T-Paw Speaking Sanity, Obama Won For His Leadership, Not Free Stuff


Registered Democrat
Jun 20, 2012
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Did you bother to watch the video, he didn't say that at all. Just because he used the word as applied to Maobama voters doesn't mean he held that opinion. Massive FAIL for attempted deception.
You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.
“I think President Obama, first of all, just tactically did a better job getting out the vote in his campaign,” Pawlenty told C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers,” in an interview set to air Sunday. “But number two, he, at least at the margins, was better able to connect with people in this campaign.”

He added that Obama’s supporters weren’t “looking at the election and saying, ‘I’m going to vote because of gifts.’ I think they looked at it and said which one of these candidates would they prefer because of leadership consideration and also can understand their needs best,” he explained.

Let’s hope more sensible republicans continue to denounce the ‘gifts’ myth.
You almost gotta laugh. Democrats still aren't confident enough to support the freaking president. They have to fall back on old rino republicans for their opinion rather than tell us how great Hussein is. By the way, where is the president these days? The CIA is under fire and the FBI is under fire and Israel is in a pretty hot conflict. Oh yeah, when the going gets rough the president gets going. He is on vacation in Asia.
Pawlenty is one of the biggest RINO shoe salesmen of them all.

Promised not to raise taxes, then raised taxes and call them "fees", pimped for taxpayer funds for Target Field, signed off on smoking bans, is a flunky for the individual mandate, a "green energy" and cap'n tax rube...About the only place a lolberal fruitcake like that could run as a republican, outside of the left coast and New England, is Minnesnowta.

No wonder lolberal moonbats like him.
You almost gotta laugh. Democrats still aren't confident enough to support the freaking president. They have to fall back on old rino republicans for their opinion rather than tell us how great Hussein is. By the way, where is the president these days? The CIA is under fire and the FBI is under fire and Israel is in a pretty hot conflict. Oh yeah, when the going gets rough the president gets going. He is on vacation in Asia.

Somehow or other this is still Boooosh's fault.
You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.

Provide proof where Obama stated he would give "free stuff" to the people that voted for him.
No proof = you are another radical right wing brainwashed piece of shit.
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Proved proof where Romney said he wanted dirty air and dirty water or where Ryan said he wanted to push an old lady in a wheelchair over a cliff....

proof = you are another radical left wing brainwashed piece of shit.
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You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.

Proved proof where Obama stated he would give "free stuff" if you voted for him.

Proved proof where Romney said he wanted dirty air and dirty water or where Ryan said he wanted to push an old lady in a wheelchair over a cliff....

proof = you are another radical left wing brainwashed piece of shit.

Geeking on meth and posting is a bad thing. Try again in a few days.
You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.

So Romney's gift of an across the board 20% tax cut was better how exactly?
You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.

So Romney's gift of an across the board 20% tax cut was better how exactly?

Still haven't been able to distinguish the difference between tax reform where rates are lowered and loophole are closed and a tax cut. Or are you just like Maobama, you'd prefer to lie even when the truth woulld serve you better. You really are pathetic.
Pawlenty clearly said Obama won because the voters saw better leadership values in Obama than they did in Romney, and that it was wrong to say it was something as simple as "gifts".

And he is right.

If you want to see a stark example of the problem with Republicans today, I challenge each and every one of you to scan the most recent ten pages of the US Discussion Politics section of this forum.

As you scan those pages, I would like you to come back here and link to every topic you find that was started by a right winger, conservative, Republican, whathaveyou, that was a positive proposition.

Hell, go back 100 pages if you can.

I defy any of you to find a single topic where a Republican did NOT start a topic that was more than an attack of one kind or another on the left or Obama.

When all the piss drinkers know how to do is attack, that communicates they are a bankrupt philosophy. They have nothing to offer.

Nada. Zilch. Zero.

No plan. At all.

THAT is why the GOP lost. They have become a pack of howling rabid dogs.

Pawlenty is right. They did not put a plan on the table.

Romney didn't have the balls to lay out any specifics of his plans. Just a lot of hot air.

When you are that chickenshit, the current occupant of the position is going to whip your ass.

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You have to be flat out stupid to think that Obama didn't buy this election by offering various "gifts". Have enough self-respect to not lie to yourself, let alone lie to others. He sub-divided this nation and pandered to each group.

Provide proof where Obama stated he would give "free stuff" to the people that voted for him.
No proof = you are another radical right wing brainwashed piece of shit.

Oh please. You are really not that dense are you?

College students.. more grants..cheaper loans..the ability to default after so many years...

Hispanics... the DREAM Act by fiat...more promises of comprehensive amnesty.

And so on...

You can fill in the rest. It would be hard to find a group that Obama hasn't promised things other than middle aged white men and rich people. To those, he promised to let them pull the wagon while everyone else piles on.
Pawlenty clearly said Obama won because the voters saw better leadership values in Obama than they did in Romney, and that it was wrong to say it was something as simple as "gifts".

And he is right.

If you want to see a stark example of the problem with Republicans today, I challenge each and every one of you to scan the most recent ten pages of the US Discussion Politics section of this forum.

As you scan those pages, I would like you to come back here and link to every topic you find that was started by a right winger, conservative, Republican, whathaveyou, that was a positive proposition.

Hell, go back 100 pages if you can.

I defy any of you to find a single topic where a Republican did NOT start a topic that was more than an attack of one kind or another on the left or Obama.

When all the piss drinkers know how to do is attack, that communicates they are a bankrupt philosophy. They have nothing to offer.

Nada. Zilch. Zero.

No plan. At all.

THAT is why the GOP lost. They have become a pack of howling rabid dogs.

Pawlenty is right. They did not put a plan on the table.

Romney didn't have the balls to lay out any specifics of his plans. Just a lot of hot air.

When you are that chickenshit, the current occupant of the position is going to whip your ass.


What Pawlenty is doing is trying to position himself as a reasonable moderate in the hopes that he can make people like him and possibly try for another run in the future. It doesn't do to try to ingratiate yourself with liberals as he's doing. It's time for people in this nation to face the hard truths. Yes, Obama did make specific promises to the demographics he chose to pander to. It worked well for him and it's ridiculous for people to have a cow because Romney said it out loud.

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