greatly harmed by them. They are considered to be "countermeasures" in military parlance. Wake up and smell the napalm sir.
Only for a person with an emotional investment does it not meet the definition, for a person experiencing cognitive dissonance.

Because of the disparity in batches (it was an experiment, remember?) there are differences in toxicity. Those recipients that did not die from the shot are greatly harmed by them. They are considered to be "countermeasures" in military parlance. Wake up and smell the napalm sir.
First sentence: FALSE Does not take into account, not taking into context training in legalize. Also does not take into account specific professional training and schooling on Nuclear, Chemical and Biologic Weapons, utilization, tactics, and strategy.

Third Sentence: TRUE But, this also bodes poorly for theory of being bio-weapon.
Fourth Sentence: FALSE. Based on personal history of many inoculations with "the jab".
Fifth Sentence: FALSE. Not a countermeasure. Does not work on all.
You would have failed NBC School, if not changing to understand course material, from preconceived notions, popular before entry into the school.
Both Coronavirus (SARS) in the air... and the COVID-19 vaccines are 100% biological weapons/biological warfare.

Many are usually too blind-sided by either politics or religion to ever allow in opposing views. For now I'll bring in the definitions and discuss it further later. I have to go workout now. Biological weapons are no longer just a chemical agent or some sort of nuke. The evolution of AI technology along with the advancement of medical and scientific aspirations by passing FDA and HIPPA blockages have brought in a new era of respiratory BOW streams.

Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, is the use of biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill, harm or incapacitate humans, animals or plants as an act of war.

Biological weapon,
any of a number of disease-producing agents—such as bacteria, viruses, rickettsiae, fungi, toxins, or other biological agents—that may be utilized as weapons against humans, animals, or plants.

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